Я запрограммировал быструю и грязную рутину, и она, кажется, работает почти для всего, что я смог в нее бросить. Он в VB6, но легко переводится во что-то еще.
Private Function ParseRTFIntoLines(ByVal strSource As String) As Collection
Dim colReturn As Collection
Dim lngPosStart As Long
Dim strLine As String
Dim sSplitters(1 To 4) As String
Dim nIndex As Long
' return collection of lines '
' The lines can be split by the following '
' "\par" '
' "\par " '
' "\par\pard " '
' Add these splitters in order so that we do not miss '
' any possible split combos, for instance, "\par\pard" is added before "\par" '
' because if we look for "\par" first, we will miss "\par\pard" '
sSplitters(1) = "\par \pard"
sSplitters(2) = "\par\pard"
sSplitters(3) = "\par "
sSplitters(4) = "\par"
Set colReturn = New Collection
' We have to find each variation '
' We will look for \par and then evaluate which type of separator is there '
lngPosStart = InStr(1, strSource, "\par", vbTextCompare)
If lngPosStart > 0 Then
strLine = Left$(strSource, lngPosStart - 1)
For nIndex = 1 To 4
If StrComp(sSplitters(nIndex), Mid$(strSource, lngPosStart, Len(sSplitters(nIndex))), vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
' remove the 1st line from strSource '
strSource = Mid$(strSource, lngPosStart + Len(sSplitters(nIndex)))
' add to collection '
colReturn.Add strLine
' get out of here '
Exit For
End If
End If
Loop While lngPosStart > 0
' check to see whether there is a last line '
If Len(strSource) > 0 Then colReturn.Add strSource
Set ParseRTFIntoLines = colReturn
End Function