Я пытаюсь преобразовать файл .scss в файл .css с помощью gulp.Поэтому, когда я выполнил команду gulp scss
, у меня появилось более 1000 ошибок проверки, как показано ниже.
[13:01:35] components/catalog/category/_landing.scss:455 [E] NestingDepth: Nesting should be no greater than 3, but was 4
[13:01:35] components/catalog/category/_landing.scss:495 [E] Indentation: Line should be indented 2 spaces, but was indented 4 spaces
[13:01:35] components/catalog/category/_layer.scss:46 [E] ColorVariable: Color literals like `#fff` should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else.
[13:01:35] components/catalog/product/_product-bikes.scss:41 [E] SelectorDepth: Selector should have depth of applicability no greater than 3, but was 4
[13:04:30] base/_dropdown.scss:80 [E] ImportantRule: !important should not be used
[13:04:30] components/account/_store-stock-checker.scss:69 [E] IdSelector: Avoid using id selectors
[13:04:30] vendor/font-awesome/_variables.scss:120 [E] StringQuotes: Prefer single quoted strings
Итак, можем ли мы игнорировать эти ошибки ИЛИ можем ли мы их исправить, используя любой онлайн-инструмент для украшения кода scss?