## Example CSV import. Use ## for comments and # for configuration. Paste CSV below.
## The following names are reserved and should not be used (or ignored):
## id, tooltip, placeholder(s), link and label (see below)
## Node label with placeholders and HTML.
## Default is '%name_of_first_column%'.
# label: %name%<br>Hostname: <i style="color:gray;">%hostname%</i><br>IP: <i style="font-style: normal;color:gray;">%ip%</i><br>Zone: <i style="color:gray;">%zone%</i>
## Node style (placeholders are replaced once).
## Default is the current style for nodes.
# style: label;image=%image%;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;rounded=1;fillColor=%fill%;strokeColor=%stroke%;
## Uses the given column name as the identity for cells (updates existing cells).
## Default is no identity (empty value or -).
# identity: -
## Connections between rows ("from": source colum, "to": target column).
## Label, style and invert are optional. Defaults are '', current style and false.
## In addition to label, an optional fromlabel and tolabel can be used to name the column
## that contains the text for the label in the edges source or target (invert ignored).
## The label is concatenated in the form fromlabel + label + tolabel if all are defined.
## The target column may contain a comma-separated list of values.
## Multiple connect entries are allowed.
# connect: {"from": "user", "to": "name", "invert": true, "label": "", \
# "style": "curved=1;endArrow=blockThin;endFill=1;fontSize=11;"}
# connect: {"from": "refs", "to": "id", "style": "curved=1;fontSize=11;"}
## Node x-coordinate. Possible value is a column name. Default is empty. Layouts will
## override this value.
# left:
## Node y-coordinate. Possible value is a column name. Default is empty. Layouts will
## override this value.
# top:
## Node width. Possible value is a number (in px), auto or an @ sign followed by a column
## name that contains the value for the width. Default is auto.
# width: auto
## Node height. Possible value is a number (in px), auto or an @ sign followed by a column
## name that contains the value for the height. Default is auto.
# height: auto
## Padding for autosize. Default is 0.
# padding: -12
## Comma-separated list of ignored columns for metadata. (These can be
## used for connections and styles but will not be added as metadata.)
# ignore: id,image,fill,stroke
## Column to be renamed to link attribute (used as link).
# link: url
## Spacing between nodes. Default is 40.
# nodespacing: 40
## Spacing between parallel edges. Default is 40.
# edgespacing: 40
## Name of layout. Possible values are auto, none, verticaltree, horizontaltree,
## verticalflow, horizontalflow, organic, circle. Default is auto.
# layout: horizontalflow
## ---- CSV below this line. First line are column names. ----