У меня есть две модели, новости и редакционные статьи. Когда я заполняю БД 50 новостями и 4 редакционными статьями, идентификаторы новостей и редакционных статей располагаются в последовательном порядке, то есть 1, 2, 3 и т. Д. Но после того, как я вставляю новость или редакционную статью через форму пользователя, следующий идентификатор новостей устанавливается на 55, который должен быть 51. и при добавлении передовой статьи следующий идентификатор равен 56, когда это должно быть 5, поскольку последний редакторский идентификатор равен 4. Я пытаюсь выяснить, что является причиной этой странной проблемы.
News Seeder
class NewsTableSeeder extends Seeder
* Run the database seeds.
* @return void
public function run()
$faker = Faker::create();
//---------create one category------------
$category_array =['Women & Children','Minority', 'Free Speech', 'Democracy'];
$randomCategory = array_rand($category_array);
$category= new Category();
$category->description = $category_array[$randomCategory];
//---------create multiple tags -----------
$randomCounter = rand(1,3);
$tag_array =['Politics','Environment','Hate Speech', 'Weather'];
for ($i=0; $i<$randomCounter ; $i++) {
$tag = new Tag();
$tag->description = $tag_array[$i];
}//end for
//------- create multiple tags-------------
//------- create multiple comments for this news------------
$randomCounter= rand(1,10);
for ($i=0; $i<$randomCounter ; $i++) {
$comment = new Comment();
$comment->user_name = $faker->name();
$comment->email = $faker->safeEmail();
$comment->title = $faker->sentence(rand(2,3));
$comment->content = $faker->paragraph(rand(10,15));
$comment->status ='Approved';
$comment->news_id =$news->id;
}//end for
}//end inner function
Редактор Сеялка
class EditorialTableSeeder extends Seeder
* Run the database seeds.
* @return void
public function run()
$faker = Faker::create();
//---------create one category------------
$category_array =['Women & Children','Minority', 'Free Speech', 'Democracy'];
$randomCategory = array_rand($category_array);
$category= new Category();
$category->description = $category_array[$randomCategory];
//---------create multiple tags -----------
$randomCounter = rand(1,3);
$tag_array =['Politics','Environment','Hate Speech', 'Weather'];;
for ($i=0; $i<$randomCounter ; $i++) {
$tag = new Tag();
$tag->description = $tag_array[$i];
}//end for
//------- create multiple tags-------------
//------- create multiple comments for this news------------
$randomCounter= rand(1,10);
for ($i=0; $i<$randomCounter ; $i++) {
$comment = new Comment();
$comment->user_name = $faker->name();
$comment->email = $faker->safeEmail();
$comment->title = $faker->sentence(rand(2,3));
$comment->content = $faker->paragraph(rand(10,15));
$comment->status ='Approved';
$comment->editorial_id =$editorial->id;
}//end for
Способ сохранения контроллера новостей
public function store(Request $request)
//validate the data
$validator = Validator::make($request->all(), [
'news_title' => 'required|min:20|max:150',
'news_short_desc' => 'required|max:250|min:10',
'news_story' => 'required|max:2500|min:10',
//if validation fails laravel will automatically redirect to previous page
//validation successful proceed with saving the record
//and also add record to linked/ junction tables
$news = new News;
$news->title = $request->news_title;
$news->short_desc = $request->news_short_desc;
$news->story = $request->news_story;
$news->image_path = url('/') . $request->filepath;
if ($request->has('is_featured')) {
$news->is_featured = 'Y';
} else {
$news->is_featured = 'N';
//check dropdown inputs
$category = new Category();
switch ($request->input('news_category')) {
case 'w':
//$news->category_id= 1;
$category->description = 'Women & Children';
//add record to link table
case 'm':
//$news->category_id= 2;
$category->description = 'Minority';
//add record to link table
case 'f':
//$news->category_id= 3;
$category->description = 'Free Speech';
//add record to link table
case 'd':
// $news->category_id= 4;
$category->description = 'Democracy';
//add record to link table
} //end switch
$news->posted_by = auth('admin')->user()->name;
//create Tags
$tag_array = LogicHelper::getTagList();
for ($i = 0; $i <= count($tag_array); $i++) {
if (($request->has('tag_' . ($i + 1)))) {
$tag = new Tag();
//create new tag
$tag->description = $tag_array[$i];
// $tag->save();
} //end if
}//end for
Session::flash('add_success', 'News Added Successfully!');
return redirect()->route('add.news');
}//end method
Редакционный метод сохранения
public function save(Request $request){
//validate the data
$validator = Validator::make($request->all(), [
'title' => 'required|min:20|max:150',
'short_desc' => 'required|max:190|min:10',
'content' => 'required|max:2500|min:10',
//if validation fails laravel will automatically redirect to previous page
//check if at least one image exists!
//validation successful proceed with saving the record
//and also add record to linked/ junction tables
$editorial = new Editorial();
$editorial->title= $request->title;
$editorial->short_description= $request->short_desc;
$editorial->content= $request->content;
//check dropdown inputs
$category = new Category();
switch ($request->input('category')) {
case 'w':
//$editorial->category_id= 1;
$category->description = 'Women & Children';
//add record to link table
case 'm':
// $editorial->category_id= 2;
$category->description = 'Minority';
//add record to link table
case 'f':
//$editorial->category_id= 3;
$category->description = 'Free Speech';
//add record to link table
case 'd':
//$editorial->category_id= 4;
$category->description = 'Democracy';
//add record to link table
}//end switch
$editorial->image_path= url('/').$request->filepath;
$editorial->posted_by= auth('admin')->user()->name;
Session::flash('add_success','Editorial Created Successfully!');
return redirect()->route('add.editorial');
}//end method