Я хочу умножить переменную 'цена' на 1,14, но только с использованием декораторов.каков синтаксис функции декоратора?
def insert(self):
o_num = self.get_max_id()+1 #to assign a new number or id to the order in the list and they are sequential using another function
o_name = input("Please enter size letter -S,M,L- of your desired dish ") #to get the size of the wanted dish
qnt = self.get_int_value("Please enter qnt ") #to get the quantaty of wanted dishes using another function
price = qnt #this code to insure that the variable price is declared before mentioning
#these if statment are used to choose the correct price of the dishes
if(o_name.lower()== "s"):
price = price * 5.0
price = price * 8.0
price = price * 10.0
#these two lines are used to assign the variables we got from the user to the 'orders' list
order = Order(o_num,o_name,int(qnt),price)