Когда я запускаю свой код, он возвращает пустой график.Я не могу понять, почему мой код делает это.Мне также нужен график, когда он получается, когда ml <0 меняет цвет на синий.Когда ml> 0 меняет цвет на другой, а ml = 0, получается другой цвет.Я приведу код ниже.Если бы кто-то мог помочь, это было бы здорово, так как я не очень знаком с питоном.
(ax1) = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize=(8,9),
#initial conditions
d= 0.1
eps = 0.000001
#defining the equations as functions
#xnew equation
def f(a,b,x,y):
z = 1-b*y
r = a*x*z*(1-x*z)
if r>eps:
return r
return 0
#ynew equation
def g(b,d,x,y):
r = (1-d)*y*(1+b*x)
if r>eps:
return r
return 0
#Equation A
def A(a,b,x,y):
return a*(1-2*x - b*y + 4*b*x*y - 2*b**2*x*y**2)
#Equation B
def B(b,a,x,y):
return a*b*x*(2*x - 1 - 2*b*x*y)
#Equation C
def C(b,d,x,y):
return (1-d)*b*y
#Equation D
def D(b,d,x,y):
return (1-d)*(1+b*x)
#Equation E, which is max lyapunov exponent equation formed from the parameters above
def e(a,b,x,y,yn):
return log((A(a,b,x,y)+(B(b,a,x,y)*yn))**2 +(C(a,b,x,y)+
(D(b,d,x,y)*yn))**2 / (1 + yn**2))
#next ydash value calculated after the max lyapunov exponent is calculated
def yz(a,b,x,y,yn):
return (C(b,d,x,y)+(D(b,d,x,y)*yn))/(A(a,b,x,y)+(B(b,a,x,y)*yn))
#defining the function
def lyapunov():
#initial conditions
xold = 0.5
yold = 0.01
#looping values of a and b 0<a<5 and 0<b<6
for i in range(100):
a = 1+ 4*i/100
xold = 0.5
yold = 0.01
ydash = 1
for i in range(100):
b = 1+ 5*i/100
xold = 0.5
yold = 0.01
ydash = 1
#looping round x and y values
for j in range(100):
ydash =1
#the new value of xnew is xold same for y
xold = xnew
yold = ynew
#setting ml =0 as it starts at 0. inital
ml = 0
#calculating the two equations and plotting ml against a and
#b. Also, need to print out the max ml value along with x and y
#value in a text file.
for k in range(100):
outfile = open('lyapunov.txt', 'w')
#finding sum of max lyapunov exponent then * by 0.5*N, in this case N is 100
ml = e(a,b,xold,yold,yn)
ml = ml + e(a,b,xold,yold,yn)
ml = (ml/100)*2
#ydash equation
ydash = yz(a,b,xold,yold,yn)
#now setting xold and yold equal to the equations xnew,ynew were so it keeps looping around each time, xold is no longer 0.5. Keeps taking new values. Same with yold.
#writing to file
#plotting a,ml and b,ml
ax1.plot(a, ml,',k')
ax1.plot(b, ml, ',k')
#closing the file
#setting graph axis
ax1.set_ylim(0, 5)
ax1.set_xlim(0, 6)
ax1.set_title('Lyapunov Exponent')