Как изменить все AJAX-запросы на добавление заголовка токена из файлов cookie - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 18 апреля 2019

Мне нужно отправить все мои запросы XHR с заголовком с именем token и значением, полученным из файлов cookie. Я нашел решение, но код очень очень длинный - и немного уродливый (вставьте полную внешнюю библиотеку - такую ​​большую - просто для использования простой функции ...)

Необходимость использования swagger-ui. Я получаю токен от ADFS, нажимая Авторизовать btn. Но для всех остальных запросов (тест выполняется с использованием try it out btn)

Поскольку я не смог найти решение с конфигурацией Swagger, я решил использовать обходной путь: изменить все запросы AJAX на лету.

Я уже пытался сделать это, используя Jquery или прямые Javascript коды, но ни один из них не работал.

Наконец, я нахожу решение, используя XHook (v1.4.9 - https://github.com/jpillora/xhook)

Вот код моего файла (вставлен в индексную страницу)

// XHook - v1.4.9 - https://github.com/jpillora/xhook
// Jaime Pillora <dev@jpillora.com> - MIT Copyright 2018
(function (a, b) { var c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H = [].indexOf || function (a) { for (var b = 0, c = this.length; b < c; b++)if (b in this && this[b] === a) return b; return -1 }; q = null, q = "undefined" != typeof WorkerGlobalScope && self instanceof WorkerGlobalScope ? self : "undefined" != typeof global ? global : a, x = q.document, d = "before", c = "after", o = "readyState", n = "addEventListener", m = "removeEventListener", h = "dispatchEvent", u = "XMLHttpRequest", g = "fetch", i = "FormData", p = ["load", "loadend", "loadstart"], e = ["progress", "abort", "error", "timeout"], E = "undefined" != typeof navigator && navigator.useragent ? navigator.userAgent : "", A = parseInt((/msie (\d+)/.exec(E.toLowerCase()) || [])[1]), isNaN(A) && (A = parseInt((/trident\/.*; rv:(\d+)/.exec(E.toLowerCase()) || [])[1])), (G = Array.prototype).indexOf || (G.indexOf = function (a) { var b, c, d, e; for (b = d = 0, e = this.length; d < e; b = ++d)if (c = this[b], c === a) return b; return -1 }), D = function (a, b) { return Array.prototype.slice.call(a, b) }, w = function (a) { return "returnValue" === a || "totalSize" === a || "position" === a }, z = function (a, b) { var c; for (c in a) if (a[c], !w(c)) try { b[c] = a[c] } catch (a) { } return b }, B = function (a) { return void 0 === a ? null : a }, C = function (a, b, c) { var d, e, f, g; for (e = function (a) { return function (d) { var e, f, g; e = {}; for (f in d) w(f) || (g = d[f], e[f] = g === b ? c : g); return c[h](a, e) } }, f = 0, g = a.length; f < g; f++)d = a[f], c._has(d) && (b["on" + d] = e(d)) }, y = function (a) { var b; if (x && null != x.createEventObject) return b = x.createEventObject(), b.type = a, b; try { return new Event(a) } catch (b) { return { type: a } } }, f = function (a) { var c, d, e; return d = {}, e = function (a) { return d[a] || [] }, c = {}, c[n] = function (a, c, f) { d[a] = e(a), d[a].indexOf(c) >= 0 || (f = f === b ? d[a].length : f, d[a].splice(f, 0, c)) }, c[m] = function (a, c) { var f; if (a === b) return void (d = {}); c === b && (d[a] = []), f = e(a).indexOf(c), f !== -1 && e(a).splice(f, 1) }, c[h] = function () { var b, d, f, g, h, i, j, k; for (b = D(arguments), d = b.shift(), a || (b[0] = z(b[0], y(d))), g = c["on" + d], g && g.apply(c, b), k = e(d).concat(e("*")), f = i = 0, j = k.length; i < j; f = ++i)h = k[f], h.apply(c, b) }, c._has = function (a) { return !