Если вы проверите библиотеку типов для зарегистрированного класса C #, вы увидите, что он ожидает SafeArray типа BSTR (строка):
interface IAccountNumbers : IDispatch {
HRESULT CheckAccount(
[in] SAFEARRAY(BSTR) accounts,
[out, retval] BSTR* pRetVal);
Micro Focus COBOL (Net Express и Visual COBOL) поддерживают безопасные массивы, поэтому вы можете использовать такой код, как:
$set ooctrl(+p)
identification division.
program-id. pokus444.
environment-name is environment-name
environment-value is environment-value
decimal-point is comma.
mftech CharacterArray is class "chararry"
mftech OLESafeArray is class "olesafea"
ChkAccNum is class "$OLE$CheckAccountNumber.AccountNumbers".
working-storage section.
mftech copy mfole.
mftech copy olesafea.
01 ChkAccNumObj object reference.
01 accA.
05 acc pic x(34) occurs 100.
01 accR pic x(34).
mftech 01 ws-stringArray object reference.
mftech 01 ws-vartype pic 9(4) comp-5.
mftech 01 ws-dimension pic 9(4) comp-5.
mftech 01 ws-saBound SAFEARRAYBOUND occurs 1.
mftech 01 ws-iIndex pic 9(9) comp-5.
mftech 01 ws-len pic 9(9) comp-5.
mftech 01 ws-hresult pic 9(9) comp-5.
procedure division.
main section.
display "Zacatek programu"
initialize accA accR
move '1234567890' to acc(1)
move '0987654321' to acc(2)
***** Create a 1 Dimension OLESAFEARRAY to pass string array
move VT-BSTR to ws-vartype
move 1 to ws-dimension
move 2 to cElements of ws-saBound(1)
move 0 to llBound of ws-saBound(1)
invoke OLESafeArray "new" using by value ws-vartype
by reference ws-saBound(1)
returning ws-stringArray
***** Populate 2 Elements in OLESAFEARRAY
move 0 to ws-iIndex
move 10 to ws-len
invoke ws-stringArray "putString"
using by reference ws-iIndex
by value ws-len
by reference acc(1)
returning ws-hresult
if ws-hresult not = 0
display "Die Gracefully"
stop run
move 1 to ws-iIndex
move 10 to ws-len
invoke ws-stringArray "putString"
using by reference ws-iIndex
by value ws-len
by reference acc(1)
returning ws-hresult
if ws-hresult not = 0
display "Die Gracefully"
stop run
invoke ChkAccNum "new" returning ChkAccNumObj
***** Pass across the OLESAFEARRAY
invoke ChkAccNumObj "CheckAccount" using ws-stringArray
returning accR
display accR
stop run.