Я обновил код, чтобы вам было легче понимать и отлаживать.
Paperclip.interpolates(:gravatar_url) do |attachment, style|
size = nil
# style should be :tiny, :small, or :regular
# size_data is assumed to be "16x16#", "20x20#", or "25x25#", i.e., a string
size_data = attachment.styles[style][:geometry]
if size_data
# get the width of the attachment in pixels
if thumb_size = size_data.match(/\d+/).to_a.first
size = thumb_size.to_i
# obtain the url from the model
# replace nil with "identicon", "monsterid", or "wavatar" as desired
# personally I would reorder the parameters so that size is first
# and default is second
attachment.instance.gravatar_url(nil, size)