У меня есть эта конфигурация в nginx.conf
для включения взаимной аутентификации ssl (2 way ssl). Я использую nginx: альпийское официальное изображение.
server {
listen 81;
location / {
proxy_pass https://aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.xxxxxxx.es;
proxy_ssl_certificate /etc/ssl/client.cert;
proxy_ssl_certificate_key /etc/ssl/client.key;
Если я позвоню с curl прямо на реальный сервер, все в порядке.
Но если я звоню с помощью curl на сервер через прокси-сервер nginx, первый и второй вызовы выполняются нормально, но третий и следующий вызовы выполняются очень медленно (> 20 секунд)
curl verbose call nginx
/ # curl -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-type: application/json" -X POST -d '{ "idEvento":"INIT_SESION", "mensajeUsuario":"anular una tarjeta de credito", "aplicacion":"AsistenteVoz", "localizacion":"", "usuario":"-KKtB7Y9GAsda
dsad51l_ywUduCDaC6TqIpc_", "centro":"07200", "contexto": "", "aplicOrigen":null, "pantalla":null, "entorno":"0", "terminal":null, "centroSuperior":null, "plataforma":null, "urlCC":null, "empresa": null, "idioma":"es", "phoneEnabled":null
, "nickName":null, "categoria":null }' http://nginx:81/cert/CCCognitivoServicios/Controlador/controlador -v
Note: Unnecessary use of -X or --request, POST is already inferred.
* Trying
* Expire in 200 ms for 4 (transfer 0x55df29d477a0)
* Connected to nginx ( port 81 (#0)
> POST /cert/CCCognitivoServicios/Controlador/controlador HTTP/1.1
> Host: nginx:81
> User-Agent: curl/7.64.0
> Accept: application/json
> Content-type: application/json
> Content-Length: 424
* upload completely sent off: 424 out of 424 bytes
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Server: nginx/1.15.12
< Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2019 09:57:25 GMT
< Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
< Content-Length: 1371
< Connection: keep-alive
< X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
< X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
< http.status: 200
< ASE_SE_ID: SE.MCA.CCCognitivoServicios_1
< X-ABSIS-REQUEST-ID: 56e7cbd0-6b2e-11e9-8287-00505693317b
< Vary: User-Agent
свернуть подробный вызов непосредственно на реальном сервере
/ # curl -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-type: application/json" -X POST -d '{ "idEvento":"INIT_SESION", "mensajeUsuario":"anular una tarjeta de credito", "aplicacion":"AsistenteVoz", "localizacion":"", "usuario":"-KKtB7Y9GAsda
dsad51l_ywUduCDaC6TqIpc_", "centro":"07200", "contexto": "", "aplicOrigen":null, "pantalla":null, "entorno":"0", "terminal":null, "centroSuperior":null, "plataforma":null, "urlCC":null, "empresa": null, "idioma":"es", "phoneEnabled":null
, "nickName":null, "categoria":null }' https://aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.xxxxxxx.es/cert/CCCognitivoServicios/Controlador/controlador --cert /etc/ssl/client.cert --key /etc/ssl/client.key -v
Note: Unnecessary use of -X or --request, POST is already inferred.
* Trying 999.999.72.6...
