Вспышка Актер не работает внутри позиционированного виджета или даже в столбце или в строке в флаттере - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 10 июня 2019
               children: [
                    top: 1,
                    child: SizedBox(
                      height: 300,
                      width: 300,
                      child: FlareActor(
                        'assets/New File 5 (2).flr',
                        alignment: Alignment.centerRight,
                        isPaused: true,
                        animation: 'Checkmark Appear',

Существует имя виджета стека над аргументом именованных детей.Когда я попытался запустить виджет «Вспышка актера» внутри виджетов «Столбец», «Строка» или «Список», он не работал и исчез.Но когда я использовал его внутри стека, он работал отлично, но я не мог правильно расположить его.Когда я проверил консоль отладки, у меня появилась ошибка, и вот она:

The following assertion was thrown during performLayout():
I/flutter (18558): RenderStack object was given an infinite size during layout.
I/flutter (18558): This probably means that it is a render object that tries to be as big as possible, but it was put
I/flutter (18558): inside another render object that allows its children to pick their own size.
I/flutter (18558): The nearest ancestor providing an unbounded width constraint is:
I/flutter (18558):   RenderStack#2151d relayoutBoundary=up1 NEEDS-LAYOUT NEEDS-PAINT
I/flutter (18558):   creator: Stack ← MediaQuery ← LayoutId-[<_ScaffoldSlot.body>] ← CustomMultiChildLayout ←
I/flutter (18558):   AnimatedBuilder ← DefaultTextStyle ← AnimatedDefaultTextStyle ← _InkFeatures-[GlobalKey#874dd ink
 renderer] ← NotificationListener<LayoutChangedNotification> ← PhysicalModel ←
I/flutter (18558):   AnimatedPhysicalModel ← Material ← ⋯
I/flutter (18558):   parentData: offset=Offset(0.0, 0.0); id=_ScaffoldSlot.body (can use size)
I/flutter (18558):   constraints: BoxConstraints(0.0<=w<=360.0, 0.0<=h<=560.0) size: Size(360.0, 560.0)
I/flutter (18558):   alignment: AlignmentDirectional.topStart
I/flutter (18558):   textDirection: ltr
I/flutter (18558):   fit: loose
I/flutter (18558):   overflow: clip
I/flutter (18558): The nearest ancestor providing an unbounded height constraint is:
I/flutter (18558):   RenderStack#2151d relayoutBoundary=up1 NEEDS-LAYOUT NEEDS-PAINT
I/flutter (18558):   creator: Stack ← MediaQuery ← LayoutId-[<_ScaffoldSlot.body>] ← CustomMultiChildLayout ←
I/flutter (18558):   AnimatedBuilder ← DefaultTextStyle ← AnimatedDefaultTextStyle ← _InkFeatures-[GlobalKey#874dd ink
I/flutter (18558):   renderer] ← NotificationListener<LayoutChangedNotification> ← PhysicalModel ←
I/flutter (18558):   AnimatedPhysicalModel ← Material ← ⋯
I/flutter (18558):   parentData: offset=Offset(0.0, 0.0); id=_ScaffoldSlot.body (can use size)
I/flutter (18558):   constraints: BoxConstraints(0.0<=w<=360.0, 0.0<=h<=560.0)
I/flutter (18558):   size: Size(360.0, 560.0)
I/flutter (18558):   alignment: AlignmentDirectional.topStart
I/flutter (18558):   textDirection: ltr 
I/flutter (18558):   fit: loose
I/flutter (18558):   overflow: clip
I/flutter (18558): The constraints that applied to the RenderStack were:
I/flutter (18558):   BoxConstraints(unconstrained)
I/flutter (18558): The exact size it was given was:
I/flutter (18558):   Size(Infinity, Infinity)
I/flutter (18558): See https://flutter.dev/layout/ for more information.  
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