Хорошо, расширяя мой комментарий, вот мой грубый и готовый тестовый код: раскрутите несколько «ведомых» экземпляров Excel, загрузите копию книги «драйвера» (только для чтения), а затем дайте каждой ведомой книге ссылку наосновная рабочая книга, которую они могут использовать для вызова общедоступного метода LogProgress
для объекта ThisWorkbook
в обычном модуле:
Option Explicit
Dim col As Collection '<< In the master, stores references to slave application instances
' Not really used here though
'For "slave" workbooks - dummy "do some work" long-running
' routine which periodically reports back
Public Sub DoWork()
Dim n As Long
'kick something off...
For n = 1 To 20
Application.Wait Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 1)
ThisWorkbook.ReportWork n '<< update master
Next n
End Sub
'Creates slave instances loaded with copies of this workbook
' and a reference to the master workbook, and loads them into "col"
Sub InitSlaves()
Dim x As Long, app
Debug.Print "Master instance", Application.Hwnd
Set col = New Collection
For x = 1 To 5
col.Add XlInstance(ThisWorkbook.FullName)
Next x
End Sub
'Set up and return a new Excel instance
Function XlInstance(wb As String)
Dim app, wkb
Set app = CreateObject("excel.application")
app.Visible = True
Debug.Print "Slave instance", app.Hwnd
Set wkb = app.Workbooks.Open(wb, ReadOnly:=True)
Set wkb.Master = ThisWorkbook
Set XlInstance = app
End Function
в модуле ThisWorkbook
Option Explicit
Dim masterWb As Object '<< in a slave workbook, a reference to the master wb
'In a slave workbook, gets a reference to the master workbook
' Note: you *must* use 'As Object' here or you can't call the custom
' methods later (because a "WorkBook"-type doesn't have them)
Public Property Set Master(wb As Object)
Set masterWb = wb
End Property
'Gets called on the slave workbooks from the master
Public Sub StartWork()
Application.OnTime Now, "DoWork"
End Sub
'From a slave, send a message back to the master workbook
Public Sub ReportWork(msg)
masterWb.LogProgress Application.Hwnd, msg
End Sub
'In the master, get a message from a slave workbook
Public Sub LogProgress(id, msg)
Dim m
m = Application.Match(id, Sheet1.Columns(1), 0)
If IsError(m) Then
m = Sheet1.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row + 1
Sheet1.Cells(m, 1).Value = id
End If
Sheet1.Cells(m, 2).Value = msg
End Sub