Массив из bash
, и в основном GNU версий стандартных утилит, таких как diff
, sdiff
, sed
, и др. , а такжеifne
util и даже eval
f=("" "customerID count" "employeeID count" \
"active_users" "inactive_users" "deleted_users")
for n in file{2..4}.txt ; do
diff -qws file1.txt $n ||
$(sdiff file1 $n | ifne -n exit | nl |
sed -n '/|/{s/[1-5]/${f[&]}/;s/\s*|\s*/-/;s/\([0-9-]*\)$/$((&))/;p}' |
xargs printf 'eval echo "%s for '"$n"' does not match by %s records.";\n') ;
Files file1.txt and file2.txt are identical
Files file1.txt and file3.txt differ
customerID count for file3.txt does not match by 21 records.
deleted_users for file3.txt does not match by 11 records.
Files file1.txt and file4.txt are identical
Тот же код, настроенный для более симпатичного вывода:
f=("" "customerID count" "employeeID count" \
"active_users" "inactive_users" "deleted_users")
for n in file{2..4}.txt ; do
diff -qws file1.txt $n ||
$(sdiff file1 $n | ifne -n exit | nl |
sed -n '/|/{s/[1-5]/${f[&]}/;s/\s*|\s*/-/;s/\([0-9-]*\)$/$((&))/;p}' |
xargs printf 'eval echo "%s does not match by %s records.";\n') ;
done |
sed '/^Files/!s/^/\t/;/^Files/{s/.* and //;s/ are .*/ is good/;s/ differ$/:/}'
file2.txt is good
customerID count does not match by 21 records.
deleted_users does not match by 11 records.
file4.txt is good