Я создаю игру в шахматы, которая использует несколько разных файлов Python.Я столкнулся с ошибкой не инициализированных видеосистем, относящихся к pygame.display.update()
.Я пробовал так много вещей, чтобы инициализировать программу и не уверен в проблеме.Может быть, проблема связана с отсутствующей строкой кода или чем-то?
Уже предпринята попытка переустановить pygame, убедившись, что для каждого файла есть инициализация s.
здесь - исполняемый файл, но недругие связанные файлы для программы, я могу прикрепить их при необходимости: Вот выдержка из программы:
import pygame
from pygame.locals import *
from chessboard import cboard
from chessboard.move import movement
#import subprocess
import threading
from player.minmax import minimax
class play():
game = None
clock = None
board1 = None #'first' board
allsquares = None
allPieces = None
player = None #current player
square_parameters = None
image_select = None
legal_select = None
c_reset = None
mx = None
my = None
prevx = None
prevy = None
endgame = None
ai = None #ai 'board'
def __init__(self):
pygame.init() #initialises window
self.game = pygame.display.set_mode((800,800)) #tuple window size
pygame.display.set_caption('Chess World!') #title
self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() #initialises clock
#calls to board class in chessboard.py
self.board1 = cboard.Board()
self.board1.draw_board() #executes fucntion draw_board in class Board
#following initialisations
self.allsquares = []
self.allPieces = []
self.player = self.board1.player
self.square_parameters = self.create_squareParams
self.image_select = None
self.legal_select = None
self.c_reset = []
self.mx, self.my = pygame.mouse.get_pos() #attachs mouse to pieces in mx,my
self.prevx, self.prevy = [0, 0]
self.ai = False
self.endgame = False
while not self.endgame:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
pygame.quit() #closes window
#handled piece moving legally
elif (event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN) and not (self.ai):
if self.image_select == None:
self.mx, self.my = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
for piece in range(len(self.allPieces)):
if self.allPieces[piece][2].relate == self.player:
if self.allPieces[piece][1][0] < self.mx < self.allPieces[piece][1][0] + 100:
if self.allPieces[piece][1][1] < self.my < self.allPieces[piece][1][1] + 100:
self.image_select = piece
self.prevx = self.allPieces[piece][1][0]
self.prevy = self.allPieces[piece][1][1]
self.legal_select = self.allPieces[self.image_select][2].legal_moves(self.board1)
for legal in self.legal_select:
self.c_reset.append([legal, self.allsquares[legal][0]])
if self.allsquares[legal][0] == (66, 134, 244) or self.allsquares[legal][0] == (29, 81, 39):
self.allsquares[legal][0] = (135, 46, 40)
self.allsquares[legal][0] = (183, 65, 56)
#dragging piece
if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and not self.image_select == None and not self.ai:
self.mx, self.my = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
self.allsquares[self.image_select][1][0] = self.mx - 50
self.allsquares[self.image_select][1][1] = self.my - 50
#dropping piece to destination
if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP and not self.ai:
if not self.image_select == None:
for resets in self.c_reset:
self.allsquares[resets[0]][0] = resets[1]
move_piece = self.allPieces[self.image_select][2].legal_movevs(self.board1)
lgl = False
the_move = 0
for usermove in move_piece:
if self.square_parameters[usermove][0] < self.allPieces[self.image_select][1][0] + 50 < self.square_parameters[usermove][1]:
if self.square_parameters[usermove][2] < self.allPieces[self.image_select][1][1] + 50 < self.square_parameters[usermove][3]:
lgl = True
the_move = usermove
if lgl == False:
self.allPieces[self.image_select][1][0] = self.prevx
self.allPieces[self.image_select][1][1] = self.prevy
self.allPieces[self.image_select][1][0] = self.square_parameters[the_move][0]
self.allPieces[self.image_select][1][1] = self.square_parameters[the_move][2]
move_i = movement(self.board1, self.allPieces[self.image_select][2], the_move)
newBoard = move_i.create_board()
if not newBoard == False:
self.board1 = newBoard
new = self.update_pieces()
self.allPieces = new
self.player = newBoard.player
thread = threading.Thread(target=self.miniMaxMove, args = [])
self.prevx = 0
self.prevy = 0
self.image_select = None
#draws squares in frame
for info in self.allsquares:
pygame.draw.rect(self.game, info[0], info[1])
#drawing pieces each frame
for image in self.allPieces:
self.game.blit(img[0], img[1])
#manages game loop
def create_squareParams(self):
square_ranges = []
xmin = 0
xmax = 100
ymin = 0
ymax = 100
for n in range(8):
for n in range(8):
square_ranges.append([xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax])
xmin += 100
xmax += 100
xmin = 0
xmax = 100
ymin += 100
ymax += 100
return square_ranges
def spaces(self, x, y, w, h, colour):
pygame.draw.rect(self.game, colour, [x, y, w, h])
self.allsquares.append([colour, [x, y, w, h]])
def draw_pieces(self):
xpos = 0
ypos = 0
colour = 0
height = 75
width = 75
black = (66, 134, 244)
white = (143, 155, 175)
num = 0
for n in range(8):
for n in range(8):
if colour % 2 == 0:
self.spaces(xpos, ypos, height, width, white)
if not self.board1.squares[num].onSquare.e_string() == '-':
image = pygame.image.load('./images/' + self.board1.squares[num].onSquare.relate.upper()+ self.board1.squares[num].onSquare.e_string().upper() + 'png')
image = pygame.transform.sclae(image, (100, 100))
self.allPieces.append([image, [xpos, ypos], self.board1.squares[num].onSquare])
xpos += 100
self.spaces(xpos, ypos, height, width, black)
if not self.board1.squares[num].onSquare.e_string() == '-':
image = pygame.image.load('./images/' + self.board1.squares[num].onSquare.relate[0].upper() + self.board1.squares[num].onSquare.e_string().upper() + '.png')
image = pygame.transform.sclae(image, (100, 100))
self.allPieces.append([image, [xpos, ypos], self.board1.sqaures[num].onSquare])
xpos += 100
colour += 1
num += 1
colour += 1
xpos = 0
ypos += 100
def update_pieces(self):
xpos = 0
ypos = 0
num = 0
new_pieces = []
for n in range(8):
for n in range(8):
if not self.board1.squares[num].onSquare.e_string() == '-':
image = pygame.image.load('./images/' + self.board1.squares[num].onSquare.relate[0].upper() + self.board1.squares[num].onSquare.e_string().upper() + '.png')
image = pygame.transform.scale(image, (100, 100))
new_pieces.append([image, [xpos, ypos], self.board1.squares[num].onSquare])
xpos += 100
num += 1
xpos = 0
ypos += 100
return new_pieces
def miniMaxMove(self):
if self.player == 'Red':
print('AI is thinking...')
self.ai = True
minimax = minimax(self.board1, 1)
self.ai = minimax.get_move()
self.board1 = self.ai
new = self.update_pieces
self.allPieces = new
self.player = self.ai.player
self.ai = False
pygame.error: видеосистема не инициализирована
Что ожидается: окно откроется и для шахмат можно будет играть.