В моем коде я определяю серию кнопок, используя цикл for
, и когда нажимается зеленая, запускается функция. Моя проблема, я думаю, заключается в том, что когда она запускает функцию, она делает это внутри класса Button
и, таким образом, не использует глобальное значение, которое я хочу.
##def of the for loop to make the buttons##
for x in range(len(ProjectList)):
if ProjectList[x][1] > money:
buylist[x] = Button(buyf, text = ProjectList[x][1], bg = "red", fg = "white")
elif ProjectList[x][1] <= money:
buylist[x] = Button(buyf, text = ProjectList[x][1], command = lambda n=x: buycheck(n,money, moneyps), bg="green", fg="white")
##function called when button pressed##
def buycheck(numbbuy,money, moneyps):
##error checking stuff##
##buy function##
buy(numbbuy,money, moneyps)
##function that does the purchase##
def buy(numbbuy,money, moneyps):
money -= int(ProjectList[numbbuy][1])
moneyps += int(ProjectList[numbbuy][0])
- 11 строк по 2 столбца чисел.
и moneyps
- целые числа, определенные в начале.
Ошибка возникает в функции buy()
в строках назначения для money
и moneyps
. Показанная ошибка:
moneyps += int(ProjectList[numbbuy][0])
TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable
Полный код:
from tkinter import *
from time import *
global ProjectList
global gamecomplete
global money
global moneyps
##############values for init##############
names = [
"Reusable Rockets" ,
"Space elevator" ,
"Orbital rings" ,
"Asteroid mining" ,
"1Space clean up" ,
"1Mars colony" ,
"Planet mining" ,
"1Dyson Swarm" ,
"1Dyson sphere" ,
"Sun mining" ,
"Space colony" ,
"Colony Ship" ,
ProjectList = [
# name PS cost
[100, 3000], #0
[200, 6000], #1
[300, 9000], #2
[400, 12000], #3
[500, 13000], #4
[600, 15000], #5
[700, 16000], #6
[800, 17000], #7
[900, 18000], #8
[1000, 19000], #9
[1100, 20000], #10
[0, 21000] #11
gamecomplete = False
money = 10000
moneyps = 200
boughtitems = []
def buy(numbbuy,money, moneyps):
money -= int(ProjectList[numbbuy][1])
moneyps += int(ProjectList[numbbuy][0])
print("money", money)
print("moneyps", moneyps)
##############Checks to see what it needs to do befre it can be bought##############
def buycheck(numbbuy,money, moneyps):
##############it can only be bought once##############
if names[numbbuy][0] == "1":
buy(numbbuy,money, moneyps)
##############its the last thing to buy to win the game##############
elif numbbuy == 11:
gamecomplete = True
##############normal buys##############
buy(numbbuy,money, moneyps)
##############UI creation##############
def ui(money, moneyps):
win = Tk()
buyf = Frame()
headder = Label(win,text = "Money = $"+str(money)+"\t$/s = $"+str(moneyps))
projectname = Label(buyf,text = "Project names")
projectPS = Label(buyf, text = "$/s added")
buybutton = Label(buyf, text = "buy")
##############title gridded##############
projectname.grid(row = 0, padx = 2)
projectPS.grid(row = 0, column = 1, padx = 2)
buybutton.grid(row = 0, column = 2, padx = 2)
buildproj = list()
moneyps = list()
buylist = list()
##############name of build proj // money PS // buy button##############
#defines empty lists
buildproj = [None] * len(ProjectList)
moneyps = [None] * len(ProjectList)
buylist = [None] * len(ProjectList)
#for loop to make all the buttons
for x in range(len(ProjectList)):
#clean up input
if names[x][0] == "1":
temp == names[x][1::]
temp = names[x]
#define content
buildproj[x] = Label(buyf, text = temp)
moneyps[x] = Label(buyf, text = ProjectList[x][0])
if ProjectList[x][1] > money:
buylist[x] = Button(buyf, text = ProjectList[x][1], bg = "red", fg = "white")
elif ProjectList[x][1] <= money:
buylist[x] = Button(buyf, text = ProjectList[x][1], command = lambda n=x: buycheck(n,money, moneyps), bg="green", fg="white")
#grid it
buildproj[x].grid(row = x+1, sticky = "e")
moneyps[x].grid(row = x+1, column =1)
buylist[x].grid(row = x+1, column = 2, sticky = "nesw")
##############quit button##############
quit = Button(win, text = "Quit", command=win.quit, bg = "red", fg = "white")
##############research update##############
status = Label(win, text="current research % complete", bd = 1, relief = SUNKEN, anchor = W)
quit.pack(fill = "x")
status.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill = "x", )
ui(money, moneyps)