Я пытаюсь отредактировать ключ свойства в моей базе данных firebase, который мне не удался. Возможно ли это?
Updating and Deleting Todos To update or delete a todo, things are a bit different because you’ll need a reference to the todo item that is to be updated or deleted. This can be done with AngularFireDatabase.object. Objects inside a Firebase have a unique key available as $key: Updating Todos Here’s how you would toggle the completed state of a todo: toggleDone(todo: any): void { this.af.object('/todos/' + todo.$key) .update({ content: todo.content, done: !todo.done }); } Or update its content: updateTodo2(todo: any, newValue: string): void { this.af.object('/todos/' + todo.$key) .update({ content: newValue, done: todo.done }); } for more details goto https://alligator.io/angular/firebase-crud-operations/