Я создал веб-приложение со стеком MEAN (MongoDB, Express, Angular, NodeJS) и хочу сделать несколько подписок на свой бэкэнд, в то время как для второй подписки требуются данные результатов первой подписки.
Я уже пытался реализовать несколько решений других людей в своем коде, например, с помощью flatMap / mergeMap или с помощью разрешения обещаний, но у меня ничего не получалось.Я знаю, что показанный код с вложенными подписками - неправильный способ его работы.Однако мой HTML-код может отображать первый объект в md-массиве транзакций и учетной записи.
export class TransactionsService {
private accounts: Account[] = [];
private account: Account;
private accountsUpdated = new Subject<{accounts: Account[]}>();
private transactions: Transaction[] = [];
private transactionsUpdated = new Subject<{transactions: Transaction[]}>();
private apiUrl = 'http://localhost:3000/api/accounts';
private apiUrlBS = 'http://localhost:3000/api/accounts/bs_demo';
constructor(private http: HttpClient, private router: Router, private as:AuthService) {}
//Check how many bank account token are in our database
checkQuantity(userid:string) {
return this.http.post(this.apiUrl + "/checkquantity", {userid});
//Get account data of bankaccount with index (if there are more than one bank account integrated)
getAccounts(userid: string, index: number) {
//DataSchema for the http request
const data = {userid, index};
//Making a HTTP Request to our Backend with sending out userid and the index of the bankaccount we want
return this.http.post<{message: string; accounts: any}>(this.apiUrl + "/get", data)
//Store bankaccounts and subaccounts in local storage
.subscribe(transformedAccountData => {
this.accounts = transformedAccountData.accounts;
this.accountsUpdated.next({accounts: [...this.accounts]});
, error => {
console.log('There was an error getting data');
return Observable.throw(error);
//Get transaction data of account with index of chosen bankaccount and the iban (if there is a subaccount)
getTransactions(transactionsPerPage: number, currentPage: number, iban: string, index:number, userid: string) {
const headers = new HttpHeaders()
.set('Authorization', 'my-auth-token')
.set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
//Making a HTTP Request to our Backend with sending out iban of account, index of bakaccount and our userid
return this.http.post<{transactions: any}>(this.apiUrl + "/transactions", {iban, index, userid})
//Store transactions data of accounts and subaccounts in local storage
.subscribe(transformedTransactionData => {
this.transactions = transformedTransactionData.transactions;
this.transactionsUpdated.next({transactions: [...this.transactions]
}), error => {
console.log('There was an error getting data');
return Observable.throw(error);
//Listener for list-transactions.component.ts
getAccountsUpdateListener() {
return this.accountsUpdated.asObservable();
//Listener for list-transactions.component.ts
getTransactionsUpdateListener() {
return this.transactionsUpdated.asObservable();
export class ListTransactionsComponent implements OnInit {
accounts : Account[][];
transactions: Transaction[][];
totalAccounts = 0;
isLoading = true;
tokenerror = false;
//Not interesting at this time
totalTransactions = 0;
transactionsPerPage = 2;
currentPage = 1;
pageSizeOptions = [1, 2, 5, 10];
//counter for our arrays because using the i and j variables does cause errors
countul = 0;
countacc = 0;
public transactionsService: TransactionsService,
private as: AuthService,
private router:Router,
private changeDetectorRefs: ChangeDetectorRef)
this.accounts = [];
this.transactions = [];
//Load accounts and transactions of user
ngOnInit() {
//make loading spinner spinning
this.isLoading = true;
//check quantity of how many external bank account token we have stored in our database
this.transactionsService.checkQuantity(this.as.getUserId()).subscribe(accountData => {
this.userlength = accountData['length'];
var countul = 0;
var countacc = 0;
//check whether the request was successfull or we have surely one token in our databse
if(this.userlength === undefined || this.userlength === 0) {
this.tokenerror = true;
this.isLoading = false;
else {
for(var i = 0; i < this.userlength; i++) {
try {
//fetch transactions data of the account with index "countul" to our local storage
this.transactionsService.getAccounts(this.as.getUserId(), countul);
//Sort the account data of our specific accounts into our local array
this.transactionsService.getAccountsUpdateListener().subscribe((pageData: {accounts: Account[], accountsCount: number}) => {
this.totalTransactions = pageData.accountsCount;
var cache = new Array<Account>();
cache = pageData.accounts;
this.accounts[countul] = cache;
this.isLoading = false;
for(var j = 0; j < this.accounts[countul].length; j++) {
//fetch transactions data of the useraccount with index "countul" and subaccount with index "countacc" to our local storage
this.transactionsService.getTransactions(this.transactionsPerPage, this.currentPage, this.accounts[countul][countacc].iban, countul, this.as.getUserId());
//Printing some things to the console for testing purpose
console.log("countacc: "+countacc);
//Sort the transaction data of our specific accounts into our local array
.subscribe((pageData2: {transactions: Transaction[], transactionCount: number}) => {
//Saving data in local array
this.totalTransactions = pageData2.transactionCount;
var cache2 = new Array<Transaction>();
cache2 = pageData2.transactions;
this.transactions[countacc] = cache2;
//Stop loading spinner
this.isLoading = false;
console.log("Transactions of account " +countacc + ": "+this.transactions[countacc]);
//Go to the transactions of the a possible subaccount
//Go to the next bankaccount
//Stopping the code execution for some time
setTimeout(()=>{}, 2000);
catch (TypeError) {
//If Token of bankaccount is invalid, delete it
Проблема при выполнении этого кода заключается в том, что мой код записывает не только первый индекс массива, но и второй, в то время как цикл for выполняется только один раз.На консоли показано следующее:
list-transactions.component.ts:160 **iban here**
list-transactions.component.ts:163 countacc: 0
list-transactions.component.ts:164 **iban here**
list-transactions.component.ts:178 Trans of acc 0: [object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Я скрыл здесь настоящий iban.Может кто-нибудь объяснить мне, что является лучшим решением для вложенных подписок с вложенными зависимостями?