(!d[a] && !c["on" + a]) }, a && (c.listeners = function (a) { return D(e(a)) }, c.on = c[n], c.off = c[m], c.fire = c[h], c.once = function (a, b) { var d; return d = function () { return c.off(a, d), b.apply(null, arguments) }, c.on(a, d) }, c.destroy = function () { return d = {} }), c }, F = f(!0), F.EventEmitter = f, F[d] = function (a, b) { if (a.length < 1 || a.length > 2) throw "invalid hook"; return F[n](d, a, b) }, F[c] = function (a, b) { if (a.length < 2 || a.length > 3) throw "invalid hook"; return F[n](c, a, b) }, F.enable = function () { q[u] = t, "function" == typeof r && (q[g] = r), k && (q[i] = s) }, F.disable = function () { q[u] = F[u], q[g] = F[g], k && (q[i] = k) }, v = F.headers = function (a, b) { var c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k; switch (null == b && (b = {}), typeof a) { case "object": d = []; for (e in a) g = a[e], f = e.toLowerCase(), d.push(f + ":\t" + g); return d.join("\n") + "\n"; case "string": for (d = a.split("\n"), i = 0, j = d.length; i < j; i++)c = d[i], /([^:]+):\s*(.+)/.test(c) && (f = null != (k = RegExp.$1) ? k.toLowerCase() : void 0, h = RegExp.$2, null == b[f] && (b[f] = h)); return b } }, k = q[i], s = function (a) { var b; this.fd = a ? new k(a) : new k, this.form = a, b = [], Object.defineProperty(this, "entries", { get: function () { var c; return c = a ? D(a.querySelectorAll("input,select")).filter(function (a) { var b; return "checkbox" !== (b = a.type) && "radio" !== b || a.checked }).map(function (a) { return [a.name, "file" === a.type ? a.files : a.value] }) : [], c.concat(b) } }), this.append = function (a) { return function () { var c; return c = D(arguments), b.push(c), a.fd.append.apply(a.fd, c) } }(this) }, k && (F[i] = k, q[i] = s), l = q[u], F[u] = l, t = q[u] = function () { var a, b, g, i, j, k, l, m, q, r, t, w, x, y, D, E, G, I, J, K, L; a = -1, I = new F[u], t = {}, y = null, l = void 0, D = void 0, w = void 0, r = function () { var b, c, d, e; if (w.status = y || I.status, y === a && A < 10 || (w.statusText = I.statusText), y !== a) { e = v(I.getAllResponseHeaders()); for (b in e) d = e[b], w.headers[b] || (c = b.toLowerCase(), w.headers[c] = d) } }, q = function () { if (I.responseType && "text" !== I.responseType) "document" === I.responseType ? (w.xml = I.responseXML, w.data = I.responseXML) : w.data = I.response; else { w.text = I.responseText, w.data = I.responseText; try { w.xml = I.responseXML } catch (a) { } } "responseURL" in I && (w.finalUrl = I.responseURL) }, G = function () { k.status = w.status, k.statusText = w.statusText }, E = function () { "text" in w && (k.responseText = w.text), "xml" in w && (k.responseXML = w.xml), "data" in w && (k.response = w.data), "finalUrl" in w && (k.responseURL = w.finalUrl) }, i = function (a) { for (; a > b && b < 4;)k[o] = ++b, 1 === b && k[h]("loadstart", {}), 2 === b && G(), 4 === b && (G(), E()), k[h]("readystatechange", {}), 4 === b && (t.async === !1 ? g() : setTimeout(g, 0)) }, g = function () { l || k[h]("load", {}), k[h]("loadend", {}), l && (k[o] = 0) }, b = 0, x = function (a) { var b, d; if (4 !== a) return void i(a); b = F.listeners(c), (d = function () { var a; return b.length ? (a = b.shift(), 2 === a.length ? (a(t, w), d()) : 3 === a.length && t.async ? a(t, w, d) : d()) : i(4) })() }, k = t.xhr = f(), I.onreadystatechange = function (a) { try { 2 === I[o] && r() } catch (a) { } 4 === I[o] && (D = !1, r(), q()), x(I[o]) }, m = function () { l = !0 }, k[n]("error", m), k[n]("timeout", m), k[n]("abort", m), k[n]("progress", function () { b < 3 ? x(3) : k[h]("readystatechange", {}) }), ("withCredentials" in I || F.addWithCredentials) && (k.withCredentials = !1), k.status = 0, L = e.concat(p); for (J = 0, K = L.length; J < K; J++)j = L[J], k["on" + j] = null; return k.open = function (a, c, d, e, f) { b = 0, l = !1, D = !1, t.headers = {}, t.headerNames = {}, t.status = 0, w = {}, w.headers = {}, t.method = a, t.url = c, t.async = d !