Как скрыть несколько кнопок в массиве кнопок?
Мне нужно сделать это: если количество вопросов меньше, чем массив кнопок, то кнопки, которые имеют дополнительные функции, должны скрываться.
@IBOutlet var firstButton: UIButton!
@IBOutlet var secondButton: UIButton!
@IBOutlet var thirdButton: UIButton!
@IBOutlet var fourthButton: UIButton!
@IBOutlet var fifthButton: UIButton!
@IBOutlet var sixthButton: UIButton!
func generateQuestions() -> Question {
// MARK: - Questions
let questionOne = Question.init("questionOne?")
let questionTwo = Question.init("questionTwo")
// MARK: - Answers
let answerOne = Answer.init("answerOne", type: .python, nextQuestion: nil)
let answerTwo = Answer.init("answerTwo", type: .next, nextQuestion: questionTwo)
let answerThree = Answer.init("answerThree", type: .next, nextQuestion: nil)
let answerFour = Answer.init("answerFour", type: .next, nextQuestion: nil)
let asnwerFive = Answer.init("asnwerFive", type: .next, nextQuestion: nil)
let answerSix = Answer.init("answerSix", type: .next, nextQuestion: nil)
let answerOneQT = Answer.init("answerOneQT", type: .next, nextQuestion: nil)
let answerTwoQT = Answer.init("answerTwoQT", type: .next, nextQuestion: nil)
// MARK: - Put answers to question
questionOne.answers = [answerOne, answerTwo, answerThree, answerFour, asnwerFive, answerSix]
questionTwo.answers = [answerOneQT, answerTwoQT]
return questionOne
//MARK: - Update label and titles of Buttons
func updateTittles(_ question: Question?) {
let arrayOfButton = [firstButton, secondButton, thirdButton, fourthButton, fifthButton, sixthButton]
questionLabel.text = question?.text
firstButton.setTitle(question?.answers[0].text, for: .normal)
secondButton.setTitle(question?.answers[1].text, for: .normal)
thirdButton.setTitle(question?.answers[2].text, for: .normal)
fourthButton.setTitle(question?.answers[3].text, for: .normal)
fifthButton.setTitle(question?.answers[4].text, for: .normal)
sixthButton.setTitle(question?.answers[5].text, for: .normal)