Склеарн - прогноз проблем НЛТК - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 11 июня 2019

Я новичок в машинном обучении, и я делаю свой "привет мир", используя sklearn и nltk, но у меня есть проблемы с результатом прогноза, он всегда выдает мне одно значение.

Я следую полученному мной уроку, в котором есть ошибки, и я постепенно его модифицировал, пока в конце концов он не дал мне результат, но это не ожидаемый результат.

Прикрепите учебную ссылку: https://towardsdatascience.com/text-classification-using-k-nearest-neighbors-46fa8a77acc5

Я прилагаю свой текущий код: (всегда показывать: «Условия» в качестве конечного результата)

import re

import nltk
from nltk.corpus import wordnet as wn
from nltk.corpus import genesis
genesis_ic = wn.ic(genesis, False, 0.0)

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
from nltk.stem.porter import PorterStemmer
from nltk.stem import SnowballStemmer
from nltk.stem.lancaster import LancasterStemmer
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score

from nltk.stem.wordnet import WordNetLemmatizer

class KNN_NLC_Classifer():
    def __init__(self, k=1, distance_type = 'path'):
        self.k = k
        self.distance_type = distance_type

    # This function is used for training
    def fit(self, x_train, y_train):
        self.x_train = x_train
        self.y_train = y_train

    # This function runs the K(1) nearest neighbour algorithm and
    # returns the label with closest match. 
    def predict(self, x_test):
        self.x_test = x_test
        y_predict = []

        for i in range(len(x_test)):
            max_sim = 0
            max_index = 0
            for j in range(self.x_train.shape[0]):
                temp = self.document_similarity(x_test[i], self.x_train[j])
                if temp > max_sim:
                    max_sim = temp
                    max_index = j
        return y_predict

    def convert_tag(self, tag):
        """Convert the tag given by nltk.pos_tag to the tag used by wordnet.synsets"""
        tag_dict = {'N': 'n', 'J': 'a', 'R': 'r', 'V': 'v'}
            return tag_dict[tag[0]]
        except KeyError:
            return None

    def doc_to_synsets(self, doc):
            Returns a list of synsets in document.
            Tokenizes and tags the words in the document doc.
            Then finds the first synset for each word/tag combination.
        If a synset is not found for that combination it is skipped.

            doc: string to be converted

            list of synsets
        tokens = word_tokenize(str(doc)+' ')

        l = []
        tags = nltk.pos_tag([tokens[0] + ' ']) if len(tokens) == 1 else nltk.pos_tag(tokens)

        for token, tag in zip(tokens, tags):
            syntag = self.convert_tag(tag[1])
            syns = wn.synsets(token, syntag)
            if (len(syns) > 0):
        return l  

    def similarity_score(self, s1, s2, distance_type = 'path'):
        Calculate the normalized similarity score of s1 onto s2
        For each synset in s1, finds the synset in s2 with the largest similarity value.
        Sum of all of the largest similarity values and normalize this value by dividing it by the
        number of largest similarity values found.

          s1, s2: list of synsets from doc_to_synsets

          normalized similarity score of s1 onto s2
        s1_largest_scores = []

        for i, s1_synset in enumerate(s1, 0):
            max_score = 0
            for s2_synset in s2:
                if distance_type == 'path':
                    score = s1_synset.path_similarity(s2_synset, simulate_root = False)
                    score = s1_synset.wup_similarity(s2_synset)
                if score != None:
                    if score > max_score:
                        max_score = score

            if max_score != 0:

        mean_score = np.mean(s1_largest_scores)

        return mean_score  

    def document_similarity(self,doc1, doc2):
              """Finds the symmetrical similarity between doc1 and doc2"""

              synsets1 = self.doc_to_synsets(doc1)
              synsets2 = self.doc_to_synsets(doc2)

              return (self.similarity_score(synsets1, synsets2) + self.similarity_score(synsets2, synsets1)) / 2

#doc1 = 'I like rains'
#doc2 = 'I like showers'
#x = KNN_NLC_Classifer()
#print("Test Similarity Score: ", x.document_similarity(doc1, doc2))

