Одним из подходов может быть использование функции, подобной приведенной ниже (но вам нужно добавить ссылку, выполнив: Open VB Editor > Click Tools > References > Scroll down to "Microsoft Scripting Runtime" > Tick it > Click OK
Option Explicit
Public Function CountNumericOccurrences(ByVal someRange As Range, ByVal minimumOccurrenceCount As Long) As Long
' "someRange" can be a contiguous or non-contiguous range of cells
' "minimumOccurrenceCount" is how many occurrences must be present before that value is counted.
' This function will only count numbers (strings, blanks, etc are ignored).
Dim uniqueCounts As Scripting.Dictionary
Set uniqueCounts = New Scripting.Dictionary
Dim contiguousArea As Range
For Each contiguousArea In someRange.Areas
If contiguousArea.Cells.Count > 1 Then ' Unlikely that range would contain any single-cell areas
Dim inputToCheck As Variant
inputToCheck = contiguousArea.Value
Dim rowIndex As Long
Dim columnIndex As Long
Dim currentKey As String
For rowIndex = LBound(inputToCheck, 1) To UBound(inputToCheck, 1)
For columnIndex = LBound(inputToCheck, 2) To UBound(inputToCheck, 2)
If Application.IsNumber(inputToCheck(rowIndex, columnIndex)) Then ' IsNumeric returns True for vbEmpty, so isNumber is used instead.
currentKey = CStr(inputToCheck(rowIndex, columnIndex))
If Not uniqueCounts.Exists(currentKey) Then uniqueCounts.Add currentKey, 0 ' Default value
uniqueCounts(currentKey) = uniqueCounts(currentKey) + 1
End If
Next columnIndex
Next rowIndex
ElseIf Application.IsNumber(contiguousArea) Then ' Handle single-cell edge case
currentKey = CStr(contiguousArea) ' We repeat ourselves here. Could create a "default dictionary" class, but only 3 lines repeated.
If Not uniqueCounts.Exists(currentKey) Then uniqueCounts.Add currentKey, 0 ' Default value
uniqueCounts(currentKey) = uniqueCounts(currentKey) + 1
End If
Next contiguousArea
For rowIndex = 0 To (uniqueCounts.Count - 1)
If uniqueCounts.Items(rowIndex) >= minimumOccurrenceCount Then
CountNumericOccurrences = CountNumericOccurrences + 1
End If
Next rowIndex
End Function
Если вы поместите его в новый модуль, вы можете вызвать его из таблицы следующим образом:
Я протестировал его с диапазоном, состоящим из 200 тыс. Ячеек, и это заняло ~ 4 секунды (довольно медленно). Возможно, лучше использовать коллекцию.
Вы также можете просто вызывать его как часть обычной процедуры, например ::
Option Explicit
Private Sub SomeProcedure()
Dim someValue As Long
someValue = CountNumericOccurrences(ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:A200000"), 3)
MsgBox someValue
End Sub