Для этого может потребоваться авторизовать Редактор сценариев для доступа к службе определения местоположения (не забудьте включить службы определения местоположения), поэтому вам может понадобиться запустить сценарий во второй раз при доступе был предоставлен.
use framework "CoreLocation"
use framework "Foundation"
use scripting additions
property this : a reference to the current application
property nil : a reference to missing value
property _1 : a reference to reference
property CLLocationManager : a reference to CLLocationManager of this
property kCLLocationAccuracyThreeKilometers : a reference to 3000.0
property running : false
property result : missing value -- Lat./long. or error description
property number : 0 -- Error code
property seconds : 10 -- Maximum time to allow script to run
my performSelectorOnMainThread:"getLocation" withObject:nil waitUntilDone:true
return my result
to getLocation()
set locationManager to CLLocationManager's new()
locationManager's setDelegate:me
locationManager's setDesiredAccuracy:kCLLocationAccuracyThreeKilometers
set my running to true
set started to current date
locationManager's startUpdatingLocation()
repeat while my running
delay 0.5
if (current date) - started > my seconds then exit repeat
end repeat
end getLocation
on locationManager:locationManager didUpdateLocations:locations
local locationManager, locations
locationManager's stopUpdatingLocation()
set my running to false
set my result to (locations's valueForKey:"coordinate") as record
end locationManager:didUpdateLocations:
on locationManager:locationManager didFailWithError:err
local locationManager, err
tell err's code()
set my number to it
set my result to item (it + 1) in my enum's kCLError
if it ≠ 0 then set my running to false
end tell
end locationManager:didFailWithError:
script enum
property kCLError : {¬
"Location Unknown", ¬
"Denied", ¬
"Network", ¬
"Heading Failure", ¬
"Region Monitoring Denied", ¬
"Region Monitoring Failure", ¬
"Region Monitoring Setup Delayed", ¬
"Region Monitoring Response Delayed", ¬
"Geocode Found No Result", ¬
"Geocode Found Partial Result", ¬
"Geocode Canceled", ¬
"Deferred Failed", ¬
"Deferred Not Updating Location", ¬
"Deferred Accuracy Too Low", ¬
"Deferred Distance Filtered", ¬
"Deferred Canceled", ¬
"Ranging Unavailable", ¬
"Ranging Failure"}
property CLAuthorizationStatus : {¬
"Not Determined", ¬
"Restricted", ¬
"Denied", ¬
"Authorized (Always)", ¬
"Authorized When In Use"}
end script
Если ответное сообщение «Местоположение неизвестно», это может означать, что вам необходимо сбросить настройки сети .