У меня есть response-bootstrap-table2, и моя функция expandRow генерирует
теги с атрибутами. Когда я расширяю данные, я вижу ошибку
Warning: Each child in a list should have a unique "key" prop.
Check the render method of `Context.Consumer`.
in span (at table_chart.js:796)
in Unknown (created by Body)
in tbody (created by Body)
in Body (created by BootstrapTable)
in table (created by BootstrapTable)
in div (created by BootstrapTable)
in BootstrapTable (created by Context.Consumer)
in RowExpandProvider (created by Context.Consumer)
in PaginationDataProvider (created by Context.Consumer)
in SortProvider (created by Context.Consumer)
in DataProvider (created by BootstrapTableContainer)
in BootstrapTableContainer (at table_chart.js:828)
in div (at table_chart.js:826)
in listChart (at CallsList.js:70)
in div (at CallsList.js:69)
in div (at CallsList.js:68)
in CallsList (at Home.js:36)
in div (at Home.js:32)
in Home (at App.js:175)
in Route (at App.js:175)
in Switch (at App.js:174)
in div (at App.js:173)
in div (at App.js:162)
in div (at App.js:161)
in div (at App.js:192)
in Router (created by BrowserRouter)
in BrowserRouter (at App.js:191)
in App (at src/index.js:15)
in Router (created by BrowserRouter)
in BrowserRouter (at src/index.js:14)
То есть даже каждому абзацу в раскрывающейся строке необходимо ключевое свойство? Зачем? Внутри py абзаца также есть тег span, img ...
renderer: row => (
<div className="tab">
{Object.keys(row._source.attrs).sort().map(cell =>
<p value={row._source.attrs[cell]}>
<span className="spanTab">{cell}:</span>
<span className="spanTabSmall" > <img
onClick={this.addColumn} field={cell} value={row._source.attrs[cell]}
className="icon" alt="addColumnIcon" title="insert column" src=
{addColumnIcon} /> </span>
<span className="red">{row._source.attrs[cell]}
Проблема в том, что я вижу атрибуты в сгенерированной HTML-таблице
<p class="tabletd" field="attrs.call-id" value="5147447D-5D137270000333DC-
ADC22700"><span class="spanTab">call-id: </span><span
class="spanTabSmall"> <img field="call-id" title="insert column"
value="5147447D-5D137270000333DC-ADC22700" class="icon"
alt="addColumnIcon" ><img field="call-id" value="5147447D-
5D137270000333DC-ADC22700" title="filter" class="icon" alt="filterIcon">
<img field="call-id" value="5147447D-5D137270000333DC-ADC22700"
class="icon" alt="unfilterIcon" title="unfilter" ></span><span
Но только имя атрибута "call-id" не значение, даже если оно есть в теге.