* Expire in 149992 ms for 3 (transfer 0x55ea446587a0)
* Expire in 200 ms for 4 (transfer 0x55ea446587a0)
* Connected to aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.xxxxxxx.es (999.999.72.6) port 443 (#0)
* ALPN, offering h2
* ALPN, offering http/1.1
* successfully set certificate verify locations:
* CAfile: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
CApath: none
* TLSv1.3 (OUT), TLS handshake, Client hello (1):
* TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, Server hello (2):
* TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS handshake, Certificate (11):
* TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS handshake, Server key exchange (12):
* TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS handshake, Server finished (14):
* TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS handshake, Client key exchange (16):
* TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS change cipher, Change cipher spec (1):
* TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS handshake, Finished (20):
* TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS handshake, Finished (20):
* SSL connection using TLSv1.2 / ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384
* ALPN, server did not agree to a protocol
* Server certificate:
* subject: serialNumber=ZZZZZZZZZZ; jurisdictionC=ES; businessCategory=Private Organization; C=ES; postalCode=ZZZZZ; ST=ZZZZZZZZZZ; L=ZZZZZZ; street=ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, ZZZ; O=ZZZZZZ SA; OU=CANAL EXTERN ABSIS; OU=COMODO EV Multi-Domain SSL; CN=aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.xxxxxxx.es
* start date: Oct 15 00:00:00 2018 GMT
* expire date: Oct 15 23:59:59 2019 GMT
* subjectAltName: host "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.xxxxxxx.es" matched cert's "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.xxxxxxx.es"
* issuer: C=GB; ST=Greater Manchester; L=Salford; O=COMODO CA Limited; CN=COMODO RSA Extended Validation Secure Server CA
* SSL certificate verify ok.
> POST /cert/CCCognitivoServicios/Controlador/controlador HTTP/1.1
> Host: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.xxxxxxx.es
> User-Agent: curl/7.64.0
> Accept: application/json
> Content-type: application/json
> Content-Length: 424
* upload completely sent off: 424 out of 424 bytes
* TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS handshake, Hello request (0):
* TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS handshake, Client hello (1):
* TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS handshake, Server hello (2):
* TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS handshake, Certificate (11):
* TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS handshake, Server key exchange (12):
* TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS handshake, Request CERT (13):
* TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS handshake, Server finished (14):
* TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS handshake, Certificate (11):
* TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS handshake, Client key exchange (16):
* TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS handshake, CERT verify (15):
* TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS change cipher, Change cipher spec (1):
* TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS handshake, Finished (20):
* TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS handshake, Finished (20):
* old SSL session ID is stale, removing
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2019 10:46:08 GMT
< Server: Mule Core/3.6.1
< X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
< X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
< Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
< Content-Length: 1371
