jqGrid - оставить флажок при перезагрузке сетки при редактировании формы - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 02 мая 2019

У меня есть форма, которая использует jqGrid для отображения персонализированной информации для выбора пользователем. Все работает нормально, однако на странице «Обзор» есть возможность редактировать форму. Когда вы нажимаете «Изменить» и возвращаетесь к выбору формы, все выбранные значения сохраняются, за исключением части формы jqGrid, в которой используются значения флажков. Как сохранить это значение, чтобы пользователю больше не приходилось делать выбор?

var myGrid;
var blnListsFound = true;
var blnGridLoading = false;

function fnInitialize() {
    // Initialize the screen


    // alert("fnInitialize(): JS loaded fine, no errors");

function fnACHSwapGetGrid() {
    blnListsFound = true;
    // make sure we have a from account

    if ($('#selFromAccount').val() == '0') {

    $('#imgWaitselFromAccount').show(); // show loading icon

    var urlString = '';
    var urlParams = new Array();
    // urlParams['rc'] = escape($('#RC').val());
    urlParams['RC'] = escape($('#txtMenuRC').val());
    urlParams['acctNBR'] = escape($('#selFromAccount').val());

    // get application type from aryAccount
    for (act in aryAccount)     {
        if (aryAccount[act]['Number'] == urlParams['acctNBR']) {
            urlParams['Appl'] = aryAccount[act]['Application'];


    myGrid = $("#list").jqGrid({
                url: baseURL + '/scripts/get_user_list.php' + urlString,
                datatype: "json",
                mtype: 'POST',
                width: 660,
                height: '100%',
                pager: '#pager',
                rowNum: 10,
                rowList: [20, 30, 40, 50, 60],
                sortname: 'id',
                sortorder: "asc",
                viewrecords: true,
                multiselect: true,
                repeatitems: false,
                imgpath: '/scripts/jquery-ui/images',

                colNames: ['id', 'Building', 'Company ID', 'Description', 'Individual Name', 'SECCode'],
                colModel: [
                    {name: 'id', index: 'id', jsonmap: 'id', hidden: true, width: 20},
                    {name: 'Building', index: 'Building', jsonmap: 'Building', hidden: true, width: 20},
                    {name: 'CompanyId', index: 'CompanyId', jsonmap: 'CompanyId', width: 110},
                    {name: 'Description', index: 'Description', jsonmap: 'Description', sortable: true, width: 300},
                    {name: 'IndName', index: 'IndName', jsonmap: 'IndName', width: 200},
                    {name: 'UsrNum', hidden: true, index: 'UsrNum', jsonmap: 'UsrNum'}
                            repeatitems: false,
                            root: 'rows',
                            id: '0',
                            cell: '',
                                        root: 'rows',
                                        id: '0',
                                        cell: '',
                                        repeatitems: false

                // subgrid support
                subGrid: true,
                subGridUrl: baseURL + '/scripts/get_user_list.php' + urlString,
                subGridModel: [{
                        name: ['Date', 'ID'],
                        params: ['CompanyId'],
                        align: ['center', 'right'],
                        width: [150, 80]}

                ondblClickRow: function (id)

                beforeRequest: function ()
                    blnGridLoading = true;
                    // console.log("beforeRequest(); setting blnGridLoading=true");
                    fnValidateAccount(); // Check that user has data available
                loadComplete: function ()

                    blnGridLoading = false;
                    // console.log("loadcomplete(); setting blnGridLoading=false");

                    for (swap in arySwap)
                        if (typeof arySwap[swap]['CompanyId'] != 'undefined')
                            $("#list").jqGrid('setSelection', arySwap[swap]['CompanyId']); // select companyId
                    fnValidateAccount(); // Check that user has data available

                loadError: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown)
                    blnGridLoading = false;
                    blnListsFound = false; // no data found for this account
                    // console.log("loadError() setting blnGridLoading=false and blnListsFound=false");

                    fnValidateAccount(); // Check that user has data available

                    //alert('HTTP status code: ' + jqXHR.status + '\n' +
                    //  'textStatus: ' + textStatus + '\n\n ' +
                    //  'errorThrown: ' + errorThrown);
                    //alert('HTTP message body (jqXHR.responseText): ' + '\n' + jqXHR.responseText);
            .navGrid('#pager', {edit: false, add: false, del: false, search: false, refresh: true});
    //$("#list").closest('.ui-jqgrid-bdiv').width($("#list").closest('.ui-jqgrid-bdiv').width() + 10);

