Запрос SQL для предметной предпосылки - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 23 марта 2019

Извините, я задал другой вопрос, потому что мой последний вопрос слишком запутанный.

РЕДАКТИРОВАТЬ: Мой текущий запрос

UPDATE student_subject 
  JOIN subject_bsit
    ON subject_bsit.subject_id = student_subject.sub_id
   SET enrolled = 1 
 where student_subject.student_id = 1235 
   and student_subject.sub_id = 1

Я хочу, чтобы это произошло.

Student_id = 1235 пытается зарегистрироваться subject_id = 5 , поэтому утверждение не должно выполняться, потому что subject_id = 5 имеет предварительное условие для subject_id = 1 или программирование 1

Но если пример в student_subject sub_id 1 и Enrolled = 1 означает, что студент завершил программирование и уже зарегистрировался, то student =1235 Теперь можно зарегистрировать subjectid = 5

Я не знаю, как выполнить этот запрос.Большое вам спасибо.



    |studentID | FullName |
    |1234      | John    |
    |1235      | Michael |
    |1236      | Bryce   |


    |subject_id| subject_name  |  pre_id    |
    |    1     | Programming 1 |    0     |
    |    2     | Networking    |    0     |
    |    3     | Algorithm     |    0     |
    |    4     | Physical Educ |    0     |
    |    5     | Programming 2 |     1       |

This is the Junction table to connect the 
    two now.


    | student_id | subject_id | Grade   | Enrolled |
    |   1235     |      1     |    0    |     0    |
    |   1235     |      2     |    0    |     0    |
    |   1235     |      3     |    0    |     0    |
    |   1234     |      1     |    0    |     0    |

1 Ответ

1 голос
/ 24 марта 2019

Комментарии в строке.

Private conString As String = "Your connection string"

Private Sub EnrollStudent(StudentID As Integer, SubjectID As Integer)
    'Question Does Subject have a prerequisite?
    Dim Prerequisite As Integer
    Using cn As New MySqlConnection(conString)
        Using cmd As New MySqlCommand("Select pre_id from subject_bsit 
                                        where subject_id = @subject_id", cn)
            cmd.Parameters.Add("@subject_id", MySqlDbType.Int32).Value = SubjectID
            Prerequisite = CInt(cmd.ExecuteScalar)
        End Using
    End Using
    'Answer - No, It is OK to enroll student there are no prerequisites
    If Prerequisite = 0 Then
        InsertEnrollment(StudentID, SubjectID)
    End If
    'Answer - Yes there Is a prerequisite
    'New Question - Has the student passed the prerequisite?
    Dim PassingGrade As Integer
    Using cn As New MySqlConnection(conString)
        Using cmd As New MySqlCommand("Select Grade From student_subject 
                                        Where subject_id = @subject_id 
                                        And student_id = @student_id", cn)
            cmd.Parameters.Add("@subject_id", MySqlDbType.Int32).Value = Prerequisite
            cmd.Parameters.Add("@student_id", MySqlDbType.Int32).Value = StudentID
            PassingGrade = CInt(cmd.ExecuteScalar)
        End Using
    End Using
    'Answer - Yes, student has a passing grade.
    If PassingGrade > 0 Then
        InsertEnrollment(StudentID, StudentID)
    Else 'Answer - No, student does not have a passing grade in prerequisite.
        MessageBox.Show("Student cannot enroll because of prerequisite.")
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub InsertEnrollment(StudentID As Integer, SubjectID As Integer)
    Dim query = "Insert Into student_subject (student_id, subjectId, Grade, Enrolled) 
                Values (@student_id, @subject_id, 0, 1);"
    Using cn As New MySqlConnection(conString)
        Using cmd As New MySqlCommand(query, cn)
            cmd.Parameters.Add("@student_id", MySqlDbType.Int32).Value = StudentID
            cmd.Parameters.Add("@subject_id", MySqlDbType.Int32).Value = SubjectID
        End Using
    End Using
    MessageBox.Show("Successful enrollment")
End Sub

Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
    EnrollStudent(1235, 5)
End Sub


Опечатка здесь ...

If PassingGrade > 0 Then
    InsertEnrollment(StudentID, StudentID)

Это должно быть

If PassingGrade > 0 Then
    InsertEnrollment(StudentID, SubjectID)

Второй аргумент - SubjectID

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