У меня есть код, который будет правильно добавлять узлы в дерево в 16-битном Ассемблере.Я могу отобразить любое количество левых деревьев до максимума без проблем.Каждый раз, когда я пытаюсь найти нужного ребенка для печати, происходит сбой системы.Я попытался увидеть, что происходит в турбо-отладчике, и предположил, что я не получаю что-то сохраненное или извлеченное из стека должным образом.
Я запускал этот код через турбо-отладчик больше раз, чем я помню, и не смогчтобы увидеть, где проблема (ы).
.MODEL small
.STACK 100h
menuchoice DB 10, 10, 13, 'Please enter your choice from the menu. $'
message DB 10, 10, 13, 'Please enter the character you would like to add (enter # to exit): $'
menu DB 10, 10, 13, 'Binary Search Tree Menu'
DB 10, 10, 13, '1 - Add a character to the tree'
DB 10, 10, 13, '2 - Search the tree for a character'
DB 10, 10, 13, '3 - Display the contents of the tree'
DB 10, 10, 13, '4 - Exit the program $'
empty DB 10, 10, 13, ' The tree is empty. $'
crlf DB 10, 13, ' $'
bintree DB 60 DUP(0) ; create a list with a size of 20 characters
node DB 0 ; node starts at zero become 1 once value is added
root DB 1 ; next available slot
next DB 1 ; next is the pointer to the next slot for the character
tree PROC
; first two lines in main in all assembler
mov ax, @data
mov ds, ax
DISPLAYMENU: ; set up my label
; display menu
mov dx, OFFSET menu
mov ah, 09h
int 21h
; display menu choice prompt
mov dx, OFFSET menuchoice
mov ah, 09h
int 21h
; get the character from the keyboard with echo
mov ah, 01h
int 21h
MAINLOOP: ; set up my label
; compare data entry to 4 to exit program
cmp al, 34h
je exitprog
; compare data entry to 1 to add node
cmp al, 31h
je starttree
; set root to 1
mov root, 1
; determine if tree is empty, if empty display message
cmp node, 0
je emptymessage
; compare data entry to 2 to search tree
cmp al, 32h
jne check3
call searchtree
CHECK3: ; set up my label
; compare date entry to 3 to display data
cmp al, 33h
jne mainloop
call disptree
jmp mainloop
; set si to zero to represent empty
; mov si, 0
; set di to zero to represent empty
; mov di, 0
EXITPROG: ; set up my label
; exit to DOS
mov al, 0
mov ah, 04ch
int 21h
EMPTYMESSAGE: ; set up my label
; display empty message
mov dx, OFFSET empty
mov ah, 09h
int 21h
; move back to main
jmp displaymenu
STARTTREE: ; set up my label
; display message
mov dx, OFFSET message
mov ah, 09h
int 21h
; get character from keyboard with echo
mov ah, 01h
int 21h
mov ah, 0
; check to see if the character entered is #
cmp al, 23h
; if equal jump to exit program
je exitprog
mov root, 1
; compare next to 60 to determine if there is still space in the tree if not exit
cmp next, 60
jnl exitprog
CHECKTREE: ; set up my label
; check to see if tree is empty and jump to addnode if equal
cmp node, 0
je addnode
; compare root to zero and jump to addnode if equal
cmp root, 0
je addnode
; if not equal then jump to evaltree
jne evaltree
ADDNODE: ; set up my label
; change node value to 1
mov node, 1
; move the array position value in next to si
mov bl, next
mov bh, 0
mov si, bx
; move the value into tree
mov [bintree + si], al
; increment next by 3 to move position to next character slot
add next, 3
; jump back to menu
jmp displaymenu
EVALTREE: ; set up my label
; move root to di to compare position
mov bl, root
mov bh, 0
mov di, bx
; compare bintree to value
cmp al, [bintree + di]
; if less than jump to left child
jl leftchild
; if greater than jump to right child
jg rightchild
LEFTCHILD: ; set up my label
; subtract 1 from di
sub di, 1
; move the position in bintree + di to root
mov bl, [bintree + di]
mov root, bl
; compare root to zero and if equal jump to change pointer and not equal to checktree
cmp root, 0
je changeptr
jne checktree
RIGHTCHILD: ; set up my label
; add 1 from di
add di, 1
; move the position in bintree + di to root
mov bl, [bintree + di]
mov root, bl
; compare root to zero and if equal jump to change pointer and not equal to checktree
cmp root, 0
je changeptr
jne checktree
CHANGEPTR: ; set up my label
; move next to bintree + di
mov bl, next
mov [bintree + di], bl
; jump to checktree
jmp checktree
tree ENDP
searchtree PROC
searchtree ENDP
disptree PROC
; save the value in root to the stack
mov bl, root
mov bh, 0
push bx
; mov value in root to si
mov si, bx
; decrement si to check the left child of character
sub si, 1
; compare the value in bintree to 0
cmp [bintree + si], 0
je ldispret
; move the value in bintree + si to root
mov bl, [bintree + si]
mov root, bl
; return to disptree
call disptree
; get root value from the stack
mov root, bl
; move root to si
mov bl, root
mov bh, 0
DISPRIGHT: ; set up my label
mov si, bx
; display the character
mov dl, [bintree + si]
mov ah, 02h
int 21h
; increment si to check the right child of the character
add si, 1
; compare the value in bintree + si to 0
cmp [bintree + si], 0
jne goright
jmp rdispret
GORIGHT: ; set up my label
; move the value in bintree + si to root
mov bl, [bintree + si]
mov root, bl
; go back to disptree
call disptree
ldispret: ; set up my label
pop bx
pop ax
push bx
push ax
rdispret: ; set up my label
; mov cl, root
; add cl, 3
; cmp next, cl
;je tomain
pop bx
pop bx
jmp dispright
pop bx
pop bx
disptree ENDP
TOMAIN: ; set up my label
;jmp mainloop
end tree
Когда он отображает содержимое двоичного дерева, он должен печатать символы в алфавитном порядке.Если мой ввод m, b, a, c , он должен отобразить abcm и затем вернуться в меню.Программа аварийно завершает работу, когда оценивает правильное дерево и пытается его отобразить.