< http.status: 200
< ASE_SE_ID: SE.MCA.CCCognitivoServicios_1
< X-ABSIS-REQUEST-ID: 28a7e000-6b35-11e9-8287-00505693317b
< Vary: User-Agent
error.log nginx в режиме отладки для 3-го вызова.
10:01:07 6#6: *5 http request line: "POST /cert/CCCognitivoServicios/Controlador/controlador HTTP/1.1"
10:01:07 6#6: *5 http uri: "/cert/CCCognitivoServicios/Controlador/controlador"
10:01:07 6#6: *5 http args: ""
10:01:07 6#6: *5 http exten: ""
10:01:07 6#6: *5 posix_memalign: 0000556D471ADC00:4096 @16
10:01:07 6#6: *5 http process request header line
10:01:07 6#6: *5 http header: "Host: nginx:81"
10:01:07 6#6: *5 http header: "User-Agent: curl/7.64.0"
10:01:07 6#6: *5 http header: "Accept: application/json"
10:01:07 6#6: *5 http header: "Content-type: application/json"
10:01:07 6#6: *5 http header: "Content-Length: 424"
10:01:07 6#6: *5 http header done
10:01:07 6#6: *5 event timer del: 3: 327274971
10:01:07 6#6: *5 generic phase: 0
10:01:07 6#6: *5 rewrite phase: 1
10:01:07 6#6: *5 test location: "/"
10:01:07 6#6: *5 using configuration "/"
10:01:07 6#6: *5 http cl:424 max:1048576
10:01:07 6#6: *5 rewrite phase: 3
10:01:07 6#6: *5 post rewrite phase: 4
10:01:07 6#6: *5 generic phase: 5
10:01:07 6#6: *5 generic phase: 6
10:01:07 6#6: *5 generic phase: 7
10:01:07 6#6: *5 access phase: 8
10:01:07 6#6: *5 access phase: 9
10:01:07 6#6: *5 access phase: 10
10:01:07 6#6: *5 post access phase: 11
10:01:07 6#6: *5 generic phase: 12
10:01:07 6#6: *5 generic phase: 13
10:01:07 6#6: *5 http client request body preread 424
10:01:07 6#6: *5 http request body content length filter
10:01:07 6#6: *5 http body new buf t:1 f:0 0000556D471DE93C, pos 0000556D471DE93C, size: 424 file: 0, size: 0
10:01:07 6#6: *5 http init upstream, client timer: 0
10:01:07 6#6: *5 epoll add event: fd:3 op:3 ev:80002005
10:01:07 6#6: *5 http script copy: "Host"
10:01:07 6#6: *5 http script var: "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.xxxxxxx.es"
10:01:07 6#6: *5 http script copy: "Connection"
10:01:07 6#6: *5 http script copy: "close"
10:01:07 6#6: *5 http script copy: "Content-Length"
10:01:07 6#6: *5 http script var: "424"
10:01:07 6#6: *5 http script copy: ""
10:01:07 6#6: *5 http proxy header: "User-Agent: curl/7.64.0"
10:01:07 6#6: *5 http proxy header: "Accept: application/json"
10:01:07 6#6: *5 http proxy header: "Content-type: application/json"
10:01:07 6#6: *5 http proxy header:
"POST /cert/CCCognitivoServicios/Controlador/controlador HTTP/1.0
Host: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.xxxxxxx.es
Connection: close
Content-Length: 424
User-Agent: curl/7.64.0
Accept: application/json
Content-type: application/json
10:01:07 6#6: *5 http cleanup add: 0000556D471AE6C8
10:01:07 6#6: *5 get rr peer, try: 2
10:01:07 6#6: *5 get rr peer, current: 0000556D47186AC0 -1
10:01:07 6#6: *5 stream socket 13
10:01:07 6#6: *5 epoll add connection: fd:13 ev:80002005
10:01:07 6#6: *5 connect to, fd:13 #6
10:01:07 6#6: *5 http upstream connect: -2
10:01:07 6#6: *5 posix_memalign: 0000556D471CC9C0:128 @16
10:01:07 6#6: *5 event timer add: 13: 60000:327274971
10:01:07 6#6: *5 http finalize request: -4, "/cert/CCCognitivoServicios/Controlador/controlador?" a:1, c:2
10:01:07 6#6: *5 http request count:2 blk:0
10:01:07 6#6: timer delta: 0
10:01:07 6#6: worker cycle
10:01:07 6#6: epoll timer: 60000
10:01:07 6#6: epoll: fd:3 ev:0004 d:00007FD644528400
10:01:07 6#6: *5 http run request: "/cert/CCCognitivoServicios/Controlador/controlador?"
10:01:07 6#6: *5 http upstream check client, write event:1, "/cert/CCCognitivoServicios/Controlador/controlador"
10:01:07 6#6: timer delta: 4
10:01:07 6#6: worker cycle
10:01:07 6#6: epoll timer: 59996
10:01:07 6#6: epoll: fd:13 ev:0004 d:00007FD6445284F8
10:01:07 6#6: *5 http upstream request: "/cert/CCCognitivoServicios/Controlador/controlador?"
