Я не знаю, используете ли вы PHP в своем бэк-энде или другом языке программирования, но вот мое решение с использованием php и javascript:
Сначала ваш javaScript:
//initialization of chosen select
search_contains: true // an option to search between words
allow_single_deselect: true
//ajax function to search a new value to the dropdown list
function _ajaxSearch (param){
return $.ajax({
url: "request.php",
type: "POST",
dataType: "json",
data: {param:param}
//key event to call our ajax call
$(".chosen-choices input").on('keyup',function(){
var param = $('.chosen-choices input').val();// get the pressed key
var exists; // variable that returns a true if the value already exists in our dropdown list
$.each(response,function(index, el) { //loop to check if the value exists inside the list
$('#mySelect option').each(function(){
if (this.value == el.key) {
exists = true;
if (!exists) {// if the value does not exists, added it to the list
$("#mySelect").append("<option value="+el.key+">"+el.value+"</option>");
var ChosenInputValue = $('.chosen-choices input').val();//get the current value of the search
$("#mySelect").trigger("chosen:updated");//update the list
$('.chosen-choices input').val(ChosenInputValue);//since the update method reset the input fill the input with the value already typed
ваш php файл:
if (isset($_POST["param"])) {// check is the param is set
$param = $_POST["param"]; // get the value of the param
$array = array('JKL' => 'jkl' , 'MNO'=>'mno', 'PQR'=>'pqr','STU'=>'stu','VWX'=>'vwx','YZ'=>'yz' );//array of values
$matches = array();//array of matches
foreach($array as $key=>$value){//loop to check the values
//check for match.
if(strpos($value, $param) !== false){
//add to matches array.
$matches[]= array ("key"=> $key,"value"=>$value);
//send the response using json format
echo json_encode($matches);
Надеюсь, это поможет