ones = ["", "one ","two ","three ","four ", "five ", "six ","seven ","eight ","nine ","ten ","eleven ","twelve ", "thirteen ", "fourteen ", "fifteen ","sixteen ","seventeen ", "eighteen ","nineteen "]
twenties = ["","","twenty ","thirty ","forty ", "fifty ","sixty ","seventy ","eighty ","ninety "]
thousands = ["","thousand ","million ", "billion ", "trillion ", "quadrillion ", "quintillion ", "sextillion ", "septillion ","octillion ", "nonillion ", "decillion ", "undecillion ", "duodecillion ", "tredecillion ", "quattuordecillion ", "quindecillion", "sexdecillion ", "septendecillion ", "octodecillion ", "novemdecillion ", "vigintillion "]
def num999(n):
c = n % 10 # singles digit
b = ((n % 100) - c) / 10 # tens digit
a = ((n % 1000) - (b * 10) - c) / 100 # hundreds digit
t = ""
h = ""
if a != 0 and b == 0 and c == 0:
t = ones[a] + "hundred "
elif a != 0:
t = ones[a] + "hundred and "
if b <= 1:
h = ones[n%100]
elif b > 1:
h = twenties[b] + ones[c]
st = t + h
return st
def num2word(num):
if num == 0: return 'zero'
i = 3
n = str(num)
word = ""
k = 0
while(i == 3):
nw = n[-i:]
n = n[:-i]
if int(nw) == 0:
word = num999(int(nw)) + thousands[int(nw)] + word
word = num999(int(nw)) + thousands[k] + word
if n == '':
i = i+1
k += 1
return word[:-1]