Как исправить ошибку 'smtplib.SMTPServerDisconnected: Соединение неожиданно закрыто'? - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 25 марта 2019

Я пытаюсь провести пентестинг с помощью этого нового программного обеспечения. Предполагается, что они будут подделывать SMS-сообщения, используя электронную почту (вы можете отправлять текстовые сообщения, используя свой номер телефона в качестве имени электронной почты и адрес электронной почты поставщиков услуг телефонной связи (например, для T-Mobile): tmomail.net, поэтому обычная электронная почта на мобильный телефон будет быть 1234567891@tmomail.net). Для справки я использую почту Zoho.

Вот код: </p> <pre><code>#!/usr/bin/env python #I must say if you are looking at the code, any changes you make, i am not responsible for the outcome. #If it stops working because you have changed it, you can contact me at github, but do not blame me #by reading this and opening the file you acknowledge i am not responsible for how you use this. #but I implore you to not use this illegally import random import string import smtplib import os from time import sleep from getpass import getpass from subprocess import call class color: PURPLE = '\033[95m' CYAN = '\033[96m' DARKCYAN = '\033[36m' BLUE = '\033[94m' GREEN = '\033[92m' YELLOW = '\033[93m' RED = '\033[91m' BOLD = '\033[1m' UNDERLINE = '\033[4m' END = '\033[0m' W = '\033[0m' # white (normal) R = '\033[31m' # red G = '\033[32m' # green O = '\033[33m' # orange B = '\033[34m' # blue P = '\033[35m' # purple C = '\033[36m' # cyan GR = '\033[37m' # gray T = '\033[93m' # tan def clear(): os.system('clear') def msms(): clear() print ""+G+" " print """ [+]======================[+] [!] Mass List SMS Attack:[!] [+]======================[+] When creating the file list, remember to attack the carrier to the end of each number. [+] example. 4567834214@txt.att.net[+] here is a list of the different carrier types. You can look them up also at online if theres a new one. "AT&T: @txt.att.net" "Qwest: @tmomail.net" "T-Mobile: @tmomail.net" "Verizon: @vtext.com" "Sprint: @messaging.sprintpcs.com or @pm.sprint.com" "Virgin Mobile: @vmobl.com " "Nextel: @messaging.nextel.com" "Alltel: @message.alltel.com" "Metro PCS: @mymetropcs.com" "Powertel: @ptel.com" "Boost Mobile: @myboostmobile.com" "Suncom: @tms.suncom.com" "tracfone: @mmst5.tracfone.com" "U.S Cellular: @email.uscc.net" "Put the @ sign before the provider" """ print ""+T+" " phonelst = raw_input(color.UNDERLINE + 'Path to victem list' + color.END) phonelst = open(phonelst, 'rb') print ""+T+" " zoho = raw_input(color.UNDERLINE + 'Your email>' + color.END) print ""+T+" " fromname = '.' + ' ' + raw_input(color.UNDERLINE + 'Name of the user you want target to see' + color.END) print ""+T+" " password = getpass(color.UNDERLINE + 'Password>' + color.END) o = smtplib.SMTP("smtp.zoho.com", 587) o.starttls() o.login(zoho, password) message = raw_input(color.UNDERLINE + 'Message>' + color.END) print ""+T+" " counter = input(color.UNDERLINE + 'How many times>' + color.END) print ""+T+" " for phone in phonelst: try: spam_msg = "From: {} \r\nTo: {} \r\n\r\n {}".format(fromname, phone, message) print (color.UNDERLINE + ''+G+'[*] Sending...' + color.END) for i in range(counter): o.sendmail(fromname, phone, spam_msg) sleep(10) print(phone) print (color.UNDERLINE + ''+G+'[*] Successfully sent' + color.END), counter ,(color.UNDERLINE + ''+G+'[*] messages!' + color.END) except: print("Sorry you typed something wrong. Please review the info you typed") print("your info is right here:", " ", zoho, " ", password, " ", spam_msg) b = raw_input("Press Enter to Continue") msms() def ssms(): clear() print ""+B+" " print (""" [+]==========================================[+] [+]Single SMS Attack-------------------------[+] [+]==========================================[+] "AT&T: @txt.att.net" "Qwest: @tmomail.net" "T-Mobile: @tmomail.net" "Verizon: @vtext.com" "Sprint: @messaging.sprintpcs.com or @pm.sprint.com" "Virgin Mobile: @vmobl.com " "Nextel: @messaging.nextel.com" "Alltel: @message.alltel.com" "Metro PCS: @mymetropcs.com" "Powertel: @ptel.com" "Boost Mobile: @myboostmobile.com" "Suncom: @tms.suncom.com" "tracfone: @mmst5.tracfone.com" "U.S Cellular: @email.uscc.net" "Put the @ sign before the provider" """) provider = raw_input(color.UNDERLINE + 'Enter cellular provider>' + color.END) print ""+T+" " phone_num = raw_input(color.UNDERLINE + 'Victims phone number>' + color.END) + provider print ""+T+" " zoho = raw_input(color.UNDERLINE + 'Your email>' + color.END) print ""+T+" " password = getpass(color.UNDERLINE + 'Password>' + color.END) fromname = '.' + ' ' + raw_input(color.UNDERLINE + 'Name of the user you want target to see' + color.END) print ("This function should make your message anonymous, unless google fixes the this flaw") o = smtplib.SMTP("smtp.zoho.com", 587) o.starttls() o.login(zoho, password) print ""+T+" " message = raw_input(color.UNDERLINE + 'Message>' + color.END) print ""+T+" " counter = input(color.UNDERLINE + 'How many times>' + color.END) print ""+T+" " spam_msg = "From: {} \r\nTo: {} \r\n\r\n {}".format(fromname, phone_num, message) print (color.UNDERLINE + ''+G+'[*] Sending...' + color.END) for i in range(counter): o.sendmail(zoho, phone_num, spam_msg) sleep(10) print(phone_num) print (color.UNDERLINE + ''+G+'[*] Successfully sent' + color.END) def menu(): clear() print ""+O+" " print (""" [+]==============================[+] [+]::::::::Sms Attacker::::::::::[+] [+]==============================[+] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++} [!]------------------------------------} [!]----====-------=----=-----====------} [!]---=----------=-=--=-=---=----------} [!]---=---------=---==---=--=----------} [!]----====----=----==----=--====------} [!]--------=---=-----=----=------=-----} [!]--------=---=----=-----=------=-----} [!]----====----=-----=----=--====------} +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++} ======================================== Created and Designed by Andrew El+++++++ ======================================== ***********By Chosing an option********* You recognize and accept the disclaimer+ I am not responsible how you use this software. take great care in using it... """) print ""+P+" " print (""" +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ this sms attack will send spam anonymously (whatever you choose) to target as many times you type in. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ options: s=single target m=mass email list ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ **************lowercase********************* """) print ""+C+" " option = raw_input("option:") if option == "s": clear() ssms() elif option == "m": clear() msms() else: clear() print ""+R+" " print ("sorry just type in lowercase 's' or 'm' only ") p = raw_input("Press enter to continue") menu() menu()
