Я пытаюсь сканировать веб-страницу, чтобы получить отзывы и рейтинги этой веб-страницы.Но я получаю те же данные, что и выходные данные.
import scrapy
import json
from scrapy.spiders import Spider
class RatingSpider(Spider):
name = "rate"
def start_requests(self):
for i in range(1, 10):
url = "https://www.fandango.com/aquaman-208499/movie-reviews?pn=" + str(i)
yield scrapy.Request(url=url, callback=self.parse)
def parse(self, response):
print(json.dumps({'rating': response.xpath("//div[@class='star-rating__score']").xpath("@style").extract(),
'review': response.xpath("//p[@class='fan-reviews__item-content']/text()").getall()}))
ожидается: сканирование 1000 страниц веб-сайта https://www.fandango.com/aquaman-208499/movie-reviews
фактический вывод:
{"rating": ["width: 90%;", "width: 100%;", "width: 100%;", "width: 100%;", "width: 100%;", "width: 60%;"], "review": ["Everything and more that you would expect from Aquaman. Lots of action, humor, interpersonal conflict, and some romance.", "Best Movie ever action great story omg DC has stepped its game up excited for the next movie \n\nTotal must see total", "It was Awesome! Visually Stunning!", "It was fantastic five stars", "Very chaotic with too much action and confusion."]}
{"rating": ["width: 90%;", "width: 100%;", "width: 100%;", "width: 100%;", "width: 100%;", "width: 60%;"], "review": ["Everything and more that you would expect from Aquaman. Lots of action, humor, interpersonal conflict, and some romance.", "Best Movie ever action great story omg DC has stepped its game up excited for the next movie \n\nTotal must see total", "It was Awesome! Visually Stunning!", "It was fantastic five stars", "Very chaotic with too much action and confusion."]}