* Brute Force approach
* Problem: find combination of data objects to minimize sum of object properties and maximize number of objects
* Costraint: sum of object properties has upper limit (for each property)
* Solution used: do every combination, starting with the max number of objects, then lower by 1 each time, until a (or more) combination satisfy every criteria.
// combination
// e.g. combination of 3 numbers with value from 0 to 4 -> combination(3,5)
// see https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Combinations#JavaScript
function combination(n, length) {
// n -> [a] -> [[a]]
function comb(n, lst) {
if (!n) return [[]];
if (!lst.length) return [];
var x = lst[0],
xs = lst.slice(1);
return comb(n - 1, xs).map(function (t) {
return [x].concat(t);
}).concat(comb(n, xs));
// f -> f
function memoized(fn) {
m = {};
return function (x) {
var args = [].slice.call(arguments),
strKey = args.join('-');
v = m[strKey];
if ('u' === (typeof v)[0])
m[strKey] = v = fn.apply(null, args);
return v;
// [m..n]
function range(m, n) {
return Array.apply(null, Array(n - m + 1)).map(function (x, i) {
return m + i;
var fnMemoized = memoized(comb),
lstRange = range(0, length-1);
return fnMemoized(n, lstRange)
// just some math calculation ------
// obviously n & r in N; r < n
function _factor(n){
var f = 1;
while (n > 1){ f *= n--; }
return f;
function _factor2(n,to){
var f = 1;
while (n > 1 && n >= to){ f *= n--; }
return f;
function _factorFraction(sup,inf){
return (sup > inf) ? _factor2(sup,inf+1) : 1/_factor2(inf,sup+1)
function _combination(n,r){
return (r > n/2) ? _factorFraction(n,r)/_factor(n-r) : _factorFraction(n,n-r)/_factor(r); // namely _factor(n)/_factor(n-r)/_factor(r)
// just some math calculation ------
var minr = 2, // set inferior limit (r) of combination search. 2 <= minr < datas.length
datas = [], // to be set. matrix to be filled with array of data
limits = [0], // to be set. contains limit for each datas column
comboKeep = [], // will contain all solutions found
function combineCheck(r){
if (r < minr) return;
console.log("Expected number of combination C(",datas.length,",",r,") = ",_combination(datas.length,r));
var metconditions = 0;
var CNR = combination(r,datas.length);
CNR.forEach(combo => {
sums = new Array(columns).fill(0);
// calculate sum for each column
for (var j=0; j<combo.length; j++){
for (var i=0; i<columns; i++){
sums[i] += datas[combo[j]][i];
// check if conditions are met
for (var i=0; i<columns; i++){
if (sums[i] > limits[i]){
//console.log("sum of column",i,"exceeds limit (",sums[i]," > ",limits[i],")");
console.log("Condition met in ",metconditions,"combos.");
if (metconditions == CNR.length){
console.log("No need to go further, all combo have been checked.");
if (metconditions) return; // remove this line if you want all possible combination, even with less objects
combineCheck(r-1); // for delayed call: setTimeout( () => combineCheck(r-1), 250 );
function combineCheckStarter(){
comboKeep = [];
columns = datas[0].length;
timer = Date.now();
timer = Date.now() - timer;
var items = [
{name: "Rome", cost: 1000, hours: 5, peoples: 5},
{name: "Venice", cost: 200, hours: 1, peoples: 10},
{name: "Torin", cost: 500, hours: 3, peoples: 2},
{name: "Genova", cost: 700, hours: 7, peoples: 8},
{name: "Rome2", cost: 1020, hours: 5, peoples: 6},
{name: "Venice2", cost: 220, hours: 1, peoples: 10},
{name: "Torin2", cost: 520, hours: 3, peoples: 2},
{name: "Genova2", cost: 720, hours: 7, peoples: 4},
{name: "Rome3", cost: 1050, hours: 5, peoples: 5},
{name: "Venice3", cost: 250, hours: 1, peoples: 8},
{name: "Torin3", cost: 550, hours: 3, peoples: 8},
{name: "Genova3", cost: 750, hours: 7, peoples: 8}
var datas = Array.from(items, e => [e.cost, e.hours, e.peoples]);
var limits = [2500, 8, 20];
// test ;)
console.log("Combination found in ",timer,"ms:",comboKeep);
// pretty print results
var prettier = new Array(comboKeep.length),
unifier = new Array(columns).fill(0);
comboKeep.forEach( (combo, k) => {
var answer = new Array(combo.length);
sums = new Array(columns).fill(0);
combo.forEach((itm,i) => {
answer[i] = items[itm].name;
for (var j=0; j<columns; j++){
sums[j] += datas[itm][j];
prettier[k] = {items: answer.join(","), cost: sums[0], hours: sums[1], peoples: sums[2]};
for (var j=0; j<columns; j++){
if (unifier[j]<sums[j]) unifier[j] = sums[j];
// normalize
prettier.forEach( e => {
e.total = e.cost/unifier[0] + e.hours/unifier[1] + e.peoples/unifier[2];
//find the best (sum of all resource is lower)
prettier.sort( (b,a) => b.total-a.total);
console.log("sorted solutions:",prettier);
console.log("Best solution should be ",prettier[0].items,prettier[0]);