Я пытаюсь найти сумму величин, количество txns, сумму dollar_value_us и расчет маржи как для разделения, так и для отдельных транзакций.
ниже ссылка на базу данных, которую я создал:
У меня уже есть этот запрос, чтобы найти количество транзакций, которые являются одиночными и разделенными:
select count(distinct case when is_split = 'Yes' then transaction_number end) as split,
count(distinct case when is_split = 'No' then transaction_number end) as single
from (
select td.transaction_number, td.sku,
case when count(ps.sku) over (partition by td.transaction_number) > 0
then 'Yes'
else 'No'
end as has_pod_sku,
case when count(ps.sku) over (partition by td.transaction_number) > 0
and count(ps.sku) over (partition by td.transaction_number)
< count(*) over (partition by td.transaction_number)
then 'Yes'
else 'No'
end as is_split
from transaction_detail_mv td
left join pod_sku ps on ps.sku = td.sku
where has_pod_sku = 'Yes';
Я использую приведенный ниже код для агрегации:
select count(distinct case when is_split = 'Yes' then transaction_number end) as split,
count(distinct case when is_split = 'No' then transaction_number end) as single,
sum(case when is_split = 'Yes' then quantity end) as quantity_sp,
sum(case when is_split = 'No' then quantity end) as quantity_sn,
sum(case when is_split = 'Yes' then dollar_value_us end) as spend_sp,
sum(case when is_split = 'No' then dollar_value_us end) as spend_sn,
count(distinct case when is_split = 'Yes' then individual_id end) as indiv_sp,
count(distinct case when is_split = 'No' then individual_id end) as indiv_sn,
sum(case when is_split = 'Yes' then (DOLLAR_VALUE_US-(COGS*quantity)) end) as MARGIN_sp,
sum(case when is_split = 'No' then (DOLLAR_VALUE_US-(COGS*quantity)) end) as MARGIN_sN
from (
select td.transaction_number, td.sku,
case when count(ps.sku) over (partition by td.transaction_number) > 0
then 'Yes'
else 'No'
end as has_pod_sku,
case when count(ps.sku) over (partition by td.transaction_number) > 0
and count(ps.sku) over (partition by td.transaction_number)
< count(*) over (partition by td.transaction_number)
then 'Yes'
else 'No'
end as is_split
from transaction_detail_mv td
left join pod_sku ps on ps.sku = td.sku
where has_pod_sku = 'Yes';
Я ищу вывод, как показано ниже: