Ниже приведен набор некоторых фрагментов PowerShell, которые я написал или использовал для этой цели. Может быть, это может помочь некоторым людям. Разве вы не можете создать $Body
в сценарии также - похоже, что он не может создать содержимое из файла?
# Provides code snippets for Windows Powershell to use Gitlabs API to do various tasks
# for example [ Issue management, Release creation etc.]
# https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/
# Variables
# modify with you own content
$glUrl = "http://<your-gitlab-url>"
$p = "3" # Project ID
$tag = "1.3" # Modify this to create/delete release ...
$token = "<EDIT_ME>" # Your access token (http://<your-gitlab-url>/profile/personal_access_tokens)
$projectsUrl = "$glUrl/api/v4/projects" # i.e. http://<your-gitlab-url>/api/v4/projects
$pUrl = "$projectsUrl/$p" # i.e. http://<your-gitlab-url>/api/v4/projects/3
$releaseUrl = "$pUrl/releases" # i.e. http://<your-gitlab-url>/api/v4/projects/3/releases
$artifactsUrl = "$pUrl/jobs/artifacts/$tag/download?job=build-standard" # i.e. Build artifacts created for $tag and the relevant job ("build-standard"; can be modified)
# Project List
$r = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers @{ 'PRIVATE-TOKEN'="$token" } -Uri $projectsUrl
$r | Sort-Object -Property id | Format-Table -Property id, name
# Issues List
$r = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers @{ 'PRIVATE-TOKEN'="$token" } -Uri $pUrl/issues
$r | Sort-Object -Property id | Format-Table -Property id, state, title
# New Issue
Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Headers @{ 'PRIVATE-TOKEN'="$token" } -Uri "$pUrl/issues?title=Hello from PS&labels=test"
# Comment on the Issue
Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Headers @{ 'PRIVATE-TOKEN'="$token" } -Uri "$pUrl/issues/3/notes?body=Hello PowerShell"
function Register-NewIssue {
[string]$desc = '',
[string]$uri = '$projectUrl/issues'
$title = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($title)
$desc = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($desc)
$u = "$uri`?title=$title&description=$desc"
$r = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Headers @{ 'PRIVATE-TOKEN'= "$token" } -Uri $u
$r | Format-List -Property iid, state, title, description
# Get list of Releases
Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Headers @{ 'PRIVATE-TOKEN'="$token" } -Uri $releaseUrl
# Create a Release
$JSON = @"
"name": "New release",
"tag_name": $tag,
"ref": "master",
"description": "FromPS",
Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Headers @{ 'PRIVATE-TOKEN'="$token"; 'Content-Type'='application/json' } -Body $JSON -Uri "$releaseUrl"
Read-Host -Prompt "Press Enter to continue"
# Adds only a link to this Release manually
Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Headers @{ 'PRIVATE-TOKEN'= "$token"; 'Content-Type'='application/json' } -Body $JSONLINK -Uri "$releaseUrl/$tag/assets/links"
# Delete a Release
Invoke-RestMethod -Method Delete -Headers @{ 'PRIVATE-TOKEN'= "$token" } -Uri "$releaseUrl/$tag"