Я разрабатывал серию игр.
Игры были интегрированы с домашним меню и двумя отдельными мини-домашними меню.
Когда игра заканчивается, предполагается, что экран возвращается в главное меню.
3 из 4 игр возвращаются, но третья игра, названная comSci1 (), не возвращается.
Зачем? Как я могу это исправить?
Одна и та же логика используется во всех играх.
#Import Packages
import pygame, sys
from pygame.locals import *
#Math Game 1 variables
xcar = 10
ycar = 455
check = 0
opt = 60
#Math Game 2 variables
xbox = 140
ybox = 240
woah = 10
counter = 0
#Hardware Game 1 Constants
xarrow= 320
yarrow = 300
xcar = 10
ycar = 455
xr1 = 150
xr2 = 400
yr1 = 455
yr2 = 455
#Hardware Game 2 Variables
rk1x = 100
rk1y = -10
rk2x = 300
rk2y = - 50
rk3x = 500
rk3y = 100
bucketx = 270
buckety= 380
Hardanswer = 0
game1 = 0
game2 = 0
game3 = 0
game4 = 0
comtro= False
mathtro = False
mult = False
div = False
com1 = False
com2 = False
math2 = False
Home = True
def mathGame1():
global game1
global opt
global Mopt1
global xcar
global ycar
global check
global Home
win.blit(math1BG, (0,0))
win.blit (multipliCAUTION, (55, 15))
win.blit (multiplyrules, (20, 80))
win.blit(multrules2, (100,105))
win.blit(multrules3, (130, 130))
win.blit(rock, (140,470))
win.blit(rock, (380, 520))
win.blit(car, (xcar,ycar))
mouse = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
click = pygame.mouse.get_pressed()
#Level 2 ###########################################
if game1 == 2:
win.blit(multQ2, (200,250))
#Down button
if 400+100 > mouse[0] > 400 and 300+50 > mouse[1] > 300:
pygame.draw.rect(win, white,(400,300,50,50))
win.blit(Mopt1, (390,250))
if click[0] == 1 and click != None:
opt -= 1
check = 0
Mopt1 = myfont.render(str(opt), False, (75,75,75))
win.blit(Mopt1, (390,250))
pygame.draw.rect(win, crushed,(400,300,50,50))
win.blit(Mopt1, (390,250))
#Up button
if 400+100 > mouse[0] > 400 and 200+50 > mouse[1] > 200:
pygame.draw.rect(win, white,(400,200,50,50))
win.blit(Mopt1, (390,250))
if click[0] == 1 and click != None:
opt += 1
check = 0
Mopt1 = myfont.render(str(opt), False, (75,75,75))
win.blit(Mopt1, (390,250))
pygame.draw.rect(win, crushed,(400,200,50,50))
win.blit(Mopt1, (390,250))
#If answer is right
keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
if keys[pygame.K_UP]:
check = 2
if check == 2:
if opt == 54:
win.blit(correct, (100, 300))
if ycar > 470:
ycar -= 3
if xcar < 680:
xcar +=3
if xcar >= 680:
Home = True
xcar = 10
win.blit(tryagain, (100, 300))
def mathGame2():
global woah
global xbox
global ybox
global game2
global counter
global Home
win.blit(math1BG, (0,0))
win.blit(divtitle, (80, 15))
win.blit(divrules, (20,80))
win.blit(building, (-220,80))
win.blit(skybox, (xbox, ybox))
mouse = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
click = pygame.mouse.get_pressed()
#LEVEL 2 #########################################################
if game2 != 0:
win.blit(divQ2, (200, 200))
#Choice 1
if 200+100 > mouse[0] > 200 and 270+50 > mouse[1] > 270:
pygame.draw.rect(win, white,(200,270,100,50))
win.blit(opt2, (210, 270))
if click[0] == 1 and click != None:
woah = 1
pygame.draw.rect(win, crushed,(200,270,100,50))
win.blit(opt2, (210, 270))
#Choice 2
if 350+100 > mouse[0] > 350 and 270+50 > mouse[1] > 270:
pygame.draw.rect(win, white,(350,270,100,50))
win.blit(opt1, (360, 270))
if click[0] == 1 and click != None:
woah = 2
pygame.draw.rect(win, crushed,(350,270,100,50))
win.blit(opt1, (360, 270))
#Choice 3
if 500+100 > mouse[0] > 500 and 270+50 > mouse[1] > 270:
pygame.draw.rect(win, white,(500,270,100,50))
win.blit(opt3, (510, 270))
if click[0] == 1 and click != None:
woah = 0
pygame.draw.rect(win, crushed,(500,270,100,50))
win.blit(opt3, (510, 270))
if woah == 1:
win.blit(congrats, (200, 500))
if ybox <= 350:
while counter < 200:
ybox += 1
win.blit(skybox, (xbox, ybox))
counter += 1
if ybox >= 350:
woah = 3
if woah == 0:
win.blit(again, (200, 500))
#To return to home
if woah == 3:
win.blit(gameOver, (200, 500))
''' #Home button ---DOESNT WORK---
if 10+50 > mouse[0] > 10 and 10+50 > mouse[1] > 10:
pygame.draw.rect(win, white,(10,10,50,50))
win.blit(home, (10, 10))
