Я работаю над полуавтоматическим процессом сборки, используя SVN (размещенный в CloudForge) и Cake.Я новичок в Cake, поэтому я решил начать с чего-то простого.
Вот что находится в моем файле build.cake:
#addin "Cake.Svn"
var settings = new SvnCheckoutSettings();
var creds = new SvnCredentials();
creds.Username = "uname";
creds.Password = "pwd";
settings.Credentials = creds;
var result = SvnCheckout(
new Uri("https://cloudforge_repo"),
@"c:\local_dir", settings);
Verbose("Revision: {0}", result.Revision);
Когда я запускаю файл build.ps1,Я получаю такой результат:
Preparing to run build script...
Running build script...
The 'addin' directive is attempting to install the 'Cake.Svn' package
without specifying a package version number.
More information on this can be found at https://cakebuild.net/docs/tutorials/pinning-cake-version
It's not recommended, but you can explicitly override this warning
by configuring the Skip Package Version Check setting to true
(i.e. command line parameter "--settings_skippackageversioncheck=true",
read more about configuration at https://cakebuild.net/docs/fundamentals/configuration)
The assembly 'Cake.Svn, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'
is referencing an older version of Cake.Core (0.28.0).
For best compatibility it should target Cake.Core version 0.33.0.
Error: One or more errors occurred. Unable to connect to a repository at URL 'https://cloudforge_repo'.
Как правильно проходить аутентификацию в репозитории SVN с использованием Cake?