== !1, t.user = e, t.pass = f, x(1) }, k.send = function (a) { var b, c, f, g, h, i, j, l; for (l = ["type", "timeout", "withCredentials"], i = 0, j = l.length; i < j; i++)c = l[i], f = "type" === c ? "responseType" : c, f in k && (t[c] = k[f]); t.body = a, h = function () { var a, b, d, g, h, i; for (C(e, I, k), k.upload && C(e.concat(p), I.upload, k.upload), D = !0, I.open(t.method, t.url, t.async, t.user, t.pass), h = ["type", "timeout", "withCredentials"], d = 0, g = h.length; d < g; d++)c = h[d], f = "type" === c ? "responseType" : c, c in t && (I[f] = t[c]); i = t.headers; for (a in i) b = i[a], a && I.setRequestHeader(a, b); t.body instanceof s && (t.body = t.body.fd), I.send(t.body) }, b = F.listeners(d), (g = function () { var a, c; return b.length ? (a = function (a) { if ("object" == typeof a && ("number" == typeof a.status || "number" == typeof w.status)) return z(a, w), H.call(a, "data") < 0 && (a.data = a.response || a.text), void x(4); g() }, a.head = function (a) { return z(a, w), x(2) }, a.progress = function (a) { return z(a, w), x(3) }, c = b.shift(), 1 === c.length ? a(c(t)) : 2 === c.length && t.async ? c(t, a) : a()) : h() })() }, k.abort = function () { y = a, D ? I.abort() : k[h]("abort", {}) }, k.setRequestHeader = function (a, b) { var c, d; c = null != a ? a.toLowerCase() : void 0, d = t.headerNames[c] = t.headerNames[c] || a, t.headers[d] && (b = t.headers[d] + ", " + b), t.headers[d] = b }, k.getResponseHeader = function (a) { var b; return b = null != a ? a.toLowerCase() : void 0, B(w.headers[b]) }, k.getAllResponseHeaders = function () { return B(v(w.headers)) }, I.overrideMimeType && (k.overrideMimeType = function () { return I.overrideMimeType.apply(I, arguments) }), I.upload && (k.upload = t.upload = f()), k.UNSENT = 0, k.OPENED = 1, k.HEADERS_RECEIVED = 2, k.LOADING = 3, k.DONE = 4, k.response = "", k.responseText = "", k.responseXML = null, k.readyState = 0, k.statusText = "", k }, "function" == typeof q[g] && (j = q[g], F[g] = j, r = q[g] = function (a, b) { var e, f, g; return null == b && (b = { headers: {} }), b.url = a, g = null, f = F.listeners(d), e = F.listeners(c), new Promise(function (a, c) { var d, h, i, k, l; h = function () { return b.body instanceof s && (b.body = b.body.fd), b.headers && (b.headers = new Headers(b.headers)), g || (g = new Request(b.url, b)), z(b, g) }, i = function (b) { var c; return e.length ? (c = e.shift(), 2 === c.length ? (c(h(), b), i(b)) : 3 === c.length ? c(h(), b, i) : i(b)) : a(b) }, d = function (b) { var c; if (void 0 !== b) return c = new Response(b.body || b.text, b), a(c), void i(c); k() }, k = function () { var a; return f.length ? (a = f.shift(), 1 === a.length ? d(a(b)) : 2 === a.length ? a(h(), d) : void 0) : void l() }, l = function () { return j(h()).then(function (a) { return i(a) }).catch(function (a) { return i(a), c(a) }) }, k() }) }), t.UNSENT = 0, t.OPENED = 1, t.HEADERS_RECEIVED = 2, t.LOADING = 3, t.DONE = 4, "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define("xhook", [], function () { return F }) : "object" == typeof module && module.exports ? module.exports = { xhook: F } : q && (q.xhook = F) }).call(this, window);

// Extract the {name} value from the cookies (used to find token)
function check_cookie_name(name) {
    var match = document.cookie.match(new RegExp('(^| )' + name + '=([^;]+)'));
    if (match) {
        return match[2];
    else {
        console.log('-- try to call API without authentication token ---');
        return "Please login"

// Add token in header before each request
xhook.before(function (request) {
    request.headers['token'] = check_cookie_name('token');

Фактический результат хороший, и он работает.
Я ожидаю найти лучший / более чистый способ сделать то же самое ^^

Заранее спасибо, С уважением Nicolas * * 1023