10:01:07 6#6: *5 http upstream send request handler
10:01:07 6#6: *5 malloc: 0000556D471C9140:88
10:01:07 6#6: *5 set session: 0000556D4716B080
10:01:07 6#6: *5 tcp_nodelay
10:01:07 6#6: *5 SSL_do_handshake: -1
10:01:07 6#6: *5 SSL_get_error: 2
10:01:07 6#6: timer delta: 48
10:01:07 6#6: worker cycle
10:01:07 6#6: epoll timer: 59948
10:01:07 6#6: epoll: fd:13 ev:0005 d:00007FD6445284F8
10:01:07 6#6: *5 SSL handshake handler: 0
10:01:07 6#6: *5 SSL_do_handshake: -1
10:01:07 6#6: *5 SSL_get_error: 2
10:01:07 6#6: *5 SSL handshake handler: 1
10:01:07 6#6: *5 SSL_do_handshake: -1
10:01:07 6#6: *5 SSL_get_error: 2
10:01:07 6#6: timer delta: 56
10:01:07 6#6: worker cycle
10:01:07 6#6: epoll timer: 59892
10:01:07 6#6: epoll: fd:13 ev:0005 d:00007FD6445284F8
10:01:07 6#6: *5 SSL handshake handler: 0
10:01:07 6#6: *5 SSL_do_handshake: -1
10:01:07 6#6: *5 SSL_get_error: 2
10:01:07 6#6: *5 SSL handshake handler: 1
10:01:07 6#6: *5 SSL_do_handshake: -1
10:01:07 6#6: *5 SSL_get_error: 2
10:01:07 6#6: timer delta: 0
10:01:07 6#6: worker cycle
10:01:07 6#6: epoll timer: 59892
10:01:07 6#6: epoll: fd:13 ev:0005 d:00007FD6445284F8
10:01:07 6#6: *5 SSL handshake handler: 0
10:01:07 6#6: *5 SSL_do_handshake: -1
10:01:07 6#6: *5 SSL_get_error: 2
10:01:07 6#6: *5 SSL handshake handler: 1
10:01:07 6#6: *5 SSL_do_handshake: -1
10:01:07 6#6: *5 SSL_get_error: 2
10:01:07 6#6: timer delta: 0
10:01:07 6#6: worker cycle
10:01:07 6#6: epoll timer: 59892
10:01:07 6#6: epoll: fd:13 ev:0005 d:00007FD6445284F8
10:01:07 6#6: *5 SSL handshake handler: 0
10:01:07 6#6: *5 SSL_do_handshake: -1
10:01:07 6#6: *5 SSL_get_error: 2
10:01:07 6#6: *5 SSL handshake handler: 1
10:01:07 6#6: *5 SSL_do_handshake: -1
10:01:07 6#6: *5 SSL_get_error: 2
10:01:07 6#6: timer delta: 0
10:01:07 6#6: worker cycle
10:01:07 6#6: epoll timer: 59892
10:01:08 6#6: epoll: fd:13 ev:0005 d:00007FD6445284F8
10:01:08 6#6: *5 SSL handshake handler: 0
10:01:08 6#6: *5 save session: 0000556D47167E80
10:01:08 6#6: *5 old session: 0000556D4716B080
10:01:08 6#6: *5 SSL_do_handshake: 1
10:01:08 6#6: *5 SSL: TLSv1.2, cipher: "ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 TLSv1.2 Kx=ECDH Au=RSA Enc=AESGCM(256) Mac=AEAD"
10:01:08 6#6: *5 http upstream ssl handshake: "/cert/CCCognitivoServicios/Controlador/controlador?"
10:01:08 6#6: *5 http upstream send request
10:01:08 6#6: *5 http upstream send request body
10:01:08 6#6: *5 chain writer buf fl:0 s:236
10:01:08 6#6: *5 chain writer buf fl:1 s:424
10:01:08 6#6: *5 chain writer in: 0000556D471AE728
10:01:08 6#6: *5 malloc: 0000556D471E28A0:80
10:01:08 6#6: *5 malloc: 0000556D471C1860:16384
10:01:08 6#6: *5 SSL buf copy: 236
10:01:08 6#6: *5 SSL buf copy: 424
10:01:08 6#6: *5 SSL to write: 660
10:01:08 6#6: *5 SSL_write: 660
10:01:08 6#6: *5 chain writer out: 0000000000000000
10:01:08 6#6: *5 event timer del: 13: 327274971
10:01:08 6#6: *5 event timer add: 13: 60000:327275647
10:01:08 6#6: *5 http upstream process header
10:01:08 6#6: *5 malloc: 0000556D472037E0:4096
10:01:08 6#6: *5 SSL_read: -1
10:01:08 6#6: *5 SSL_get_error: 2
10:01:08 6#6: *5 http upstream request: "/cert/CCCognitivoServicios/Controlador/controlador?"
