У меня есть два процесса для отправки и получения данных с одного адреса ipv6 на другой адрес ipv6.
- я создаю сокет и пакет ipv6 с заголовком udp, затем отправляю на адрес назначения. он успешно отправляет, но когда я использую функцию получения сокета, он переходит в ожидание
в этом коде ниже я создаю соединение с адресом dest, но когда я получаю те же данные, которые я отправляю, он переходит в ожидание
на моем компьютере iv4 и 6 оба включены, но в пункте назначения включен только ipv6, и этот адрес ipv6 является локальным сервером
IPAddress sourceAddress = IPAddress.Parse(GetIPAddress(version).Values.FirstOrDefault()),
destAddress = IPAddress.Parse("[2001:db8:abcd::7]");
IPAddress bindAddress;
if (version == 4)
bindAddress = IPAddress.Any;
bindAddress = IPAddress.IPv6Any;
ushort sourcePort = 5150,
// destPort = 1234;
destPort = 84;
int messageSize = 16,
sendCount = 5;
// Parse the command line
// Make sure parameters are consistent
if ((sourceAddress.AddressFamily != destAddress.AddressFamily) || (sourceAddress.AddressFamily != bindAddress.AddressFamily))
Console.WriteLine("Source and destination address families don't match!");
// Print the command line parameters
Console.WriteLine("Source address : {0} \tPort: {1}", sourceAddress.ToString(), sourcePort.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("Dest address : {0} \tPort: {1}", destAddress.ToString(), destPort.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("Local interface: {0}", bindAddress.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("Message size : {0}", messageSize);
Console.WriteLine("Send count : {0}", sendCount);
// Start building the headers
Console.WriteLine("Building the packet header...");
byte[] builtPacket, payLoad = new byte[messageSize];
UdpHeader udpPacket = new UdpHeader();
ArrayList headerList = new ArrayList();
Socket rawSocket = null;
SocketOptionLevel socketLevel = SocketOptionLevel.IP;
// Initialize the payload
Console.WriteLine("Initialize the payload...");
for (int i = 0; i < payLoad.Length; i++)
payLoad[i] = (byte)'#';
// Fill out the UDP header first
Console.WriteLine("Filling out the UDP header...");
udpPacket.SourcePort = sourcePort;
udpPacket.DestinationPort = destPort;
udpPacket.Length = (ushort)(UdpHeader.UdpHeaderLength + messageSize);
udpPacket.Checksum = 0;
if (sourceAddress.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork)
Ipv4Header ipv4Packet = new Ipv4Header();
// Build the IPv4 header
Console.WriteLine("Building the IPv4 header...");
ipv4Packet.Version = 4;
ipv4Packet.Protocol = (byte)ProtocolType.Udp;
ipv4Packet.Ttl = 2;
ipv4Packet.Offset = 0;
ipv4Packet.Length = (byte)Ipv4Header.Ipv4HeaderLength;
ipv4Packet.TotalLength = (ushort)System.Convert.ToUInt16(Ipv4Header.Ipv4HeaderLength + UdpHeader.UdpHeaderLength + messageSize);
ipv4Packet.SourceAddress = sourceAddress;
ipv4Packet.DestinationAddress = destAddress;
// Set the IPv4 header in the UDP header since it is required to calculate the
// pseudo header checksum
Console.WriteLine("Setting the IPv4 header for pseudo header checksum...");
udpPacket.ipv4PacketHeader = ipv4Packet;
// Add IPv4 header to list of headers -- headers should be added in th order
// they appear in the packet (i.e. IP first then UDP)
Console.WriteLine("Adding the IPv4 header to the list of header, encapsulating packet...");
socketLevel = SocketOptionLevel.IP;
else if (sourceAddress.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6)
ProtocolHeaderDef.Ipv6Header ipv6Packet = new ProtocolHeaderDef.Ipv6Header();
// Build the IPv6 header
Console.WriteLine("Building the IPv6 header...");
ipv6Packet.Version = 6;
ipv6Packet.TrafficClass = 1;
ipv6Packet.Flow = 2;
ipv6Packet.HopLimit = 2;
ipv6Packet.NextHeader = (byte)ProtocolType.Udp;
ipv6Packet.PayloadLength = (ushort)(UdpHeader.UdpHeaderLength + payLoad.Length);
ipv6Packet.SourceAddress = sourceAddress;
ipv6Packet.DestinationAddress = destAddress;
// Set the IPv6 header in the UDP header since it is required to calculate the
// pseudo header checksum
Console.WriteLine("Setting the IPv6 header for pseudo header checksum...");
udpPacket.ipv6PacketHeader = ipv6Packet;
// Add the IPv6 header to the list of headers - headers should be added in the order
// they appear in the packet (i.e. IP first then UDP)
Console.WriteLine("Adding the IPv6 header to the list of header, encapsulating packet...");
socketLevel = SocketOptionLevel.IPv6;
// Add the UDP header to list of headers after the IP header has been added
Console.WriteLine("Adding the UDP header to the list of header, after IP header...");
// Convert the header classes into the binary on-the-wire representation
Console.WriteLine("Converting the header classes into the binary...");
builtPacket = udpPacket.BuildPacket(headerList, payLoad);
// Create the raw socket for this packet
Console.WriteLine("Creating the raw socket using Socket()...");
rawSocket = new Socket(sourceAddress.AddressFamily, SocketType.Raw, ProtocolType.Udp);
// Bind the socket to the interface specified
Console.WriteLine("Binding the socket to the specified interface using Bind()...");
rawSocket.Bind(new IPEndPoint(bindAddress, 0));
// Set the HeaderIncluded option since we include the IP header
Console.WriteLine("Setting the HeaderIncluded option for IP header...");
rawSocket.SetSocketOption(socketLevel, SocketOptionName.HeaderIncluded, 1);
// Send the packet!
Console.WriteLine("Sending the packet...");
for (int i = 0; i < sendCount; i++)
int rc = rawSocket.SendTo(builtPacket, new IPEndPoint(destAddress, destPort));
Console.WriteLine("send {0} bytes to {1}", rc, destAddress.ToString());
//IPEndPoint object will allow us to read datagrams sent from any source.
EndPoint RemoteIpEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.IPv6Any, 0);
byte[] rec=new byte[128];
var receiveBytes = rawSocket.ReceiveFrom(rec,SocketFlags.None, ref RemoteIpEndPoint);
//string returnData = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(receiveBytes);
catch (SocketException err)
Console.WriteLine("Socket error occurred: {0}", err.Message);
// Close the socket
Console.WriteLine("Closing the socket...");
2. i use the udp client and same as earlier send successfully with destination address but in receive it goes to waiting
в этом коде ниже я создаю соединение с адресом dest, но когда я получаю те же данные, которые я отправляю, он переходит к ожиданию в ipv6 adreesss
IPHostEntry hostEntry = Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName());
IPEndPoint endPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse("2001:db8:abcd:12:15df:d075:5e4f:ac82"),11000);
Socket s = new Socket(endPoint.Address.AddressFamily,
// Creates an IPEndPoint to capture the identity of the sending host.
IPEndPoint sender = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.IPv6Any, 0);
EndPoint senderRemote = (EndPoint)sender;
// Binding is required with ReceiveFrom calls.
byte[] msg = new Byte[256];
Console.WriteLine("Waiting to receive datagrams from client...");
// This call blocks.
s.ReceiveFrom(msg, msg.Length, SocketFlags.None, ref senderRemote);