I am trying to exercise a multi-party contract through Python ledger API. The DAML contract code as below,
**DAML Contract code which causes this issue:**
-- verification multi-party agreement block
controller Agent1 can
ApproveScore : ContractId PendingContract
do create this with Agent1 = Agent2
Код API Ledger, который исполняет контракт, как показано ниже,
Код API Python Ledger, который исполняет этот контракт:
approve_exercise_command = ExerciseCommand(
template_id = Identifier(
package_id = self.package_id,name = PENDING_CONTRACT
contract_id = event.created.contract_id,
choice_argument = Value(unit = Empty())
approve_score_command = Command(exercise = approve_exercise_command)
**Error details:**
status = StatusCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT
details = "DAMLe Error: Error(mismatching type: ApproveScore and value: ValueUnit)"
debug_error_string = "{"created":"@1553510346.703290741","description":"Error received from peer","file":"src/core/lib/surface/call.cc","file_line":1039,"grpc_message":"DAMLe Error: Error(mismatching type: ApproveScore and value: ValueUnit)","grpc_status":3}"