Я пытаюсь выполнить деление с помощью оператора /
Полученное число с плавающей запятой находится далеко от цели.Что я пропустил?
Это вывод из RF:
KEYWORD: BuiltIn.Log ${nearTermsAmount}
Logs the given message with the given level.
Start / End / Elapsed: 20190527 17:13:09.091 / 20190527 17:13:09.107 /
17:13:09.107 INFO 3,666.00
00:00:00.000 KEYWORD: BuiltIn.Log ${nearAllIn}
Logs the given message with the given level.
Start / End / Elapsed: 20190527 17:13:09.107 / 20190527 17:13:09.107
17:13:09.107 INFO 1.607976
00:00:00.015 KEYWORD: ${calNearTerms/BaseAmount} = BuiltIn.Run Keyword If ${isBase}, Calculate Terms Amount, ${nearBaseAmount}, ${nearAllIn}, ELSE, Calculate Base Amount, ${nearTermsAmount}, ${nearAllIn}
Runs the given keyword with the given arguments, if `condition` is true.
Start / End / Elapsed: 20190527 17:13:09.107 / 20190527 17:13:09.122 / 00:00:00.015
00:00:00.015 KEYWORD: rateTicketKeywords.Calculate Base Amount ${nearTermsAmount}, ${nearAllIn}
Calculates the base amount out of the given rate
Start / End / Elapsed: 20190527 17:13:09.107 / 20190527 17:13:09.122 / 00:00:00.015
00:00:00.000 KEYWORD: ${baseAmount} = BuiltIn.Evaluate ${givenAmount} / ${givenRate}
00:00:00.015 KEYWORD: ${result} = rateTicketKeywords.Strip Numeric Commas ${baseAmount}
00:00:00.000 KEYWORD: ${result} = BuiltIn.Convert To Number ${result}, 5
17:13:09.122 INFO ${calNearTerms/BaseAmount} = 3414.18529
00:00:00.016 KEYWORD: ${otherAmount} = BuiltIn.Run Keyword If ${isBase}, Strip Numeric Commas, ${nearTermsAmount}, ELSE, Strip Numeric Commas, ${nearBaseAmount}
Runs the given keyword with the given arguments, if `condition` is true.
Start / End / Elapsed: 20190527 17:13:09.122 / 20190527 17:13:09.138 / 00:00:00.016
00:00:00.016 KEYWORD: rateTicketKeywords.Strip Numeric Commas ${nearBaseAmount}
17:13:09.138 INFO ${otherAmount} = 2279.88
00:00:00.000 KEYWORD: ${diff} = BuiltIn.Evaluate ${calNearTerms/BaseAmount} - ${otherAmount}
00:00:00.000 KEYWORD: ${diff} = BuiltIn.Evaluate abs(${diff})
Evaluates the given expression in Python and returns the results.
Start / End / Elapsed: 20190527 17:13:09.138 / 20190527 17:13:09.138 / 00:00:00.000
17:13:09.138 INFO ${diff} = 1134.30529
00:00:00.000 KEYWORD: ${diff} = BuiltIn.Evaluate ${diff} / ${otherAmount}
Evaluates the given expression in Python and returns the results.
Start / End / Elapsed: 20190527 17:13:09.138 / 20190527 17:13:09.138 / 00:00:00.000
17:13:09.138 INFO ${diff} = 0.497528505886
00:00:00.000 KEYWORD: ${status} = BuiltIn.Evaluate ${diff} > 0.0006
00:00:00.015 KEYWORD: BuiltIn.Run Keyword If ${status}, FAIL, the calculated near terms amount which was inserted in the trade ticked differ to the near terms amount from the execution dialog, True
Runs the given keyword with the given arguments, if `condition` is true.
Start / End / Elapsed: 20190527 17:13:09.138 / 20190527 17:13:09.153 / 00:00:00.015
00:00:00.015 KEYWORD: BuiltIn.Fail the calculated near terms amount which was inserted in the trade ticked differ to the near terms amount from the execution dialog, True
Fails the test with the given message and optionally alters its tags.
Source code:
Calculate Terms Amount
[Documentation] Calculates the terms amount out of the given rate
[Arguments] ${givenAmount} ${givenRate}
log ${givenAmount}
${givenAmount}= Strip Numeric Commas ${givenAmount}
#log ${givenAmount}
${termsAmount}= Evaluate ${givenAmount} * ${givenRate}
${result}= Strip Numeric Commas ${termsAmount}
${result}= Convert To Number ${result} 5
[Return] ${result}
Код проверяет математику, выполненную тестируемой системой.Номер, указанный в заявке, верен, мой ответ не верен.