    $('#imgWaitselFromAccount').hide(); // hide loading icon
    fnfldDisable("selToAccount", false);

function fnLoadForm() {
    for (swap in arySwap) {
        if ($('#selFromAccount').val() != 0) {
            break;            // populate just once

        if (typeof arySwap[swap]['FromAccount'] != 'undefined' // have swap data
                && arySwap[swap]['FromAccount'] != ''               // and its not blank
            $('#selFromAccount').change(); // trigger change calls
            $('#selToAccount').change(); // trigger change calls

function fnGetAccountTitle(objAccount, fldTitle) {
    if (typeof objAccount != 'object') {
        return false;

    if (typeof fldTitle != 'string') {
        return false;

    if ($('#' + fldTitle).length) {
        $('#' + fldTitle).val('');
        var curAccount = fnGetSelected(objAccount);

        for (act in aryAccount) {
            if (aryAccount[act]['Number'] == curAccount) {
                var Application = fldTitle.replace('Title', 'Application');
                $('#' + fldTitle).val(aryAccount[act]['Title']);
                $('#' + Application).val(aryAccount[act]['Application']);

function fnValidateAccount() {
    var blndoSubmit = true;
    // console.log("fnValidateAccount() called.");
    $("#list").removeClass("errmark"); // reset error display

    if (blnGridLoading) {

        reValidateTimer = setTimeout("fnValidateAccount()", 2000);
        // console.log("Grid loading, retrying validation in 5 seconds");
        blndoSubmit = false;
    else {
        var numRows = $("#list").jqGrid('getGridParam', 'records');     // rows available
        var selRows = $("#list").jqGrid('getGridParam', 'selarrrow');   // rows selected

        if (numRows < 1 || blnListsFound == false) {

            fnDoInvalidData('list', 'No data was found for this account.', true);
            // $("#list").jqGrid('GridUnload');
            blndoSubmit = false;

    return blndoSubmit;

function fnValidate() {
    // Validate data that has been entered by the user.
    var blndoSubmit = true; // Should we submit the form?
    // console.log("fnValidate() " + new Date() );
    // console.log("fnValidate() called.");

    fnResetInvalidFields('frmData');    // Reset the fields marked as errored.

    if (!$('#chkSaveRecord').is(':checked')) {
        return true;


    if (!$('#chkEmailNone').is(':checked')) {
        if (!fnCheckEmail($('#txtEmail').val())) {
            fnDoInvalidData('txtEmail', 'Email Address is not valid.', true);
            blndoSubmit = false;

    var numRows = $("#list").jqGrid('getGridParam', 'records');
    var selRows = $("#list").jqGrid('getGridParam', 'selarrrow');
    // console.log(numRows + ' records loaded, ' + selRows.length + ' selected');

    accountValidated = fnValidateAccount();

    if (!accountValidated) {
        // function shows no_transactions container for us
        fnDoInvalidData('list', 'No data found for this account.', true);
        // console.log("validateAccount gave failure.");
        blndoSubmit = false;

    var tmpselAccount = fnGetSelected('selFromAccount');
    if ((tmpselAccount == '') || (tmpselAccount == '0')) {  

        fnDoInvalidData('selFromAccount', 'Selection required.', true);
        blndoSubmit = false;

    var tmpselAccount = fnGetSelected('selToAccount');
    if ((tmpselAccount == '') || (tmpselAccount == '0')) {  // swap to
        fnDoInvalidData('selToAccount', 'Selection is required.', true);
        blndoSubmit = false;

    if (fnGetSelected('selFromAccount') == fnGetSelected('selToAccount')) {
        fnDoInvalidData('selToAccount', 'Selections must be different.', true);
        blndoSubmit = false;

    // if undefined or no rows or no available
    if (!blnListsFound) {
        fnDoInvalidData('list', 'No data was found for this account.', true);
        blndoSubmit = false;

    if (!accountValidated) {
        fnDoInvalidData('list', 'No data was found for this account.', true);
        blndoSubmit = false;


    if (!blnGridLoading) {
        if (numRows && (typeof (selRows) === "undefined" || !selRows || !selRows.length)) {
            fnDoInvalidData('list', 'At least one item must be selected.', true);
            fnDoInvalidData('selFromAccount', 'At least one item must be selected.', true);

            blndoSubmit = false;

        if (numRows && (typeof (selRows) !== "undefined" && selRows && selRows.length)) {
            // collect selected companyid rows from jqGrid
            var aryCompanyIds = [];
            for (var i = 0; i < selRows.length; i++) {
                        $("#list").jqGrid('getCell', selRows[i], 'Routing')
                        + '=' + $("#list").jqGrid('getCell', selRows[i], 'CompanyId')
                        + '=' + $("#list").jqGrid('getCell', selRows[i], 'Description')
                        + '=' + $("#list").jqGrid('getCell', selRows[i], 'IndName')
            // set values in hidden field
    else {
        // grid still loading
        blndoSubmit = false;

    if (blndoSubmit === false) {

    return blndoSubmit;