if click[0] == 1 and click != None:'''
Home = True
def comSci2():
global bucketx
global buckety
global rk1y
global rk2y
global rk3y
global Hardanswer
global game4
global Home
win.blit(hardBG, (-5,-20))
win.blit(hardtit2, (120, 15))
win.blit(hrules2, (140, 80))
mouse = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
click = pygame.mouse.get_pressed()
if game4 == 0:
win.blit(H2Q1, (65, 520))
#First Rock
win.blit(rock2, (rk1x,rk1y))
win.blit(high, (rk1x + 20, rk1y + 10))
if rk1y < 450:
rk1y += 5
if rk1y == 450:
rk1y = -10
#Second Rock
win.blit(rock2, (rk2x,rk2y))
win.blit(fast, (rk2x + 20, rk2y + 10))
if rk2y < 450:
rk2y += 5
if rk2y == 450:
rk2y = -50
#Third Rock
win.blit(rock2, (rk3x,rk3y))
win.blit(low, (rk3x + 20, rk3y + 10))
if rk3y < 450:
rk3y += 5
if rk3y == 450:
rk3y = -10
win.blit(bucket, (bucketx, buckety))
keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:
bucketx -= 10
win.blit(bucket, (bucketx, buckety))
elif event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
bucketx += 10
win.blit(bucket, (bucketx, buckety))
#If rock lands in bucket
if bucketx+148 >rk1x > bucketx and rk1y >= buckety:
Hardanswer= 1
if bucketx+148 >rk2x > bucketx and rk2y >= buckety:
Hardanswer = 2
if bucketx+148 >rk3x > bucketx and rk3y >= buckety:
Hardanswer = 2
if Hardanswer == 1:
win.blit(high, (200, 520))
#Next level button
if 200+200 > mouse[0] > 200 and 270+50 > mouse[1] > 270:
pygame.draw.rect(win, white,(200,270,200,50))
win.blit(Next, (210, 270))
if click[0] == 1 and click != None:
game4 = 2
pygame.draw.rect(win, crushed,(200,270,200,50))
win.blit(Next, (210, 270))
if Hardanswer == 2:
win.blit(attempt2, (200, 500))
#Level 2 ##########################################################
if game4 == 2:
win.blit(H2Q2, (65, 520))
#First Rock
win.blit(rock2, (rk1x,rk1y))
win.blit(needs, (rk1x + 20, rk1y + 10))
if rk1y < 450:
rk1y += 3
if rk1y == 450:
rk1y = -10
#Second Rock
win.blit(rock2, (rk2x,rk2y))
win.blit(throws, (rk2x + 20, rk2y + 10))
if rk2y < 450:
rk2y += 5
if rk2y == 450:
rk2y = -50
#Third Rock
win.blit(rock2, (rk3x,rk3y))
win.blit(stores, (rk3x + 20, rk3y + 10))
if rk3y < 450:
rk3y += 5
if rk3y == 450:
rk3y = -10
win.blit(bucket, (bucketx, buckety))
keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:
bucketx -= 10
win.blit(bucket, (bucketx, buckety))
elif event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
bucketx += 10
win.blit(bucket, (bucketx, buckety))
#If rock lands in bucket
if bucketx+148 >rk1x > bucketx and rk1y >= buckety:
Hardanswer= 4
if bucketx+148 >rk2x > bucketx and rk2y >= buckety:
Hardanswer = 4
if bucketx+148 >rk3x > bucketx and rk3y >= buckety:
Hardanswer = 3
if Hardanswer == 3:
win.blit(high, (200, 520))
#Next level button
if 200+200 > mouse[0] > 200 and 270+50 > mouse[1] > 270:
pygame.draw.rect(win, white,(200,270,200,50))
win.blit(Next, (210, 270))
if click[0] == 1 and click != None:
game4 = 5
pygame.draw.rect(win, crushed,(200,270,200,50))
win.blit(Next, (210, 270))
if Hardanswer == 4:
win.blit(attempt2, (200, 500))
if game4 == 5:
Home = True
def comSci1():
global game3
global xarrow
global yarrow
global xr1
global xr2
global yr1
global yr2
global xcar
global ycar
global home
mouse = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
click = pygame.mouse.get_pressed()
win.blit(hardBG, (-5,-20))
win.blit(hardtitle, (160, 15))
win.blit(hardrules, (25,80))
win.blit(arrow, (xarrow, yarrow))
win.blit(car, (xcar, ycar))
win.blit(rock, (xr1, yr1))
win.blit(rock, (xr2, yr2))
if game3 == 0:
win.blit(hardQ1, (200, 200))
pygame.draw.rect(win, white,(15,290,250,50))
pygame.draw.rect(win, white,(405, 290, 220, 50))
win.blit(Hopt1, (30, 300))
win.blit(Hopt2, (420, 300))
keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:
xarrow -= 5
win.blit(arrow, (xarrow, yarrow))
elif event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
xarrow += 5
win.blit(arrow, (xarrow, yarrow))
if xarrow < 265 and xarrow > 15:
pygame.draw.rect(win, crushed,(15,290,250,50))
win.blit(Hopt1, (30, 300))
win.blit(correct, (200, 400))
if yr1 < 620:
yr1 += 7
win.blit(rock, (xr1, yr1))
if xcar < 300:
xcar += 10