10:01:08 6#6: *5 http upstream dummy handler
10:01:08 6#6: timer delta: 568
10:01:08 6#6: worker cycle
10:01:08 6#6: epoll timer: 60000
10:01:09 6#6: epoll: fd:13 ev:0005 d:00007FD6445284F8
10:01:09 6#6: *5 http upstream request: "/cert/CCCognitivoServicios/Controlador/controlador?"
10:01:09 6#6: *5 http upstream process header
10:01:09 6#6: *5 SSL_read: -1
10:01:09 6#6: *5 SSL_get_error: 2
10:01:09 6#6: *5 http upstream request: "/cert/CCCognitivoServicios/Controlador/controlador?"
10:01:09 6#6: *5 http upstream dummy handler
10:01:09 6#6: timer delta: 808
10:01:09 6#6: worker cycle
10:01:09 6#6: epoll timer: 59192
10:01:10 6#6: epoll: fd:13 ev:0005 d:00007FD6445284F8
10:01:10 6#6: *5 http upstream request: "/cert/CCCognitivoServicios/Controlador/controlador?"
10:01:10 6#6: *5 http upstream process header
10:01:10 6#6: *5 SSL_read: -1
10:01:10 6#6: *5 SSL_get_error: 2
10:01:10 6#6: *5 http upstream request: "/cert/CCCognitivoServicios/Controlador/controlador?"
10:01:10 6#6: *5 http upstream dummy handler
10:01:10 6#6: timer delta: 1444
10:01:10 6#6: worker cycle
10:01:10 6#6: epoll timer: 57748
10:01:12 6#6: epoll: fd:13 ev:0005 d:00007FD6445284F8
10:01:12 6#6: *5 http upstream request: "/cert/CCCognitivoServicios/Controlador/controlador?"
10:01:12 6#6: *5 http upstream process header
10:01:12 6#6: *5 SSL_read: -1
10:01:12 6#6: *5 SSL_get_error: 2
10:01:12 6#6: *5 http upstream request: "/cert/CCCognitivoServicios/Controlador/controlador?"
10:01:12 6#6: *5 http upstream dummy handler
10:01:12 6#6: timer delta: 1861
10:01:12 6#6: worker cycle
10:01:12 6#6: epoll timer: 55887
10:01:12 6#6: epoll: fd:13 ev:0005 d:00007FD6445284F8
10:01:12 6#6: *5 http upstream request: "/cert/CCCognitivoServicios/Controlador/controlador?"
10:01:12 6#6: *5 http upstream process header
10:01:12 6#6: *5 SSL_read: -1
10:01:12 6#6: *5 SSL_get_error: 2
10:01:12 6#6: *5 http upstream request: "/cert/CCCognitivoServicios/Controlador/controlador?"
10:01:12 6#6: *5 http upstream dummy handler
10:01:12 6#6: timer delta: 44
10:01:12 6#6: worker cycle
10:01:12 6#6: epoll timer: 55843
10:01:16 6#6: epoll: fd:13 ev:0005 d:00007FD6445284F8
10:01:16 6#6: *5 http upstream request: "/cert/CCCognitivoServicios/Controlador/controlador?"
10:01:16 6#6: *5 http upstream process header
10:01:16 6#6: *5 SSL_read: -1
10:01:16 6#6: *5 SSL_get_error: 2
10:01:16 6#6: *5 http upstream request: "/cert/CCCognitivoServicios/Controlador/controlador?"