# 1. Importing the dataset
#we'll use the demo dataset available at Watson NLC Classifier Demo.
FILENAME = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/watson-developer-cloud/natural-language-classifier-nodejs/master/training/weather_data_train.csv"          

dataset = pd.read_csv(FILENAME, header = None)

dataset.rename(columns = {0:'text', 1:'answer'}, inplace = True)

dataset['output'] = np.where(dataset['answer'] == 'temperature', 1,0)
Num_Words = dataset.shape[0]

print("\nSize of input file is ", dataset.shape)

array = dataset.values
X = array[:,2]
Y = array[:,0]
validation_size = 0.20
seed = 7

# 4. Train the Classifier
classifier = KNN_NLC_Classifer(k=1, distance_type='path')
x_train,y_train = X,Y
classifier.fit(x_train, y_train)

final_test_list = ['will it rain', 'Is it hot outside?' , 'What is the expected high for today?' , 
                   'Will it be foggy tomorrow?', 'Should I prepare for sleet?',
                     'Will there be a storm today?', 'do we need to take umbrella today',
                    'will it be wet tomorrow', 'is it humid tomorrow', 'what is the precipitation today',
                    'is it freezing outside', 'is it cool outside', "are there strong winds outside",]

test_corpus = []
lmtzr = WordNetLemmatizer()
#ps = PorterStemmer()
for i in range(len(final_test_list)):
    review = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z]', ' ', final_test_list[i])
    review = review.lower()
    review = review.split()

    review = [lmtzr.lemmatize(word) for word in review] # if not word in s
    review = ' '.join(review)

y_pred_final = classifier.predict(test_corpus)

output_df = pd.DataFrame(data = {'text': final_test_list, 'code': y_pred_final})
output_df['answer'] = np.where(output_df['code']==1, 'Temperature','Conditions')

Ответы [ 2 ]

1 голос
/ 12 июня 2019

В руководстве метод similarity_score() пытается найти наибольшее сходство для каждого набора в s1 и усреднить их. Тем не менее, не учитывает слова в s1, которые не смогли найти никакой синтаксис в s2. Для меня имеет больше смысла, если мы добавим нули в s1_largest_scores для этих случаев.

Возьмем, к примеру, два предложения "Will it be uncomfortably hot?" и "will it rain". Метод в этом уроке даст вам 1 за сходство, а метод, который я определил, даст вам 0,53 за сходство. Предложения находятся в разных категориях, поэтому мы хотели бы, чтобы сходство было низким.

Вот мой код:

import re

import nltk
from nltk.corpus import wordnet as wn
from nltk.corpus import genesis
import ssl

    _create_unverified_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context
except AttributeError:
    ssl._create_default_https_context = _create_unverified_https_context

genesis_ic = wn.ic(genesis, False, 0.0)

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
from nltk.stem.porter import PorterStemmer
from nltk.stem import SnowballStemmer
from nltk.stem.lancaster import LancasterStemmer
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score

from nltk.stem.wordnet import WordNetLemmatizer

class KNN_NLC_Classifer():
    def __init__(self, k=1, distance_type = 'path'):
        self.k = k
        self.distance_type = distance_type

    # This function is used for training
    def fit(self, x_train, y_train):
        self.x_train = x_train
        self.y_train = y_train

    # This function runs the K(1) nearest neighbour algorithm and
    # returns the label with closest match.
    def predict(self, x_test):
        self.x_test = x_test
        y_predict = []

        for i in range(len(x_test)):
            max_sim = 0
            max_index = 0
            for j in range(self.x_train.shape[0]):
                temp = self.document_similarity(x_test[i], self.x_train[j])
                if temp > max_sim:
                    max_sim = temp
                    max_index = j

        return y_predict

    def convert_tag(self, tag):
        """Convert the tag given by nltk.pos_tag to the tag used by wordnet.synsets"""
        tag_dict = {'N': 'n', 'J': 'a', 'R': 'r', 'V': 'v'}
            return tag_dict[tag[0]]
        except KeyError:
            return None

    def doc_to_synsets(self, doc):
            Returns a list of synsets in document.
            Tokenizes and tags the words in the document doc.
            Then finds the first synset for each word/tag combination.
        If a synset is not found for that combination it is skipped.