if xcar == 300:
game3 = 2
if xarrow < 420 and xarrow > 400:
pygame.draw.rect(win, crushed,(405, 290, 220, 50))
win.blit(Hopt2, (420, 300))
win.blit(wrong, (250, 400))
#Level 2 ##################################################
if game3 == 2:
win.blit(hardQ2, (10, 200))
pygame.draw.rect(win, white,(15,290,250,50))
pygame.draw.rect(win, white,(405, 290, 220, 50))
win.blit(Hopt3, (30, 300))
win.blit(Hopt4, (420, 300))
keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:
xarrow -= 5
win.blit(arrow, (xarrow, yarrow))
elif event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
xarrow += 5
win.blit(arrow, (xarrow, yarrow))
if xarrow+40 < 520 and xarrow+40 > 400:
pygame.draw.rect(win, crushed,(405, 290, 220, 50))
win.blit(Hopt4, (420, 300))
win.blit(correct, (200, 400))
if yr2 < 640:
yr2 += 7
win.blit(rock, (xr1, yr1))
if xcar < 640:
xcar += 10
if xcar >= 600:
#Next level button
if 200+200 > mouse[0] > 200 and 270+50 > mouse[1] > 270:
pygame.draw.rect(win, white,(200,270,200,50))
win.blit(Next, (210, 270))
if click[0] == 1 and click != None:
Home = True
game3 = 5
pygame.draw.rect(win, crushed,(200,270,200,50))
win.blit(Next, (210, 270))
if xarrow < 265 and xarrow > 15:
pygame.draw.rect(win, crushed,(15,290,250,50))
win.blit(Hopt3, (30, 300))
if game3 == 5:
Home = True
def hommie():
Home = True
def mathintro():
global mult
global div
win.blit(mathBG, (0,0))
win.blit(introTitle, (10, 150))
win.blit(mathgames, (10, 200))
win.blit(choose, (10, 230))
win.blit(multiply, (100, 300))
win.blit(divide, (370, 300))
mouse = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
click = pygame.mouse.get_pressed()
#Click multiply sign
if 100+200 > mouse[0] > 100 and 300+200 > mouse[1] > 300:
if click[0] == 1 and click != None:
mult = True
#Click divide sign
if 370+200 > mouse[0] > 370 and 300+200 > mouse[1] > 300:
if click[0] == 1 and click != None:
div = True
def comsciIntro():
global com1
global com2
win.blit(mathBG, (0,0))
win.blit(introTitle, (10, 150))
win.blit(comscigames, (10, 200))
win.blit(choose, (10, 230))
win.blit(mouse2, (100, 300))
win.blit(rock3, (370, 300))
mouse = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
click = pygame.mouse.get_pressed()
#Click multiply sign
if 100+200 > mouse[0] > 100 and 300+200 > mouse[1] > 300:
if click[0] == 1 and click != None:
com1 = True
#Click divide sign
if 370+200 > mouse[0] > 370 and 300+200 > mouse[1] > 300:
if click[0] == 1 and click != None:
com2 = True
def introduction():
global comtro
global mathtro
win.blit(introBG, (0,0))
win.blit(introTitle, (200, 150))
win.blit(suspense, (190, 210))
mouse = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
click = pygame.mouse.get_pressed()
#Computer Science Button
if 380+110 > mouse[0] > 380 and 280+50 > mouse[1] > 280:
pygame.draw.rect(win, white,(380,280,110,50))
win.blit(csButton1, (390, 280))
win.blit(csButton2, (400, 300))
if click[0] == 1 and click != None:
comtro = True
pygame.draw.rect(win, crushed,(380,280,110,50))
win.blit(csButton1, (390, 280))
win.blit(csButton2, (400, 300))
#Math Button
if 160+110 > mouse[0] > 160 and 280+50 > mouse[1] > 280:
pygame.draw.rect(win, white,(160,280,110,50))
win.blit(mButton, (170, 280))
if click[0] == 1 and click != None:
mathtro = True
pygame.draw.rect(win, crushed,(160,280,110,50))
win.blit(mButton, (170, 280))
#Main game Loop
run = True
while run:
#Quit game
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
run = False
if comtro == True:
mathtro = False
mult = False
div = False
Home = False
if mathtro == True:
comtro = False
com2 = False
com1 = False
Home = False
if com1 == True:
com2 = False
comtro = False
mathtro = False
mult = False
div = False
if com2 == True:
com1 = False
comtro = False
mathtro = False
mult = False
div = False
if mult == True:
div = False
mathtro = False
comtro= False
com1 = False
com2 = False
math2 = False
if div == True:
mult = False
mathtro = False
comtro= False
com1 = False
com2 = False
if Home == True:
mult = False
div = False
com2 = False
math2 = False
game1 = 0
game2 = 0
game3 = 0
game4 = 0
#End Game
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