10:01:16 6#6: *5 http upstream dummy handler
10:01:16 6#6: timer delta: 3588
10:01:16 6#6: worker cycle
10:01:16 6#6: epoll timer: 52255
10:01:16 6#6: epoll: fd:13 ev:0005 d:00007FD6445284F8
10:01:16 6#6: *5 http upstream request: "/cert/CCCognitivoServicios/Controlador/controlador?"
10:01:16 6#6: *5 http upstream process header
10:01:16 6#6: *5 SSL_read: -1
10:01:16 6#6: *5 SSL_get_error: 2
10:01:16 6#6: *5 http upstream request: "/cert/CCCognitivoServicios/Controlador/controlador?"
10:01:16 6#6: *5 http upstream dummy handler
10:01:16 6#6: timer delta: 48
10:01:16 6#6: worker cycle
10:01:16 6#6: epoll timer: 52207
10:01:31 6#6: epoll: fd:13 ev:0005 d:00007FD6445284F8
10:01:31 6#6: *5 http upstream request: "/cert/CCCognitivoServicios/Controlador/controlador?"
10:01:31 6#6: *5 http upstream process header
10:01:31 6#6: *5 SSL_read: -1
10:01:31 6#6: *5 SSL_get_error: 2
10:01:31 6#6: *5 http upstream request: "/cert/CCCognitivoServicios/Controlador/controlador?"
10:01:31 6#6: *5 http upstream dummy handler
10:01:31 6#6: timer delta: 14925
10:01:31 6#6: worker cycle
10:01:31 6#6: epoll timer: 37282
10:01:31 6#6: epoll: fd:13 ev:0005 d:00007FD6445284F8
10:01:31 6#6: *5 http upstream request: "/cert/CCCognitivoServicios/Controlador/controlador?"
10:01:31 6#6: *5 http upstream process header
10:01:31 6#6: *5 save session: 0000556D471B7F80
10:01:31 6#6: *5 old session: 0000556D47167E80
10:01:31 6#6: *5 SSL_read: 427
10:01:31 6#6: *5 SSL_read: -1
10:01:31 6#6: *5 SSL_get_error: 2
10:01:31 6#6: *5 http proxy status 200 "200 OK"
10:01:31 6#6: *5 http proxy header: "Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2019 10:01:26 GMT"
10:01:31 6#6: *5 http proxy header: "Server: Mule Core/3.6.1"
10:01:31 6#6: *5 http proxy header: "X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN"
10:01:31 6#6: *5 http proxy header: "X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN"
10:01:31 6#6: *5 http proxy header: "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8"
10:01:31 6#6: *5 http proxy header: "Content-Length: 1371"
10:01:31 6#6: *5 http proxy header: "X-MULE_ENCODING: UTF-8"
10:01:31 6#6: *5 http proxy header: "http.status: 200"
10:01:31 6#6: *5 posix_memalign: 0000556D47172700:4096 @16
10:01:31 6#6: *5 http proxy header: "ASE_SE_ID: SE.MCA.CCCognitivoServicios_1"
10:01:31 6#6: *5 http proxy header: "X-ABSIS-REQUEST-ID: e9873250-6b2e-11e9-8287-00505693317b"
10:01:31 6#6: *5 http proxy header: "Vary: User-Agent"
10:01:31 6#6: *5 http proxy header: "A_S_E: ${HOSTNAME}"
10:01:31 6#6: *5 http proxy header: "ASE_WS: ${HOSTNAME}"
10:01:31 6#6: *5 http proxy header: "Connection: close"
10:01:31 6#6: *5 http proxy header done
10:01:31 6#6: *5 HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/1.15.12
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2019 10:01:31 GMT
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 1371
Connection: keep-alive
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
http.status: 200
ASE_SE_ID: SE.MCA.CCCognitivoServicios_1
X-ABSIS-REQUEST-ID: e9873250-6b2e-11e9-8287-00505693317b
Vary: User-Agent
Мне нравится, что поведение в прокси и прямом вызове одинаковое.
Заранее большое спасибо.