при вызове запроса API от службы я получаю следующую ошибку:
JSON parse error: Cannot deserialize instance of `java.lang.String` out of
START_OBJECT token; nested exception is
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.MismatchedInputException: Cannot deserialize
instance of `java.lang.String` out of START_OBJECT token
at [Source: (ByteArrayInputStream); line: 19, column: 30] (through reference chain: java.lang.Object[][0]->com.cellwize.network.mo.load.model.ManagedObject["a"]->java.util.LinkedHashMap["siPeriodicity"])
json, который я пытаюсь получить:
[ {
"guid" : "e_guid_lncell:311|480|6535681",
"uid" : "c3528280-0d50-3ad8-a5be-d2dbdfcb77fd",
"parentUid" : "0306573b-e431-37ad-ae59-5435947548cf",
"parentMoClass" : null,
"originalId" : "025530_1",
"metaType" : "sector",
"vendor" : "e",
"technology" : "4g",
"references" : null,
"updateCommandType" : null,
"scopeId" : "f5ed648f-4b42-4033-9243-db2150840995",
"snapshotId" : 2054717834413232,
"base_key" : "025530_1;MC",
"class" : "vsDataEUtranCellFDD",
"a" : {
"prsConfigIndexMapped" : "1",
"siPeriodicity" : {
"siPeriodicitySI1" : "16",
"siPeriodicitySI10" : "64",
"siPeriodicitySI2" : "64",
"siPeriodicitySI3" : "64",
"siPeriodicitySI4" : "64",
"siPeriodicitySI5" : "64",
"siPeriodicitySI6" : "64",
"siPeriodicitySI7" : "64",
"siPeriodicitySI8" : "64",
"siPeriodicitySI9" : "64"
} ]
функция, которая запрашивает APIВызов:
public Map<String, ManagedObject> mapMosToUids(Collection<String> uids) throws IOException {
if (uids == null || uids.isEmpty()) {
return Collections.emptyMap();
final String url = naasUrl + "/getMos/" + String.join(",", uids);
ResponseEntity<ManagedObject[]> response = restTemplate.getForEntity(url, ManagedObject[].class);
ManagedObject[] mos = response.getBody();
return Arrays.stream(mos).collect(Collectors.toMap(mo -> mo.getUid().toString(), mo -> mo));
Pojo класса:
public class ManagedObject{
public static final String ATTRIBUTES_PREFIX = "a";
public static final String GEN_ATTRIBUTES_PREFIX = "gen";
public static final String PHY_ATTRIBUTES_PREFIX = "phy";
public static final String BIT_ATTRIBUTES_PREFIX = "bit";
public static final String META_PREFIX = "meta";
public static final String CLASS_COLUMN = "class";
public static final String BASEKEY_COLUMN = "base_key";
public static final String NET_CTRL_KEY = "net_ctrl_uid";
public static final String NETWORK_CONTROLLER = "netCtrl";
public static final String META_TYPE_COLUMN = "meta_type";
public static final String GUID_COLUMN = "guid";
public static final String UID_COLUMN = "uid";
public static final String PARENT_UID_COLUMN = "parent_uid";
private static final StringDeduplicator STRING_DEDUPLICATOR = new StringDeduplicator();
private String guid;
private UUID uid;
private UUID parentUid;
private String parentMoClass;
private String originalId;
private String originalName;
private String moClass;
private String metaType;
private String vendor;
private String technology;
private Map<IgnoredCaseKey, Object> attributes;
private Map<String, String> references;
private Map<String, String> meta;
private Map<String, String> genAttributes;
private String updateCommandType;
private Map<String,String> phyAttributes;
private UUID scopeId;
private Long snapshotId;
public ManagedObject() {
this.attributes = new HashMap<>();
this.meta = new HashMap<>();
this.genAttributes = new HashMap<>();
this.phyAttributes = new HashMap<>();
public ManagedObject(UUID uid, UUID parentUid, String moClass, Map<String, String> attributes) {
this.uid = uid;
this.parentUid = parentUid;
this.moClass = moClass;
copyAttributes(attributes, this.attributes);
Я попытался написать свой собственный JsonDeserialize, но это не сработало.Если я получу объект в getForEntity и самостоятельно десериализую его с помощью ObjectMapper, процесс, который будет выполняться поэтапно, в конечном итоге будет работать, но я ищу лучшее решение