Я создал минимальный воспроизводимый пример, который, как мне кажется, соответствует вашему описанию, но, пожалуйста, дайте мне знать, если это не то, что вам нужно.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
data = pd.DataFrame()
n_rows = 100
data['group'] = np.random.choice(['1', '2', '3'], n_rows)
data['subgroup'] = np.random.choice(['A', 'B', 'C'], n_rows)
Например, мы могли бы получить следующие значения для подгрупп.
In [1]: data.groupby(['group'])['subgroup'].value_counts()
Out[1]: group subgroup
1 A 17
C 16
B 5
2 A 23
C 10
B 7
3 C 8
A 7
B 7
Name: subgroup, dtype: int64
Я создал функцию, которая вычисляет необходимые значения с учетом порядка столбцов (например, ['group', 'subgroup']
) и постепенно строит столбцы с соответствующими процентами.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.cm
def plot_tree(data, ordering, axis=False):
Plots a sequence of bar plots reflecting how the data
is distributed at different levels. The order of the
levels is given by the ordering parameter.
data: pandas DataFrame
ordering: list
Names of the columns to be plotted.They should be
ordered top down, from the larger to the smaller group.
axis: boolean
Whether to plot the axis.
fig: matplotlib figure object.
The final tree plot.
# Frame set-up
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(9.2, 3*len(ordering)))
ax.set_xticks(np.arange(-1, len(ordering)) + 0.5)
ax.set_xticklabels(['All'] + ordering, fontsize=18)
if not axis:
# Get colormap
labels = ['All']
for o in reversed(ordering):
# Pastel is nice but has few colors. Change for a larger map if needed
cmap = matplotlib.cm.get_cmap('Pastel1', len(labels))
colors = dict(zip(labels, [cmap(i) for i in range(len(labels))]))
# Group the counts
counts = data.groupby(ordering).size().reset_index(name='c_' + ordering[-1])
for i, o in enumerate(ordering[:-1], 1):
if ordering[:i]:
counts['c_' + o]=counts.groupby(ordering[:i]).transform('sum')['c_' + ordering[-1]]
# Calculate percentages
counts['p_' + ordering[0]] = counts['c_' + ordering[0]]/data.shape[0]
for i, o in enumerate(ordering[1:], 1):
counts['p_' + o] = counts['c_' + o]/counts['c_' + ordering[i-1]]
# Plot first bar - all data
ax.bar(-1, data.shape[0], width=1, label='All', color=colors['All'], align="edge")
ax.annotate('All -- 100%', (-0.9, 0.5), fontsize=12)
comb = 1 # keeps track of the number of possible combinations at each level
for bar, col in enumerate(ordering):
labels = sorted(data[col].unique())*comb
comb *= len(data[col].unique())
# Get only the relevant counts at this level
local_counts = counts[ordering[:bar+1] +
['c_' + o for o in ordering[:bar+1]] +
['p_' + o for o in ordering[:bar+1]]].drop_duplicates()
sizes = local_counts['c_' + col]
percs = local_counts['p_' + col]
bottom = 0 # start at from 0
for size, perc, label in zip(sizes, percs, labels):
ax.bar(bar, size, width=1, bottom=bottom, label=label, color=colors[label], align="edge")
ax.annotate('{} -- {:.0%}'.format(label, perc), (bar+0.1, bottom+0.5), fontsize=12)
bottom += size # stack the bars
return fig
С данными, показанными выше, мы получили бы следующее.
fig = plot_tree(data, ['group', 'subgroup'], axis=True)