Я пытаюсь использовать scan4yellow
из def scan_for_text():
в другой функции def home_screen():
, а затем использовать результаты из scan4yellow
и печатать их на этикетке, но постоянно повторяется, что она не определена в home_screen()
функция, даже если она определена в scan_for_text():
как глобальная переменная
global scan4yellow
##reads in the specific docx you want
document = docx.Document(r'C:/Users/devff/Documents/Prac2.docx')
##makes it so it is an element that is actually editable and usable
rs = document._element.xpath("//w:r")
##microsoft words schema so it knows what the xml is like and the parametres
WPML_URI = '{http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/wordprocessingml/2006/main}'
##bits and pieces to help find the highlighted pieces of text
##then leads onto if statements finding out the highlighted texts colour
tag_rPr = WPML_URI + 'rPr'
tag_highlight = WPML_URI + 'highlight'
tag_val = WPML_URI + 'val'
tag_t = WPML_URI + 't'
for word in rs:
for rPr in word.findall(tag_rPr):
high = rPr.findall(tag_highlight)
for hi in high:
if hi.attrib[tag_val] == 'yellow':
scan4yellow = (word.find(tag_t).text.encode('utf-8').lower())
#return scan4yellow
def home_screen():
global home_screen
global scan4yellow
home_screen = Toplevel(login_screen)
home_screen.title("Home Page")
b1 = Button(home_screen, text="Select File", bg="white", command=getfile)
l1 = Label(home_screen, bg="white", width="20")
b2 = Button(home_screen, text="Scan File", width=8, bg="white", command=scan_for_text)
b3 = Button(home_screen, text="Logout", width=8, bg="white", command=logout)
b4 = Button(home_screen, text="Quit", width=8, bg="white", command=quit)
# l1 = Label(home_page, textvariable=scan4yellow).grid(row=3, column=1, padx=(10, 0), pady=(10, 0))
# t1 = Text.insert(END, "1.0", scan4yellow).grid(row=3, column=1, padx=(10, 0), pady=(10, 0))
l2 = Label(home_screen, text=scan4yellow) #<----- problem is here 'scan4yellow' is not defined