I have the following excel sheet table [Data]:
endPreyear = '31.12.2018'
ID cusID Cus_Name Reg_Date DC MyAmount Exch MyCur
1 1001 A Cust 06.01.2018 D 2.000.00 180.00 EUR
2 1001 A Cust 20.01.2018 C 1.900.00 160.00 EUR
3 1001 A Cust 17.02.2018 D 1.200.00 100.00 EUR
4 1001 A Cust 12.04.2018 D 1.300.00 110.00 EUR
5 1001 A Cust 21.05.2018 D 1.400.00 120.00 EUR
6 1001 A Cust 21.05.2019 D 3.000.00 450.00 EUR
7 1001 A Cust 31.05.2019 C 5.000.00 300.00 EUR
8 1001 A Cust 10.09.2019 D 500.00 10.00 EUR
9 1001 A Cust 11.09.2019 C 400.00 5.00 EUR
10 1002 B Cust 03.11.2018 D 4.300.00 450.00 EUR
11 1002 B Cust 03.12.2018 C 3.900.00 405.00 EUR
12 1002 B Cust 07.01.2019 D 9.000.00 740.00 EUR
13 1002 B Cust 31.01.2019 C 4.000.00 200.00 EUR
14 1002 B Cust 20.03.2019 D 5.200.00 140.00 EUR
15 1002 B Cust 28.03.2019 C 4.200.00 120.00 EUR
16 1002 B Cust 29.03.2019 D 1.805.00 120.00 USD
17 1002 B Cust 30.03.2019 C 1.805.00 105.00 USD
18 1002 B Cust 31.03.2019 D 3.204.00 210.00 USD
19 1002 B Cust 01.04.2019 C 1.922.40 90.00 USD
OutPut: MyTable & 4 столбца:
LYear_Tot TYear_Tot LYear_ExcTot TYear_ExcTot
2.000.00 0 180.00 0
100.00 0 20.00 0
1.300.00 0 120.00 0
2.600.00 0 230.00 0
4.000.00 0 350.00 0
4.000.00 3.000.00 350.00 450.00
0.00 2.000.00 110.00 390.00
0.00 2.500.00 110.00 400.00
0.00 2.100.00 110.00 395.00
4.300.00 0.00 450.00 0
400.00 0.00 45.00 0
400.00 9.000.00 45.00 740.00
0.00 5.400.00 25.00 560.00
0.00 10.600.00 25.00 700.00
0.00 6.400.00 25.00 580.00
0.00 1.805.00 0.00 120.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 15.00
0.00 3.204.00 0.00 225.00
0.00 1.281.60 0.00 135.00
Методика расчета:
LYear_Tot Explanation TYear_Tot
2.000.00 ID.1 0
100.00 pre.row + (-ID.2) 0
1.300.00 pre.row + ID.3 0
2.600.00 pre.row + ID.4 0
4.000.00 pre.row + ID.5 0
4.000.00 pre.row (DC='D'And Year(Reg_Date)>Year(endPreyear)) 3.000.00 ID.6
0.00 (Because pre.row + (-ID.7)<0) dif.added to TYear_Tot 2.000.00
0.00 pre.row + ID.8 2.500.00
0.00 pre.row + (-ID.9) 2.100.00
4.300.00 ID.10 (Customer changed) 0.00
. .
. .
Each customer and currency total will be reset
if DC='D' And Year(Reg_Date)<=Year(endPreyear) Then LYear_Tot = LYear_Tot + MyAmount
if DC='C' And Year(Reg_Date)<=Year(endPreyear) Then LYear_Tot = LYear_Tot + (-MyAmount)
if DC='C' And Year(Reg_Date)>Year(endPreyear) AND LYear_Tot + (-MyAmount)>0 Then LYear_Tot = LYear_Tot + (-MyAmount)
Elseif DC='C' And Year(Reg_Date)>Year(endPreyear) AND LYear_Tot + (-MyAmount) <=0 Then LYear_Tot = 0 'difference will be added to TYear_Tot field
if DC='D' And Year(Reg_Date)>Year(endPreyear) Then TYear_Tot = TYear_Tot + MyAmount
if DC='C' And Year(Reg_Date)>Year(endPreyear) AND LYear_Tot <0 Then TYear_Tot = TYear_Tot + LYear_Tot
Elseif DC='C' And Year(Reg_Date)>Year(endPreyear) AND LYear_Tot >=0 Then TYear_Tot = TYear_Tot + (-MyAmount)
I hope I can explain you well.
How to write query in SQL for the above results?
LYear_Tot = LYear_Tot + IIf (DC = "D", MyAmount, -MyAmount)
ГДЕ ((Reg_Date <= endPreyear AND DC = "D") ИЛИ DC = "C") И a.cusID = b.cusID AND a.MyCur = b.MyCur </p>
TYear_Tot = TYear_Tot + MyAmount
ГДЕ (Reg_Date> endPreyear AND DC = "D") И a.cusID = b.cusID AND a.MyCur = b.MyCur +
TYear_Tot = TYear_Tot + MyAmount
ГДЕ (Reg_Date> endPreyear AND DC = "C") И a.cusID = b.cusID AND a.MyCur = b.MyCur AND LYear_Tot = 0 +
TYear_Tot = TYear_Tot + LYear_Tot
ГДЕ (Reg_Date> endPreyear AND DC = "C") И a.cusID = b.cusID AND a.MyCur = b.MyCur AND LYear_Tot <0. </p>