Вот один из способов сделать это:
with sample_data as (select 1 unique_id, 100 user_id, 1 user_seq, 'test1' col_name, '100' value_val, 1 position from dual union all
select 1 unique_id, 100 user_id, 1 user_seq, 'test2' col_name, '123' value_val, 1 position from dual union all
select 1 unique_id, 100 user_id, 1 user_seq, 'test1' col_name, 'a' value_val, 2 position from dual union all
select 1 unique_id, 100 user_id, 1 user_seq, 'test2' col_name, 'text' value_val, 2 position from dual union all
select 1 unique_id, 100 user_id, 1 user_seq, 'test3' col_name, '1Rw' value_val, 2 position from dual union all
select 1 unique_id, 100 user_id, 1 user_seq, 'test4' col_name, '1Tes' value_val, 2 position from dual union all
select 2 unique_id, 101 user_id, 1 user_seq, 'test1' col_name, '1' value_val, 1 position from dual union all
select 2 unique_id, 101 user_id, 1 user_seq, 'test2' col_name, '1' value_val, 1 position from dual union all
select 2 unique_id, 101 user_id, 1 user_seq, 'test3' col_name, '1' value_val, 1 position from dual union all
select 2 unique_id, 101 user_id, 1 user_seq, 'test4' col_name, '1' value_val, 1 position from dual union all
select 2 unique_id, 101 user_id, 1 user_seq, 'test5' col_name, '1' value_val, 1 position from dual union all
select 3 unique_id, 100 user_id, 1 user_seq, 'test1' col_name, '100' value_val, 1 position from dual union all
select 3 unique_id, 100 user_id, 1 user_seq, 'test2' col_name, '123' value_val, 1 position from dual union all
select 3 unique_id, 100 user_id, 1 user_seq, 'test1' col_name, 'a' value_val, 2 position from dual union all
select 3 unique_id, 100 user_id, 1 user_seq, 'test2' col_name, 'text' value_val, 2 position from dual union all
select 3 unique_id, 100 user_id, 1 user_seq, 'test3' col_name, '1Rw' value_val, 2 position from dual union all
select 3 unique_id, 100 user_id, 1 user_seq, 'test4' col_name, '1Tes' value_val, 2 position from dual union all
select 4 unique_id, 101 user_id, 1 user_seq, 'test1' col_name, '1' value_val, 1 position from dual union all
select 4 unique_id, 101 user_id, 1 user_seq, 'test2' col_name, '1' value_val, 1 position from dual union all
select 4 unique_id, 101 user_id, 1 user_seq, 'test3' col_name, '1' value_val, 1 position from dual union all
select 4 unique_id, 101 user_id, 1 user_seq, 'test4' col_name, '1' value_val, 1 position from dual union all
select 6 unique_id, 101 user_id, 1 user_seq, 'test1' col_name, '1' value_val, 1 position from dual union all
select 6 unique_id, 101 user_id, 1 user_seq, 'test2' col_name, '1' value_val, 1 position from dual union all
select 6 unique_id, 101 user_id, 1 user_seq, 'test3' col_name, '1' value_val, 1 position from dual union all
select 6 unique_id, 101 user_id, 1 user_seq, 'test4' col_name, '1' value_val, 1 position from dual union all
select 7 unique_id, 101 user_id, 1 user_seq, 'test1' col_name, '1' value_val, 1 position from dual union all
select 7 unique_id, 101 user_id, 1 user_seq, 'test2' col_name, '1' value_val, 1 position from dual union all
select 7 unique_id, 101 user_id, 1 user_seq, 'test3' col_name, '1' value_val, 1 position from dual union all
select 7 unique_id, 101 user_id, 1 user_seq, 'test4' col_name, '1' value_val, 1 position from dual union all
select 5 unique_id, 100 user_id, 1 user_seq, 'test1' col_name, '100' value_val, 1 position from dual union all
select 5 unique_id, 100 user_id, 1 user_seq, 'test2' col_name, '123' value_val, 1 position from dual union all
select 5 unique_id, 100 user_id, 1 user_seq, 'test1' col_name, 'a' value_val, 2 position from dual union all
select 5 unique_id, 100 user_id, 1 user_seq, 'test2' col_name, 'text' value_val, 2 position from dual union all
select 5 unique_id, 100 user_id, 1 user_seq, 'test3' col_name, '1Rw' value_val, 2 position from dual union all
select 5 unique_id, 100 user_id, 1 user_seq, 'test4' col_name, '1Tes' value_val, 2 position from dual),
cnts as (select unique_id,
count(*) over (partition by unique_id) cnt
from sample_data),
res as (select distinct sd1.unique_id id1,
sd2.unique_id id2,
count(*) over (partition by sd1.unique_id, sd2.unique_id) total_id1_rows_cnt
from cnts sd1
inner join cnts sd2 on sd1.unique_id < sd2.unique_id
and sd1.user_id = sd2.user_id
and sd1.user_seq = sd2.user_seq
and sd1.col_name = sd2.col_name
and sd1.value_val = sd2.value_val
and sd1.position = sd2.position
and sd1.cnt = sd2.cnt)
select id1||','||listagg(id2, ',') within group (order by id2) grouped_unique_ids
from res
where id1 not in (select id2
from res)
and cnt = total_id1_rows_cnt
group by id1
order by grouped_unique_ids;
И вот db <> скрипка , чтобы доказать, что это работает