HY, используя следующий код, я хочу напечатать точку на карте
from gps import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time, inspect, os
logPath = "C:\Users\Etantonio\PycharmProjects\MapShow\LOGS"
actualMapFilePath = logPath + "\Map_GPS.png"
actualFigureMapFilePath = logPath + "\FIGURE_Map_GPS.png"
# adjust these values based on your location and map, lat and long are in decimal degrees
TRX = -12.6453 # top right longitude
TRY = 46.871 # top right latitude
BLX = -12.6347 # bottom left longitude
BLY = 46.8638 # bottom left latitude
# Create Image File
pos_y = 46.865321667
pos_x = -12.640213333
# Load the mapp
im = plt.imread('map.png')
plt.imshow(im, extent=[BLX, TRX, BLY, TRY], zorder=1)
# add a point over the map
plt.scatter(x=[pos_x], y=[pos_y], s=5, c='r', zorder=2)
# OK, the point is showed on the map, perfect quality
# NOT OK, in the resulting file it is showed only the map not the point
plt.imsave(actualMapFilePath, im)
# OK, the point is showed on the map, but bad quality
plt.savefig(actualFigureMapFilePath, dpi=150, bbox_inches='tight', cmap="hot")
Я не могу понять, почему точка не отображается на карте
plt.imsave(actualMapFilePath, im)
Спасибо, Антонио