, приведенная ниже, сначала будет корректно использовать почтовый индекс, если он недействителен, возвращает false. если он действителен, он вернет почтовый индекс с пробелом между outcode и incode, независимо от того, указали вы почтовый индекс с пробелом или нет.
function checkPostcode (&$toCheck) {
// Permitted letters depend upon their position in the postcode.
$alpha1 = "[abcdefghijklmnoprstuwyz]"; // Character 1
$alpha2 = "[abcdefghklmnopqrstuvwxy]"; // Character 2
$alpha3 = "[abcdefghjkpmnrstuvwxy]"; // Character 3
$alpha4 = "[abehmnprvwxy]"; // Character 4
$alpha5 = "[abdefghjlnpqrstuwxyz]"; // Character 5
// Expression for postcodes: AN NAA, ANN NAA, AAN NAA, and AANN NAA with a space
$pcexp[0] = '^('.$alpha1.'{1}'.$alpha2.'{0,1}[0-9]{1,2})([[:space:]]{0,})([0-9]{1}'.$alpha5.'{2})$';
// Expression for postcodes: ANA NAA
$pcexp[1] = '^('.$alpha1.'{1}[0-9]{1}'.$alpha3.'{1})([[:space:]]{0,})([0-9]{1}'.$alpha5.'{2})$';
// Expression for postcodes: AANA NAA
$pcexp[2] = '^('.$alpha1.'{1}'.$alpha2.'{1}[0-9]{1}'.$alpha4.')([[:space:]]{0,})([0-9]{1}'.$alpha5.'{2})$';
// Exception for the special postcode GIR 0AA
$pcexp[3] = '^(gir)(0aa)$';
// Standard BFPO numbers
$pcexp[4] = '^(bfpo)([0-9]{1,4})$';
// c/o BFPO numbers
$pcexp[5] = '^(bfpo)(c\/o[0-9]{1,3})$';
// Overseas Territories
$pcexp[6] = '^([a-z]{4})(1zz)$/i';
// Load up the string to check, converting into lowercase
$postcode = strtolower($toCheck);
// Assume we are not going to find a valid postcode
$valid = false;
// Check the string against the six types of postcodes
foreach ($pcexp as $regexp) {
if (ereg($regexp,$postcode, $matches)) {
// Load new postcode back into the form element
$postcode = strtoupper ($matches[1] . ' ' . $matches [3]);
// Take account of the special BFPO c/o format
$postcode = ereg_replace ('C\/O', 'c/o ', $postcode);
// Remember that we have found that the code is valid and break from loop
$valid = true;
// Return with the reformatted valid postcode in uppercase if the postcode was
// valid
if ($valid){
$toCheck = $postcode;
return true;
else return false;