Добро пожаловать в SO @Bob Moore.Надеюсь, это поможет вам, @ me в комментарии, если у вас есть какие-либо вопросы
# Get the content of the list
# in this case, a text file with no heading, and one path per line
$listContent = Get-Content $ENV:USERPROFILE\Desktop\list.txt
# Loop over each child folder and rename it
foreach($line in $listContent)
# check if the current path is valid
$pathTest = Test-Path -Path $line
if($pathTest -eq $True)
Write-Output "`nOld path: $($line)"
$newName = $line + ".moved"
Write-Output "New name: $newName"
# on success, write out message
Rename-Item -Path $line -NewName $newName -Force
# split the string from the file and get the data after the last \ for readability
Write-Output "`nSuccessfully changed directory name $($line.split('\')[-1]) to $newName"
# on error, throw first error in the Error array
throw $Error[0]
else {
Write-Output "$($line) is not a valid path"
Write-Output "`nEnd of script!"