У меня есть следующий вид:
ALTER VIEW [dbo].[vAccount]
with cte_accounts_data AS
null as CompanyVendorAccountId
,CAST(0 as bit) as IsVendorAccount
,null as VendorAccountReference
,null as VendorCompanyId
,ag.[Name] as CompanyAccountGroupName
,CONCAT(c.ShortName + ': ', a.[Name], ' [' + a.[Code] +']') AS DisplayName
,cat.Name as CompanyAccountTypeName
,at.Name as AccountTypeName
,r.Name as Region
,c.Name as Company
,CONCAT(c.Code, ': ', a.Name, ' ',a.Code, ' ', c.Name, ' ', r.Name, ' ', at.Name, ' ', r.Code, ' ') as ViewSearchColumn
[Account] a
JOIN Company c on (a.CompanyId = c.CompanyId)
JOIN CompanyAccountType cat on (a.CompanyAccountTypeId = cat.CompanyAccountTypeId)
JOIN AccountType at on (cat.AccountTypeId = at.AccountTypeId)
LEFT OUTER JOIN vCompanyAccountGroup ag on (a.CompanyAccountGroupId = ag.CompanyAccountGroupId)
LEFT OUTER JOIN Region r on (a.RegionId = r.RegionId)
,CAST(1 as bit) as IsVendorAccount
,a.[CompanyId] as VendorCompanyId
,ag.[Name] as CompanyAccountGroupName
,CONCAT(c.ShortName + ': ', a.[Name], ' [' + cv.[VendorAccountReference] +']') AS DisplayName
,cv.[VendorAccountReference] as [Code]
,cat.Name as CompanyAccountTypeName
,at.Name as AccountTypeName
,r.Name as Region
,c.Name as Company
,CONCAT(c.Code, ': ', a.Name, ' ',a.Code, ' ', c.Name, ' ', r.Name, ' ', at.Name, ' ', r.Code, ' ') as ViewSearchColumn
[CompanyVendorAccount] cv
JOIN Company c on (cv.CompanyId = c.CompanyId)
JOIN CompanyAccountType cat on (cv.CompanyAccountTypeId = cat.CompanyAccountTypeId)
JOIN AccountType at on (cat.AccountTypeId = at.AccountTypeId)
JOIN Account a on (cv.VendorAccountId = a.AccountId)
LEFT OUTER JOIN Region r on (a.RegionId = r.RegionId)
LEFT OUTER JOIN vCompanyAccountGroup ag on (cv.CompanyAccountGroupId = ag.CompanyAccountGroupId)
cv.CompanyId != a.CompanyId
,cte_ranking_order as
SELECT ROW_NUMBER() over (ORDER BY AccountId, CompanyId) as rankNumber,* FROM cte_accounts_data
SELECT [CompanyVendorAccountId]
FROM cte_ranking_order where rankNumber = 1
, который я изменил, чтобы выглядеть как выше.
Ниже приведен исходный вид:
ALTER VIEW [dbo].[vAccount]
with cte_accounts_data AS
null as CompanyVendorAccountId
,CAST(0 as bit) as IsVendorAccount
,null as VendorAccountReference
,null as VendorCompanyId
,ag.[Name] as CompanyAccountGroupName
,CONCAT(c.ShortName + ': ', a.[Name], ' [' + a.[Code] +']') AS DisplayName
,cat.Name as CompanyAccountTypeName
,at.Name as AccountTypeName
,r.Name as Region
,c.Name as Company
,CONCAT(c.Code, ': ', a.Name, ' ',a.Code, ' ', c.Name, ' ', r.Name, ' ', at.Name, ' ', r.Code, ' ') as ViewSearchColumn
[Account] a
JOIN Company c on (a.CompanyId = c.CompanyId)
JOIN CompanyAccountType cat on (a.CompanyAccountTypeId = cat.CompanyAccountTypeId)
JOIN AccountType at on (cat.AccountTypeId = at.AccountTypeId)
LEFT OUTER JOIN vCompanyAccountGroup ag on (a.CompanyAccountGroupId = ag.CompanyAccountGroupId)
LEFT OUTER JOIN Region r on (a.RegionId = r.RegionId)
,CAST(1 as bit) as IsVendorAccount
,a.[CompanyId] as VendorCompanyId
,ag.[Name] as CompanyAccountGroupName
,CONCAT(c.ShortName + ': ', a.[Name], ' [' + cv.[VendorAccountReference] +']') AS DisplayName
,cv.[VendorAccountReference] as [Code]
,cat.Name as CompanyAccountTypeName
,at.Name as AccountTypeName
,r.Name as Region
,c.Name as Company
,CONCAT(c.Code, ': ', a.Name, ' ',a.Code, ' ', c.Name, ' ', r.Name, ' ', at.Name, ' ', r.Code, ' ') as ViewSearchColumn
[CompanyVendorAccount] cv
JOIN Company c on (cv.CompanyId = c.CompanyId)
JOIN CompanyAccountType cat on (cv.CompanyAccountTypeId = cat.CompanyAccountTypeId)
JOIN AccountType at on (cat.AccountTypeId = at.AccountTypeId)
JOIN Account a on (cv.VendorAccountId = a.AccountId)
LEFT OUTER JOIN Region r on (a.RegionId = r.RegionId)
LEFT OUTER JOIN vCompanyAccountGroup ag on (cv.CompanyAccountGroupId = ag.CompanyAccountGroupId)
cv.CompanyId != a.CompanyId
Единственное, что я добавил, был этот cte:
,cte_ranking_order as
SELECT ROW_NUMBER() over (PARTITION BY AccountId, CompanyID ORDER BY AccountId, CompanyId) as rankNumber,* FROM cte_accounts_data
Смысл этого состоял в том, чтобы выбрать только уникальные учетные записи.из исходного списка выберите lsits, задав ему ROW_NUMBER()
и разделив данные с помощью over (PARTITION BY AccountId, CompanyID ORDER BY AccountId, CompanyId)
Когда хранимая процедура пытается объединить это представление с некоторыми другими представлениями, переданными в конкретном @AccountId
,хранимая процедура выполняется в течение 5 минут.
Я действительно не уверен, что это могло вызвать?