            doc: string to be converted

            list of synsets
        tokens = word_tokenize(str(doc)+' ')

        l = []
        tags = nltk.pos_tag([tokens[0] + ' ']) if len(tokens) == 1 else nltk.pos_tag(tokens)
        for token, tag in zip(tokens, tags):
            syntag = self.convert_tag(tag[1])
            syns = wn.synsets(token, syntag)
            if (len(syns) > 0):

        return l

    def similarity_score(self, s1, s2, distance_type = 'path'):
        Calculate the normalized similarity score of s1 onto s2
        For each synset in s1, finds the synset in s2 with the largest similarity value.
        Sum of all of the largest similarity values and normalize this value by dividing it by the
        number of largest similarity values found.

          s1, s2: list of synsets from doc_to_synsets

          normalized similarity score of s1 onto s2
        s1_largest_scores = []

        for i, s1_synset in enumerate(s1):
            max_score = 0
            for s2_synset in s2:
                if distance_type == 'path':
                    score = s1_synset.path_similarity(s2_synset, simulate_root=False)
                    score = s1_synset.wup_similarity(s2_synset)

                if score != None and score > max_score:
                    max_score = score

            # if max_score != 0:
        mean_score = np.mean(s1_largest_scores)

        return mean_score

    def document_similarity(self,doc1, doc2):
        """Finds the symmetrical similarity between doc1 and doc2"""

        synsets1 = self.doc_to_synsets(doc1)
        synsets2 = self.doc_to_synsets(doc2)

        return (self.similarity_score(synsets1, synsets2) + self.similarity_score(synsets2, synsets1)) / 2

# 1. Importing the dataset
#we'll use the demo dataset available at Watson NLC Classifier Demo.
FILENAME = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/watson-developer-cloud/natural-language-classifier-nodejs/master/training/weather_data_train.csv"

dataset = pd.read_csv(FILENAME, header = None)

dataset.rename(columns = {0:'text', 1:'answer'}, inplace = True)

dataset['output'] = np.where(dataset['answer'] == 'temperature', 1,0)
Num_Words = dataset.shape[0]

print("\nSize of input file is ", dataset.shape)

array = dataset.values
X = array[:,0]
Y = array[:,2]
validation_size = 0.20
seed = 7

# 4. Train the Classifier
classifier = KNN_NLC_Classifer(k=1, distance_type='path')
x_train,y_train = X, Y
classifier.fit(x_train, y_train)

final_test_list = [
    'will it rain',
    'Is it hot outside?',
    'What is the expected high for today?',
    'Will it be foggy tomorrow?',
    'Should I prepare for sleet?',
    'Will there be a storm today?',
    'do we need to take umbrella today',
    'will it be wet tomorrow',
    'is it humid tomorrow',
    'what is the precipitation today',
    'is it freezing outside',
    'is it cool outside',
    'are there strong winds outside',

test_corpus = []
lmtzr = WordNetLemmatizer()
#ps = PorterStemmer()
for i in range(len(final_test_list)):
    review = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z]', ' ', final_test_list[i])
    review = review.lower()
    review = review.split()

    review = [lmtzr.lemmatize(word) for word in review] # if not word in s
    review = ' '.join(review)

y_pred_final = classifier.predict(test_corpus)

output_df = pd.DataFrame(data = {'text': final_test_list, 'code': y_pred_final})
output_df['answer'] = np.where(output_df['code']==1, 'Temperature', 'Conditions')

А вот результат, который я считаю более разумным:

                                    text  code       answer
0                           will it rain     0   Conditions
1                     Is it hot outside?     1  Temperature
2   What is the expected high for today?     1  Temperature
3             Will it be foggy tomorrow?     1  Temperature
4            Should I prepare for sleet?     0   Conditions
5           Will there be a storm today?     1  Temperature
6      do we need to take umbrella today     0   Conditions
7                will it be wet tomorrow     1  Temperature
8                   is it humid tomorrow     1  Temperature
9        what is the precipitation today     1  Temperature
10                is it freezing outside     1  Temperature
11                    is it cool outside     1  Temperature
12        are there strong winds outside     0   Conditions
1 голос
/ 11 июня 2019

После распечатки x_train и y_train вы обнаружите ошибку.

По какой-то причине ваш Y - это функция, а X - ваша метка.Если вы измените строку x_train, y_train = X, Y на x_train, y_train = Y, X, она будет работать.
