В одну сторону
Private Declare PtrSafe Function HashData Lib "shlwapi" (pbData As Any, ByVal cbData As Long, pbHash As Any, ByVal cbHash As Long) As Long
Private Function HashString(Text As String) As Long
HashData ByVal Text, Len(Text), HashString, Len(HashString)
End Function
Function test(MyData As String)
CheckSum = 0
For a = 1 To Len(MyData)
CheckSum = CheckSum + Asc(Mid(MyData, a, 1))
test = Right(("0000" & Hex(CheckSum)), 4)
End Function
Option Explicit
Option Compare Text
Private Crc32Table(255) As Long
Public Function InitCrc32(Optional ByVal Seed As Long = _
&HEDB88320, Optional ByVal Precondition As _
Long = &HFFFFFFFF) As Long
Dim iBytes As Integer, iBits As Integer, lCrc32 As Long
Dim lTempCrc32 As Long
On Error Resume Next
For iBytes = 0 To 255
'// Initiate lCrc32 to counter variable
lCrc32 = iBytes
'// Now iterate through each bit in counter byte
For iBits = 0 To 7
'// Right shift unsigned long 1 bit
lTempCrc32 = lCrc32 And &HFFFFFFFE
lTempCrc32 = lTempCrc32 \ &H2
lTempCrc32 = lTempCrc32 And &H7FFFFFFF
'mix Crc32 checksum with Seed value
If (lCrc32 And &H1) <> 0 Then
lCrc32 = lTempCrc32 Xor Seed
lCrc32 = lTempCrc32
End If
Crc32Table(iBytes) = lCrc32
InitCrc32 = Precondition
End Function
Public Function AddCrc32(ByVal Item As String, _
ByVal Crc32 As Long) As Long
Dim bCharValue As Byte, iCounter As Integer, lIndex As Long
Dim lAccValue As Long, lTableValue As Long
On Error Resume Next
'// Iterate through the string that is to be checksum-computed
For iCounter = 1 To Len(Item)
'// Get ASCII value for the current character
bCharValue = Asc(Mid$(Item, iCounter, 1))
'// Right shift an Unsigned Long 8 bits
lAccValue = Crc32 And &HFFFFFF00
lAccValue = lAccValue \ &H100
lAccValue = lAccValue And &HFFFFFF
'// Now select the right adding value from the
'holding table
lIndex = Crc32 And &HFF
lIndex = lIndex Xor bCharValue
lTableValue = Crc32Table(lIndex)
Crc32 = lAccValue Xor lTableValue
'// Set function value the the new Crc32 checksum
AddCrc32 = Crc32
End Function
Public Function GetCrc32(ByVal Crc32 As Long) As Long
On Error Resume Next
GetCrc32 = Crc32 Xor &HFFFFFFFF
End Function
Public Sub Main()
Dim lCrc32Value As Long
On Error Resume Next
lCrc32Value = InitCrc32()
lCrc32Value = AddCrc32("This is the original message!", _
Debug.Print Hex$(GetCrc32(lCrc32Value))
End Sub
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