Вот решение, которое я нашел. Я узнал о циклах и затем вместо того, чтобы использовать onEdit для отправки электронного письма, я только что сделал ежедневного отправителя (это может быть так часто, как вы хотите) и установил его на основе отметки времени, в которую он вошел. Поэтому, если строка была вставлена в течение последних 214 часов, войдите в нее и отправьте электронное письмо. Это компилирует все вместо отправки по одному. Я чувствовал, что это было лучшее решение, чем вопрос, который я первоначально отправил.
Извините, мои плохие настройки, я все еще учусь! Спасибо всем за помощь.
function dailyEmail() {
var s = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var recipientList = "EMAIL";
var digestFrequency = 1.0;
var emailSubject = 'Changes were made to: '+ s.getSheetName();
var senderName = "Email Sender";
var lastRow = s.getLastRow();
var i = 2;
var date = new Date();
var entriesCounter = 1;
var emailTable = '<table> <tr><th style = "width: 200px" bgcolor = "#aed1e8"> Control ID </th> <th style = "width: 200px" bgcolor = "#aed1e8">Significance </th> <th style = "width: 500px" bgcolor = "#aed1e8">Control Description </th> <th style = "width: 200px" bgcolor = "#aed1e8">Control Owner </th><th style = "width: 200px" bgcolor = "#aed1e8"> Control Certifier </th> <th style = "width: 200px" bgcolor = "#aed1e8">Next IA Testing Date </th> <th style = "width: 200px" bgcolor = "#aed1e8">Most Recent IA Test Results Conclusion</th> <th style = "width: 200px" bgcolor = "#aed1e8"> Test Date </th> <th style = "width: 200px" bgcolor = "#aed1e8">Test Results </th> <th style = "width: 200px" bgcolor = "#aed1e8">IA Control Conclusion </th><th style = "width: 200px" bgcolor = "#aed1e8">Column Updated </th> </tr>';
for (var i; i <= lastRow; i++) {
var iaTestDate = new Date( s.getRange(i, 7).getValue());
var rowDate = new Date(s.getRange(i, 1).getValue()); // your date from API
//Time is standard set to milliseconds
var t1 = date.getTime(),
t2 = rowDate.getTime();
//Math to find the difference in days from the current date to the date that each row was edited or changed
var diffInDays = Math.floor((t1-t2)/(24*3600*1000));// 24*3600*1000 is milliseconds in a day
if (diffInDays <= digestFrequency) {
var controlID = s.getRange(i, 2).getValue();
var significance = s.getRange(i, 3).getValue();
var controlName = s.getRange(i, 4).getValue();
var controlOwner = s.getRange(i, 5).getValue();
var controlCertifier = s.getRange(i, 6).getValue();
var nextIATestingStartDate = Utilities.formatDate(iaTestDate, "America/Los_Angeles", "MMM-dd-yyyy"); // Format that date/timestamp
var mostRecentIATestResultsConclusion = s.getRange(i, 8).getValue();
var TestDate = s.getRange(i, 9).getValue();
var TestResults = s.getRange(i, 10).getValue();
var IAControlConclusion = s.getRange(i, 11).getValue();
var headerColumn = s.getRange(i, 12).getValue();
//builds the table data for the email
emailTable += "<tr><td style = 'width: 200px' bgcolor = '#F8F8F8'>" + controlID + "</td> <td style = 'width: 200px' bgcolor = '#F8F8F8'>" + significance + "</td> <td style = 'width: 500px' bgcolor = '#F8F8F8'>" + controlName + "</td> <td style = 'width: 200px' bgcolor = '#F8F8F8'>" + controlOwner + "</td> <td style = 'width: 200px' bgcolor = '#F8F8F8'>" + controlCertifier + "</td> <td style = 'width: 200px' bgcolor = '#F8F8F8'>" + nextIATestingStartDate + "</td> <td style = 'width: 200px' bgcolor = '#F8F8F8'>" + mostRecentIATestResultsConclusion + "</td> <td style = 'width: 200px' bgcolor = '#F8F8F8'>" + TestDate + "</td> <td style = 'width: 200px' bgcolor = '#F8F8F8'>" + TestResults + "</td> <td style = 'width: 200px' bgcolor = '#F8F8F8'>" + IAControlConclusion + "</td><td style = 'width: 200px' bgcolor = '#F8F8F8'>" + headerColumn + "</td> </tr>";
emailTable += "</table>";
if (entriesCounter == 1) {
emailTable = "<b>No changes were made since the previous report.</b>";
var htmlBody = "Hello, <br><br> This is an automated email sent between 6-7am. <br> <br> The Following changes have been made within the past 24 hours.<br><br>" + emailTable + '<br><br> <a href = "URL"><b>Visit the Google Sheet for this e-mail here</b></a>';
MailApp.sendEmail(recipientList, emailSubject, '', {
to: recipientList,
name: senderName,
htmlBody: htmlBody,
cc: recipientList