Я включил проверку подлинности Face ID в своем приложении, и пользователь получает проверку подлинности при нажатии кнопки. Я также реализовал метод выхода из системы, который выводит пользователя из системы:
dismiss(animated: true, completion: {
UserDefaults.standard.set(false, forKey: "hasLoginKey")
Однако, когда я выхожу, а затем пытаюсь снова войти в систему, мне не предлагается FaceID, вместо этого он пропускается, и я полностью авторизируюсь. У меня вопрос, как я могу предотвратить это и предлагать пользователю входить в систему каждый раз, когда он нажимает кнопку?
Вот код кнопки:
@IBAction func loginButtonPressed(_ sender: Any) {
//Define Button variable from the button that has been tapped.
let button = sender as! UIButton
//If the button tag is Touch ID, authenticate the user
if(button.tag == loginWithTouchID)
//Check if device is compatible with Touch ID
//Get Response from Touch ID popup
touchMe.authenticateUser() { responsCode in
if let responsCode = responsCode {
if(responsCode == 0)
//If Touch ID is not available
self.customAlert(title: "Error", message: "Touch ID not available")
else if(responsCode == 1)
//If Touch ID has not been setup
self.customAlert(title: "Error", message: "Touch ID may not be configured")
else if(responsCode == 2)
//If Touch ID authentication failed
self.customAlert(title: "Error", message: "There was a problem verifying your identity")
} else {
//If there is no response code, that means Touch ID was successful in authenticating user and we can now call the login method
Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 0.4, target: self, selector: #selector(Login.login), userInfo: nil, repeats: false)
Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 0.4, target: self, selector: #selector(Login.login), userInfo: nil, repeats: false)
и мой класс TouchIDAuth
class TouchIDAuth {
let context = LAContext()
func canEvaluatePolicy() -> Bool {
return context.canEvaluatePolicy(.deviceOwnerAuthenticationWithBiometrics, error: nil)
func authenticateUser(completion: @escaping (NSNumber?) -> Void) {
guard canEvaluatePolicy() else {
context.evaluatePolicy(.deviceOwnerAuthenticationWithBiometrics, localizedReason: "Logging in with Touch ID") { (success, evaluateError) in
if success {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
} else {
let response: NSNumber
switch evaluateError?._code {
case Int(kLAErrorAuthenticationFailed):
response = 2
case Int(kLAErrorUserCancel):
response = 3
case Int(kLAErrorUserFallback):
response = 4
response = 1
Вот метод входа в систему, который вызывается при нажатии кнопки
@objc func login() {
//Start Activity Indicator
//Define Username and Password Variables
var user: String!
var pass: String!
//Check if User is Authenticating with TouchID, we do this so we know to use credentials from Keychain to make the API call with
if(loginButton.tag == loginWithTouchID)
//If Yes, Get the username from Keychain
if let storedUsername = UserDefaults.standard.value(forKey: "username") as? String {
//Get Password from Keychain
do {
let passwordItem = KeychainPasswordItem(service: KeychainConfiguration.serviceName,
account: storedUsername,
accessGroup: KeychainConfiguration.accessGroup)
let keychainPassword = try passwordItem.readPassword()
//Store Username and Password from Keychain into Username and Password variables
user = storedUsername
pass = keychainPassword
catch {
//If something went wrong, stop the Activity Indicator and Alert the user something went wrong.
self.customAlert(title: "Error", message: "Error reading password from keychain - \(error)")
//If we are not using Touch ID, store the username and password text field into the username and password variable to use for the API Call
user = username.text!
pass = password.text!
//Finally call the webservice
WebService().loginUser(user, password: pass)
(result: Bool) in
//If API call is successful
if(result == true)
//Stop Activity Indicator
//Check if button tag is create, login or touch ID
if self.loginButton.tag == self.createLoginButtonTag {
//If create, check if a user has login
let hasLoginKey = UserDefaults.standard.bool(forKey: "hasLoginKey")
if !hasLoginKey {
//If not, add username to App Default
UserDefaults.standard.setValue(user, forKey: "username")
//Try and save the password to Keychain
do {
//Create a KeychainPasswordItem
let passwordItem = KeychainPasswordItem(service: KeychainConfiguration.serviceName, account: user!, accessGroup: KeychainConfiguration.accessGroup)
//Save password to the new KeychainPasswordItem
try passwordItem.savePassword(pass!)
//Add hasLoginKey bool to App Defaults
UserDefaults.standard.set(true, forKey: "hasLoginKey")
//Change Login button tag to Login as we do not need to create this user again
self.loginButton.tag = self.loginButtonTag
//Store Credentials to App Delegate to make API calls down the road.
self.appDelegate.username = user
self.appDelegate.password = pass
self.password.text = ""
//Everything has been authenticated, proceed to Dashboad
self.performSegue(withIdentifier: "toolbarSegue", sender: nil)
} catch {
//Something went wrong, alert the user with error.
self.customAlert(title: "Error", message: "Error updating keychain - \(error)")
//If Login Button tag with Login
else if self.loginButton.tag == self.loginButtonTag {
//Check if user exists in Keychain
if self.checkLogin(username: user, password: pass) {
//Store Credentials to App Delegate to make API calls down the road.
self.appDelegate.username = user
self.appDelegate.password = pass
self.password.text = ""
//Exisiting user has been authenticated, proceed to Dashboad
self.performSegue(withIdentifier: "toolbarSegue", sender: nil)
} else {
//User does not exist in Keychain, alert user there is an error.
self.customAlert(title: "Login Problem", message: "Sorry Login Failed, User and/or Passsword Incorrect")
//If Login Button tag with Touch ID
else if self.loginButton.tag == self.loginWithTouchID {
//Store Credentials to App Delegate to make API calls down the road.
self.appDelegate.username = user
self.appDelegate.password = pass
self.password.text = ""
//Touch ID has been authenticated, proceed to Dashboad
self.performSegue(withIdentifier: "toolbarSegue", sender: nil)
//Stop Activity Indicator
//API call was unsuccessful, alert user.
self.customAlert(title: "Login Problem", message: "Sorry Login Failed, User and/or Passsword Incorrect")