Я нашел решение, в котором я пробовал другие варианты, но теперь это похоже на работу.
,(SELECT COUNT(eventinfo.eventaction) FROM UNNEST(hits) WHERE eventinfo.eventaction = 'productDetail') pviews
Полный запрос здесь для всех, кому это понравится.
/* landing page, medium, source, campaign, adcontent, device, country, sessions, bounces, avg pages per session, time on site, transactions, revenue
add additional dimensions and metrics into the second select statement, aggregate in the top select statement, order by any new dimensions
,COUNT(DISTINCT(a.sessionId)) sessions
,SUM(a.bounces) bounces
,SUM(a.trans) trans
,SUM(a.rev)/1000000 rev
,AVG(a.avg_pages) avg_pages
,(SUM(tos)/COUNT(DISTINCT(a.sessionId)))/60 session_duration
,COUNT(DISTINCT(a.user)) users
,sum(a.pviews) pviews
CONCAT(CAST(fullVisitorId AS STRING),CAST(visitStartTime AS STRING)) sessionId
,fullvisitorid user
,(SELECT sourcePropertyInfo.sourcePropertyDisplayName FROM UNNEST(hits) where hitnumber = (SELECT MIN(hitnumber) from UNNEST(hits) where type = 'PAGE')) country
,(SELECT page.pagePath FROM UNNEST(hits) WHERE hitnumber = (SELECT MIN(hitnumber) FROM UNNEST(hits) WHERE type = 'PAGE')) landingpage
,trafficSource.medium medium
,trafficSource.source sources
,trafficSource.campaign campaign
,trafficSource.adContent content
,device.deviceCategory device
,totals.bounces bounces
,totals.timeonsite tos
,totals.transactions trans
,totals.transactionRevenue as rev
,(SELECT COUNT(hitnumber) FROM UNNEST(hits) WHERE type = 'PAGE') avg_pages
,(SELECT COUNT(eventinfo.eventaction) FROM UNNEST(hits) WHERE eventinfo.eventaction = 'productDetail') pviews
FROM `ghd-analytics-XXXXXX.XXXXXXX.ga_sessions_*`
WHERE _TABLE_SUFFIX >= '20190417' /*date start*/
AND _TABLE_SUFFIX <= '20190417' /*date end*/
AND totals.visits = 1
) a
GROUP BY landingpage,medium,device,sources,campaign,content,date,country
ORDER BY sessions desc